Originally posted by escobar04
the routine is 5 days a week, no breaks
If you are going to the gym 5 times a week you are definitely over training. What kind of routine is that? One body part per day? Legs, arms, chest, back, shoulders/neck or some sh!t? Ridiculous. But anyway this isn't the health and fitness forum so I'm not going to go into that here.
Originally posted by zolo
Now the addiction, I dont mean addiction like drug addiction but when a guy is passing up dates or misses a good time out with friend just to go do some curles, something is seriously wrong
People treat it as an "addiction" because if you break the routine long, it'll take you weeks to get back to where you were. If you stop often and keep restarting then it becomes pointless. You'll never get anywhere with that. Doesn't that suck donkey c*ck? This automatically forces you to either become dedicated or forget about it.
Everytime I start a new semseter in college, my routine always seems to get f*cked up one way or the other. The same thing happens when I meet someone new. My routine gets screwed up. I am hoping that this year, just for once, I won't let any of that sh!t happen this time.