Weezy said:
We've been hanging out about a month, been on 3 dates.. I call her about 1x per week to hook something up.
Sounds like this isn't abnormal behavior so I'll not let it bother me..
How often do you call her to hang out?
It depends but overall a couple of calls a week (one short call to just catch up without make any mention of getting together, one even shorter to invite her out). Sometimes when I know what her schedule is like I just
text her saying 'be ready at such and such time, dress this way' without giving any other details.
She is aware of all this as she told me that she would call me on my birthday (in a couple of weeks).
I will tell her 'Don't get me wrong, but don't call me on my birthday. You don't need to do anything you don't like doing'. Just to stir things up a bit and shake her confidence a bit... lol...
BTW, I did bang her on our second date, so that's not the problem here.
I think the gameplan is to go out until she's conditioned to expect going out and a weekly phone call; and then just disappear and leave her wondering. And act aloof, don't call for 2 weeks, then call a couple of times.
But first establish some sort of dating pattern, so she actually misses you when you are not around...
'Don't call men' is all over the net as a women technique. The weakness here is that you have all the control (imagine having to wait for another person to call not knowing when it would happen)...