ok here. here is my take. and this will probably rank in the top 5 post of all the posts i've ever done - because i believe my rationale strikes at the heart fo the matter . or it could just be that im drunk and think im being smarter than i really am
i think it was tolstoy (although i could be mistake) who said that the reason a gambler gambles is that they are searching for god.
sounds a bit crazy right?
see the logic was that, in gambling, the odds are against you. you should LOSE. and most people do. but when you win. when you win (win big) it feels like something divine. like the stars lined up and the Gods themselves favored you.
gambling addicts are constantly searching for that moment. that moment when the universe acknowledges them and rewards them / takes care of them. when God proves he exists if you will.
to a non gambler it doesn't make sense, but for the gambler i can see the behavioral logic in it. you're playing a game in which you shoudl lose, so if you ever win big then surely thats a clear indication that the universe is at your side.
so what is it that any man is looking for in a woman? to complete him.
sounds sappy, but i believe its none the less the reality.
a man is looking for a woman who, when he looks in her eyes, feels as though they were meant to be. this experience is almost a divine experience. because the odds of ever finding that in a woman are a billion to one. and every guy knows it.
after all, you meet a million women in the course of your life. and for ONE to make you feel complete - well, surely there can be no more of a proof that God is at work in your life than that? could there?
you see, finding 'the one', is not really just about the one. its about life. its about finally believing that life is good - that its not dog eat dog - that YOUR life has a meanign and destiny to it.
God is Love and findin the 'one' is synonymous with finding God.
those few men who find 'the one' are unstoppable. you can take away all their money. you can afflict them with disease. you can throw every misfortune at them. and they stand strong.
so what any given man is looking for in a woman is that feeling of completeness. of destiny. that it was meant to be.
i dont think there is a word to describe it. but we all know what it is.
honesty, empathy, etc. - are traits that all men are looking for of course, but its not THE thing they are searching for.
we trash oneitis a lot. and rightfully so! but oneitis can be a good thing if your woman has oneitis for you too! that's called love.
in today's world we've relegated 'love' to some bullsh*t idealistic romanticised notion that doesn't actually exist.
personally i believe it does exist. i can tell you this, i've bee nwith some women who, if i had more sense at the time, i could have had a very loving future with.
anyway, at the end of the day, everything we do we do in search of meaning. in search of a feeling of completeness. whether that be with women or with our jobs or whatever.
we are all stumbling about blindly in the dark and we would all give whatever the price asked to find the things that made us feel at ease and at peace in this world of chaos.
to find that job you love. or to find that woman you love.
this is all any man (should) want.
and ultimately, this search, is a search, in my opinion, for God. we are all looking for and hoping to arrive at a point where we 'get it' - where we get our lives and feel as though all the hardships were worth it.
a bit trippy i know. and its easy to argue against what ive just said. sure we can look at it as simply the search for the best neurological 'high' - so which ever woman gives us that we can consider to have hte traits we are looking for. but i believe, when 2 people truly love each other, after all the sexual attraction is leveled off, the bond of love still exists. sex is not the most intoxicating feeling in the world - having someone who truly loves you is - not (just) for your body, but for YOU.
which is why you can DJ forever, but it will never get you loved, it will only get you laid.
finding 'love' is out of your control. it will either happen or it wont. that's the b*tch about life, you can't force it to unfold how you'd like. it either will or it won't.
anyway, just my 2 cents.