I used to date casually, chase ONSs and drink and do drugs recklessly. I actually started practicing Christianity regularly after I got married and had kids, because at that point, you realize you have skin in this game we call life. Or, I guess I realized life wasn't all about me anymore. I had always been a Christian, but in name only. I had always trusted God when things got rough, but when they weren't, I quickly forgot. I was always brought back down to my knees.
First off, let me tell you that no Christian is perfect. Forget all the crap you've read from both sides of any religion, it's all bull. We're all sinners. Living a Christian life is all about knowing the Lord and serving others, and doing your best at it. Not about a moral high ground. Anyway, to get back to how to reconciliate, I guess you do it without the act of sex. But remember, we're all going to sin no matter what.
Also remember, there's a BIG difference between forgiving and forgetting. Yes, I forgive cheating, but I don't forget. And the consequences of that, is that the relationship is over. If this results in a divorce, I mean, perhaps it was getting married in the first place that was the bad decision, rather than the divorce? But, if you do it right and live out the DJ mindset, you won't ever get divorced, right? It goes on and on in circles.
Bottom line, if you live a DJ mindset, you can date a bunch of women with having sex ie sin I guess, screen them, find a quality woman (preferably a virgin if you are one), then keep her your whole life because you are a DJ, and have all the sex you could ever want with her (God's gift). I guess that's the ideal scenario, but remember again, we're all sinners and it likely won't be ideal. But DJism isn't all about sex....it's a mindset....remember that.
Feel free to ask specific questions, because I know the above probably sounds like rambling.