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Do people still believe in 'game'?


Master Don Juan
Oct 22, 2007
Reaction score
Eastern Time Zone where it's always really late
Yeah looking back on some of the earlier PUA theories or methods, I just cringe.

1. “She’s not rejecting you. She’s just rejecting your approach.”

Sorry, she is rejecting you. Not necessarily on a personal level because she doesn’t really know you, but she’s likely rejecting your look/looks.

2. “The bytch shield is an autopilot response.”

There is a shred of truth here in the sense that she may have her guard up at the bar/club. But it’s NOT autopilot. Any guy with any experience will see her being super cold to one guy and super friendly to another (usually based on looks/status). She’s turning her “shield” on and off at will. It’s manual overrride, not autopilot.

2. “It takes 2 to 10 hours from meet until sex.”

Huh? My all-time fastest pull was 11 minutes. If she’s attracted, a ONS pull shouldn’t take all night.

3. “Use an opinion opener. Women love to give their opinions.”

Women can certainly be quite opinionated later on in the conversation, but they aren’t usually interested in giving opinions to random strangers as an opener.

4. “Wear really loud outrageous looking outfits (ie peacocking).”

I did this and got made fun off by the other guys AND humilated by the DJ over the microphone lol. I didn’t pull either lol.

On other nights (circa 2004), I did some cringe-worthy PUA stuff like wear the glow in the dark Fuze necklace and the LED Belt (that shows funny/dirty messages like a stock quote ticker tape) :cry:.

A cool watch or necklace or fashion accessory is fine. But don’t over do it.

5. “Read her palms or use games like the cube.”

It was also cringe-worthy but good for laughs. I told her that this line on her hand meant she had a high sex drive and therefore “She needs to calm down there Missy” lol. Didn’t score from that, but it was entertaining.

I’m sure there’s 20 more. Tired right now lol.


Master Don Juan
Oct 22, 2007
Reaction score
Eastern Time Zone where it's always really late
The other thing I always found curious.

PUA Rule #3726 - “Never take advice on women from women.”

They make it sound like ALL women give bad blue pill advice on how to be a “nice guy” lol. Obviously that’s not true. Some women DO give good advice. But that’s not my point here. Here is my point...

99 percent of the time, women won’t tell a guy to “work on his game.” As I said, “game” is a bro thing. My question is, if women never believed in “game,” maybe they already know/knew it is/was bullshyte?

Women are natural blackpill-ers IME. I’ll present Exhibit A next...

When I was big into game and watching shows like The Pickup Artist, I told a female friend all about the show and this guy Mystery who is a game expert and scores a lot. She was quite fascinated by the topic. And I will NEVER forget what she said to me next....

She said, “Is he like really good looking?”

I was puzzled by her response at the time. I was thinking, “His looks don’t matter. You don’t understand. It’s a show about game.”

It turned out that I was the clueless one. She was black pill before the term was invented lol.
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Master Don Juan
Mar 6, 2015
Reaction score
As Marmel said game still exists but Pua has been superseded. The main problem is there were some nuggets buried by tons of bs.

These days there s much better science-based material. I think it was in the book 59 seconds. They had some poor post grad in France asking woman for their phone number on the street. Strike rate was 1 out of 10. Then tried asking with a light touch on the lower arm. Strike rate was 1 out of 5.

So the basic Kino some of us recommend probably has some effect given an already interested woman.

The point is it's a very small effect say most of the time you're probably better off just running more numbers.

when I'm on the market which is not very often I have a basic setup I use and then I just run the numbers and see what will be.

Sometimes my dates come from Friends sometimes from situational approach sometimes from online. I couldn't care less as long as the funnel is fed.
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Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
Reaction score
The other thing I always found curious.

PUA Rule #3726 - “Never take advice on women from women.”
Lol, that one used to drive me crazy here on the forum. Some guys would give some sort of standard PUA advice, and everybody would praise him (there was a lot of group think/group speak back in those days). Then someone else would give the exact same advice but prefaced it with "a girl told me that...". Then everybody would trip all over themselves to tell him "Never take advice on women from women" and "If you want to learn how to fish, don't ask the fish".

I actually always thought that a fish would know a lot about what attracts it, what kind of bait it liked, etc. But of course, fish don't talk.

Some women's advice on women is good, some is lousy. A lot like men's advice, come to think of it. I think a lot of women give out the BS nonsense answers (like "go tell her you love her" or "go be nice to her") when they're not really interested and don't really give a sh!t.


May 11, 2019
Reaction score
I remember a time when people didn't respect your opinion on "game" unless you were like that 5/10 dude. Because people figured that if you had money, or if you were good looking, obviously you were going to get women on that merit, and you didn't need game. And the only way to prove that it was your game that was really working was if you weren't good looking or rich. If you could still get women, then people would listen to you.

In your example above, where the guy goes into a club, I would say that now they would tell that guy to eject when he gets rejected by a girl, and find a more receptive target, rather than waste your time trying to "game" her into bed. In other words, find the high interest girl.

I was reading some FR's earlier and guys were getting shot down, and the advice is always the same. ''Good stuff. You tried. You simply weren't her physical type. No worries. You've screened her out. NEXT!!!!''

