I'm a SGT in the US Army and being Airborne Infantry there is a lot of "retards" running around, but there are also many intelligent characters out there too. Its often hard to notice those types because they tend to shy away from the loud, crazy, I'm too drunk to stand on my own two feet soldiers. Being an NCO I don't hangout with my subordinates unless they all attend. I will however hangout with someone who I have been to combat with. Respect in the workplace is much easier to lose when they are comfortable with your presence when you are out of uniform, because now they see you as a regular guy (which you are but they don't need to see it). Officers talk about CoD and stupid **** too, they just don't let you see it. Half the time a new officer will give you the time of day to express strategy is because they just got out West Point and hes never field tested strategy! An NCO is not trying to hear it because he knows its not your job so therefore you probably don't know what the f*ck you're talking about.