Do u think my face will change any or is it gonna stay like this?(PIC)

The Juan and only

Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2005
Reaction score
United Kingdom
I'm not registering on some forum just to see your pic. Upload it to somewhere more convenient please. thnks dude.

The Juan and only

Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2005
Reaction score
United Kingdom
"You are not logged in or you do not have permission to access this page."

..and like I said before..


Senior Don Juan
Dec 21, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by The Juan and only
I'm not registering on some forum just to see your pic. Upload it to somewhere more convenient please. thnks dude.
O yeah u gotta register my bad. MAN all the image hosting sites I tried r blocked on my computer. I'll try to find one tho.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 21, 2004
Reaction score
YO can somebody do me a favor and register to the site I put that picture on and then upload it to another image hosting place and post the link to the picture here because I can't get into any of them. It would be much apprecciated. My mom got this AOL SECURITY lock on my computer that blocks sh*t that aren't even neccessary.

The Juan and only

Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2005
Reaction score
United Kingdom
What's wrong with your face? you seem alright to me.

"Man I ain't gettin no play and I think it has to do with the way I look"

Let me tell you, looks are NOT that important. Yes they matter, but the right attitude will get you so much further - just take care of yourself and you'll be fine.

Look, if you think women don't find you attractive then it's likely that your sending all the wrong signals. you need to be confident and confortable with who you are...first the DJ bible - there's a link at the top of the page.

If you really really hate they way you look then do something about it - change your hair for example. There are always ways to improve yourself, however, like I've been saying, its mostly about attitude and skill. good luck.


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2005
Reaction score

I think you should worry about hair and dress, and your face is not the problem. If you have extra time maybe work out too.

Now, as for your character, I'm going to suggest something like Ice Cube in the show with the kids only of course don't ham it up so much as in the movie. You may need different personas for different types of chics.

right now being a black male in many areas will lend itself well to the nightclub scene as long as you don't act too wussie or dress like crap. I would say try black girls and extremely attractive blonde girls, in my area I think those would be easiest for you to attract. I hate to stereotype, but if I was a bettting man.......

I also know quite a few guys who are no better looking than you that do well with the stern, black man, principal type attitude. That's more likely to work with MILFS though. Finally, whatever you do don't act too feminine, and always say you were raised by both parents or come up with a story about how YOU helped your mom get by. Most black women I talk to complain about guys being too feminine or not willing to help 50/50... when you show you've got mad value, I bet you'll start getting laid regularly.
Nov 3, 2005
Reaction score
You look fine.

Shave your little boy moustache--DO IT. (I used to have one 6 yrs ago dont feel bad)

I would also suggest getting your hair cut alot shorter--Think Mekhi Pheipher, Denzel, etc.



Don Juan
Aug 3, 2005
Reaction score
I think you look fine. But if you want to look better you should keep your hair short buzzed and stay shaved. It would probably help your physical look and your mindset.

The thing about women is they want you to approach them. At least you are only 16. In my opinion its easier to hook up with girls after high school, especially if you go to college. But you need to have the nerve to make the approach and be prepared to try again. That can be tough.

edit: damn social you said the exact same **** as me...


Master Don Juan
Sep 26, 2004
Reaction score
Now, as for your character, I'm going to suggest something like Ice Cube in the show with the kids only of course don't ham it up so much as in the movie.
Are you honestly suggesting that he should try and act like Ice Cube? If so, I strongly disagree with this. Don't try and "act" like somebody you're not. Not only will you look ridiculous (especially to people who know you) but that isn't the right mindset to have. There's nothing wrong with being who you are, just improve your social skills and develop the courage to approach girls. You're going to learn alot on your own when going through this process.

There's absolutely nothing wrong with your appearance.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 26, 2005
Reaction score
you actually look pretty good.. id give your face like a 7/10 if you got a haircut.


Don Juan
Jul 14, 2005
Reaction score
What the f*ck man, you're not ugly.

You look pretty similar to a guy I played soccer with who's a player, decent looking girls too from what I've seen.

I agree though, shave your face and maybe your head.

Believe me, I've seen ugly before.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 31, 2004
Reaction score
you gotta be kidding me man, you must be nuts.
you are a freaking handsome guy compare to me and I can get girls whenever I want.
dont take it personal man, but you are just insecure and thats why chicks are not attracted to you.
girls are not attracted to you because of the way you look, thats for sure, you dont get girls because of the way you act around them.
before I found this site I thought I was the ugliest man alive and thats what I saw in the mirror when I checked myself out.
right now Im 20 pounds heavier, my front teeth are a bit crooked and I lost of most of my hair, Im getting bold.
but guess who I see in the mirror now?
I see a confident guy who can aproach and get any girl's number because now I now that looks dont matter as much as I thought before.
is all about personality man. I bet youve seen those uglier guys at your school with hot girls right? you think they are lucky?
I dont think so, their personality attracts the hot chicks like a freaking magnet. learn those skills and when you see yourself in the mirror youll see the best lookin guy on earth.
life is all about perception, I bet that many chicks like the way you look but you freak them out with your personality.
but, this is what we are here man, to help you learn the tricks of the trade.

be bolder around women, because when you dont give a f.... is when you're most like to get one.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 31, 2004
Reaction score
you gotta be kidding me man, you must be nuts.
you are a freaking handsome guy compare to me and I can get girls whenever I want.
dont take it personal man, but you are just insecure and thats why chicks are not attracted to you.
girls are not attracted to you because of the way you look, thats for sure, you dont get girls because of the way you act around them.
before I found this site I thought I was the ugliest man alive and thats what I saw in the mirror when I checked myself out.
right now Im 20 pounds heavier, my front teeth are a bit crooked and I lost of most of my hair, Im getting bold.
but guess who I see in the mirror now?
I see a confident guy who can aproach and get any girl's number because now I now that looks dont matter as much as I thought before.
is all about personality man. I bet youve seen those uglier guys at your school with hot girls right? you think they are lucky?
I dont think so, their personality attracts the hot chicks like a freaking magnet. learn those skills and when you see yourself in the mirror youll see the best lookin guy on earth.
life is all about perception, I bet that many chicks like the way you look but you freak them out with your personality.
but, this is what we are here man, to help you learn the tricks of the trade.

be bolder around women, because when you dont give a f.... is when you're most like to get one.