In reality, personality ranks down low as a first attracter -- not because a chick doesn't like a good personality -- but because she will insert a fantasy one into a good looking guy's body until his true personality flaws, if any, can no longer be overlooked.
That's an excellent point. And you're right. To an extent. Looks are often the initial attractor, but if there ARE personality flaws... most of the time the woman will not overlook them for too long. The worse the personality is, the uglier he becomes in her mind, seriously. The same works for someone "unattractive" (I put that in quotes, because again, eye of the beholder)... If there personality is so great, the more you get to know them, the more attractive they become. Of course, it's true, that if they're unattractive, a lot of women won't take the time to get to know them. Which is why those guys usually do best with friends that became more than friends, than with say, cold pickups. I don't know. Maybe I'm wrong.