Do you go after girls that you arent interested in, but make themselves available?


Senior Don Juan
Apr 12, 2005
Reaction score
What they say is true, its easier for an older guy to get a younger girl...

Yesterday I was at the poolhall with some friends. Outside were these 2 girls that walked pass, they were average looking and probably 16-17. Yea I was checking them out or at least seeing if they were hot or not. They noticed I was looking and I guess they just so happened decided to come in and open a table right next to ours. One of them glanced over a few times and shot a little the other one was calling up people. What I can tell they were definitely not interested in playing pool. they stayed almost 10 mins probably and left.

Today at McDonalds, probably a 16 year old girl was on line to order, I was in another line. She looked over so I looked back. I have no clue what happened or what she said to the cashier when it was her turn. I saw she left. Im still on the other line, and I notice its her behind me with the white shirt..Im like "huh?" And then she jumps over to the line on my right, so she's standing right next to me. Several times she stood closer to me and even faced my direction.

Experience has always taught me if a girl goes out of her way to be near a guy, then its a no brainer. I know there will always be future opportunities...but I feel regretful for these missed opportunities at the same time. Not to say that I was attracted to these girls, but I think it was dumb of me not to take advantage of girls making themselves it could help practice my game and maybe get laid...I hate myself.

But lets be honest who here on this board goes after girls they arent interested in?


New Member
Apr 26, 2007
Reaction score
Cambridge, MA
By all means get all the practice you can, but don juanism is about getting exactly what you want out of life. So it would behove you to spend some time in serious self examination, than proceed toward your stated objectives at full tilt.

Tha Realnezz

Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2004
Reaction score
Sometimes just for sex.

I mean not going after girls i don't think are attractive just girls i lost interest in or don't personally like for whatever reason..