Wheat Waffles posted a video today that explains the issue is not inexperience, but the realities of the dating market today. I've maintained in the past that your obsession with inexperience may, in 2023, be a manifestation of a systemic imbalance of the dating market and nothing at all to do with you:That’s very similar to what that dating coach who I mentioned in my response to Corrector has also said in the past. He specializes in working with men who have no experience at an older age, and he’s said that a man in this situation needs to go out and get experience wherever you can get it from. He didn’t necessarily say to get with fat women, but he pretty much said that it doesn’t matter if just the thought of having sex with her doesn’t give you a hard on, because if you can stomach having sex with her then you need to go for it. He also said that a lot of the inexperienced guys he’s worked with believe that you have to commit to that woman just because you two had sex. So he made it clear that you don’t have to enter into a LTR or a committed relationship of any kind just because you went out on a date with a woman and had sex with her. So he sounds pretty spot on with what you’re telling me and this guy seems to know what he’s talking about. He said its very common for inexperienced men to want jump right into a LTR as soon as they get out there, and he has to tell them that’s not really the best idea most of the time and starting out by dating casually once you enter the dating world usually works out better for them.
This is how most average / below average guys are these days in the dating market. If you look at posts in this board, even normies are struggling and are not even happy campers when it comes to cold-approaching, but sort of have to do it because they know OLD doesn't work for sub-8s.