Do you ALWAYS have to deal with LMR?


Don Juan
Mar 31, 2010
Reaction score
Hi guys, just wondering if anyone could share any insights into LMR with me.

I've noticed in the last few months that every single time I have a new girl back in my room with me and I make some sort of move in her, I will ALWAYS get some form of last minute resistance. Examples that I can recall:

"My friends will be wondering where I am."
"NO further." (strong emphasis on no)
"I've just come out of a 2 year long relationship."

Since I started reading PUA material, I've got much better at deflecting these sort of comments, turning them into innuendos, and keeping escalating. However, the LMR has still been there for every single girl I have attempted to sleep with who I haven't already set up some kind of FB relationship with. I've had 2 FBs in the last year, both of whom initially resisted in the same way, only to become far "easier" as time went on.

Have any of the more experienced PUAs on the site reached the stage where they barely experience LMR with a new girl, if at all? I'm not so much interested in tips about overcoming LMR, because I'm getting better at that on my own with practice, but any insights into how to prevent LMR altogether would be awesome.

Thanks for reading.



Don Juan
Jan 18, 2010
Reaction score
That's like a salesman complaining about objections to completing a sale.

It's part of the game.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 14, 2008
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A better place, a better time.
I will say I am not at all an "experienced PUA."

That said, I usually do not get LMR. In fact usually it is the opposite, where the girl is even more amped up and ready to go then I am. The type where when you rip their pants off they are just dripping wet already.

Oddly enough this seems to happen when I don't really have getting laid in mind as an objective that night. I am just hanging out chilling and I figure what the hell, might as well go for it with this chick. And then they are just ready and waiting.

The times when I am actively trying to get in bed with a girl that night, yeah there is definitely LMR and you have to work to bust through it. When I have actually gotten to the LMR stage, I am usually extremely successful just using the basic advice given on this board. It's getting to that point - getting her alone, comfortable, in the mood, logistics, etc - that is still the challenge for me.
Mar 11, 2010
Reaction score
Wellington, New Zealand
You can try to sweet talk your way through it, but this can sometimes backfire. If she sees that you're pushing for sex she may see it as disrespecting her and she'll walk away and never talk to you again. Best to be flirtatious and push right up to that edge before falling over.

If it doesn't happen, it's also good not to get all cut-up about it and make it obvious that you're disappointed.

The basic trick to surpassing LMR, I think, would be to play such a game that she wants you more than you want her. Be focused on just having a good time, with sex as an added bonus, not the one and only goal. Think of it like rugby - scoring tries is the point, not getting the conversions, though they do help put your score up, and only happen after you score the try. Hope that makes sense.


Master Don Juan
Feb 12, 2010
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England, baby!
guys take a look over on RSDnation forum or The Atraction Forums there WILL be lots of info/FR's on LMR....

its pretty easy when you done it once or twice


Don Juan
Mar 31, 2010
Reaction score
Thanks for the responses so far.

The purpose of this thread was, however, not to discuss ways of overcoming LMR because, as kingsam rightly points out, there are loads and loads of articles on various PUA sites to that effect.

The question was more: how do you avoid getting LMR altogther? - if that's even possible?

I agree with what Fury says about getting less LMR if you are actively pursuing sex less. In my experience, if you make the girl seem as if she is duty bound to sleep with you or that sex is somehow an expectation, you make your life a lot harder! But even if you just frame your interactions as "hanging out," the LMR is still there... or it is for me at least.

Any other perspectives on this?


Master Don Juan
Feb 12, 2010
Reaction score
England, baby!
Wodinart said:
Thanks for the responses so far.

The purpose of this thread was, however, not to discuss ways of overcoming LMR because, as kingsam rightly points out, there are loads and loads of articles on various PUA sites to that effect.

The question was more: how do you avoid getting LMR altogther? - if that's even possible?

I agree with what Fury says about getting less LMR if you are actively pursuing sex less. In my experience, if you make the girl seem as if she is duty bound to sleep with you or that sex is somehow an expectation, you make your life a lot harder! But even if you just frame your interactions as "hanging out," the LMR is still there... or it is for me at least.

Any other perspectives on this?
im not really sure how you can prevent it, its such an easy thing to go round that its not really much of an issue?!
possibly have it "just happen" , thats a bit vauge tho!
Mar 11, 2010
Reaction score
Wellington, New Zealand
The only way to not get LMR is if you've already shagged her already or if she's jumping your bones. Simple as that. If she wants you, then the battle's over, and LMR no longer exists (unless she's playing head-games, which women sometimes do).


Don Juan
Sep 7, 2009
Reaction score
Wodinart said:
Thanks for the responses so far.

The purpose of this thread was, however, not to discuss ways of overcoming LMR because, as kingsam rightly points out, there are loads and loads of articles on various PUA sites to that effect.

The question was more: how do you avoid getting LMR altogther? - if that's even possible?

I agree with what Fury says about getting less LMR if you are actively pursuing sex less. In my experience, if you make the girl seem as if she is duty bound to sleep with you or that sex is somehow an expectation, you make your life a lot harder! But even if you just frame your interactions as "hanging out," the LMR is still there... or it is for me at least.

Any other perspectives on this?

To answer your question, they have to want it more than you do, or at least you make it appear that way.

This is not from experience in bringing home girls I just met that night. So I'm sorry if that's what you're looking for. This after several times hanging out. That's just how i roll. The more I got into to applying what I learned here, the less LMR I got. I'm also very patient. I mean super patient. I wouldn't call what I do "game", it has way more to do with my values and not taking chances with girls I just met. I qualify and test her a hell of lot, all down to the very end. I'm the one that resists and gives LMR. And yet, I do this in a way that does not make me appear weak, hard to explain but there is a balance here.

I bring up sex and it comes up in conversation. It lets her know that I do have sex and I know what I'm doing. Yet, I'm not pushing to have sex with her right away. Its a funny thing when the girl is the one begging for sex, they find it funny too. And when they realize that, it makes them like me even more because they realize what kind of power I have over them without even asking for anything. I have had several girls tell me that no ones ever made them wait that long before. So when they're pushing that hard, no way she is going to give me LMR and blow her chance when I finally decide to go for it. She's thankful that I finally gave it to her. How's that for frame control?!

This comes from not really caring about having sex right away. I don't come in with an agenda. This may be hard for guys that pursue women just to have sex. But this laidback approach (at least when it comes to initiating sex) really tests a girls IL, and it probably even raises it since I'm such a challenge.

I do not recommend this approach to virgins unless you're a great actor. You're not making her wait because you're scared of making a move or won't be able to please her, you're making sure she is worth your time and energy. This is hard to pull off unless you believe this in your gut.

I also do not recommend this to guys looking to get laid as much as possible. To me this is about quality over quantity, but to each his own.

Bottomline: If you want avoid LMR from her, then you have to give her LMR. Get her to want it more than you do. Then you give it to her real good! I should also add that if you're spinning plates and she knows that you're having sex elsewhere, she will wonder why you're not having sex with her too!

-- Mr. Fox said it in way less words than I did, his post is right on.