No I do not approve. But I think a deeper examination of why men solicit escorts provides deep insight into the many problems we face dealing ALL women.
Prostitution is the oldest application of the Scarcity Principle. But it is not sex that is scarce. A guy can get sex from jacking off.
Men pay prostitutes for the illusion of desire.
But don't get it twisted. A woman's sincere desire IS it should be.
But how valuable is her desire? Just because something is scarce does not mean its valuable.
Prostitution is the oldest application of the Scarcity Principle. But it is not sex that is scarce. A guy can get sex from jacking off.
Men pay prostitutes for the illusion of desire.
But don't get it twisted. A woman's sincere desire IS it should be.
But how valuable is her desire? Just because something is scarce does not mean its valuable.