Now, I don't even disagree, but imagine that advice being given in mysteries day!! lol. It would have been 'YOu damn well MAKE her interested with your 'game' verbals!!!'' lol


Master Don Juan
Oct 22, 2007
Reaction score
Eastern Time Zone where it's always really late
They would also have something called “plowing” where the guy who force himself to (remain inset and) keep talking (loudly) even when the group of girls were clearly ignoring him.

That’s “Overstaying your welcome” and wasting time at best and borderline harassment at worst.
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Master Don Juan
Oct 22, 2007
Reaction score
Eastern Time Zone where it's always really late
Notwithstanding all the discussion of lack of belief in game, I think the bigger reason a lot of PUA instructors are leaving the business is because of the political/media climate.

A lot of the instructors and gurus work full time jobs (or run other businesss) and simply don’t want to take the risk anymore.

Dash Riprock

Master Don Juan
Sep 16, 2005
Reaction score
Mile High City, USA
"Game" is a relative term, and yes, when used (and defined properly) it DOES work well.

What "Game" is NOT: Contrived, rehearsed, scripted, insincere, memorized pick-up lines and actions that you were "taught."

What "Game" IS: Understanding the Laws of Attraction as they related to the typical, middle of the bell-shaped curve, heterosexual female and adapting them to utilize the best qualities of your personality, traits, and skills.

My usual/natural "Game": Outgoing, very confident, funny, good conversationalist, using proper body language and vocal tone, dressing well but sexy (spring/summer example: form fitting v-neck Calvin Klein T, form fitting [not "skinny"] designer jeans, chukkas or nice Sketchers, TAG watch, a few leather bracelets), watching for signs of attraction/high-interest, knowing when to: cut the date, kiss, invite over.

Focus on your strengths, whatever they are. Don't ever try to be someone else or use a "canned" approach.

Good luck.


Don Juan
May 20, 2019
Reaction score
I will add my two cents as someone who has been off/on SS since 2004 under various screennames (favorite poster Anti-dump best all time IMO) Game does not mean jack- sh!t in the grand scheme of things.Example I have known 3 crazy ass BPD chicks for years who come in and out of my life at different times but always come back for a good fvcking because HOOVERMEBABY fvcks them good.They have a seemingly lifetime high interest level in me.Out of my lifetime lay count of 300 plus women 12 always are hanging around and this keeps me from EVER having a dry spell.Why don't the other 288 do this ?? because their interest level simply isn't there...in this "game" you live and die by interest level and interest level alone.


Don Juan
May 31, 2019
Reaction score
lol, read the replies. It's not 'game'. It's looks (mainly. Especially for the hot young ones) and status/wealth
What other excuses do you have?

First things first, you can have money/fame/looks and get played out. It happens all the time. You think all you need is a nice rolex and range rover and any hot chick you approach instantly is down for sex? If you have no game, she will take everything you have.

You're throwing out excuses to rationalize why you can't bang chicks. If you read any books on Game you would know this. Go read up
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May 11, 2019
Reaction score
I will add my two cents as someone who has been off/on SS since 2004 under various screennames (favorite poster Anti-dump best all time IMO) Game does not mean jack- sh!t in the grand scheme of things.Example I have known 3 crazy ass BPD chicks for years who come in and out of my life at different times but always come back for a good fvcking because HOOVERMEBABY fvcks them good.They have a seemingly lifetime high interest level in me.Out of my lifetime lay count of 300 plus women 12 always are hanging around and this keeps me from EVER having a dry spell.Why don't the other 288 do this ?? because their interest level simply isn't there...in this "game" you live and die by interest level and interest level alone.
sounds like you're talking about keeping girls around?
I'm talking about getting them in bed in the first place.
Do you think it was your 'game' that got the girls you cold approached in bed? (your confidence and your verbals and 'push-pull' lines etc) or was it that all them girls thought you were just handsome (and thus, everything just fell into place without you needing to do much as is the case when a girl thinks you're handsome as **** lol)


Don Juan
May 31, 2019
Reaction score
sounds like you're talking about keeping girls around?
I'm talking about getting them in bed in the first place.
Do you think it was your 'game' that got the girls you cold approached in bed? (your confidence and your verbals and 'push-pull' lines etc) or was it that all them girls thought you were just handsome (and thus, everything just fell into place without you needing to do much as is the case when a girl thinks you're handsome as **** lol)
You're an AFC


Master Don Juan
Jun 2, 2012
Reaction score
By That, I mean the abililty to get hot girls in bed with a mixture of body language and verbals basically. Nothing else. Imagine you are a 5/10, fairly broke 39 year old.
You go into a club full of 9.5/10 19 year olds and you want one. They notice you and think you're an ugly old man and they claim to only want to hook up with the handsome young guys in their social circle, but you somehow use your 'game' to get her in bed.
If you succeed to demonstrate higher value than all the men around her she may come with you, however the much you have indicators of low value the much you have to have more solid game example :
being older in the group , being average height , etc all these indications of low value , so the good gamer has to provide things that make up to all of these . that is my many PUA lie a lot to girls, to make up on all his down sides, so he claim for example to be business man in a trip to this city to open his new hotel branch. Or he is film producer who works with some movie stars and just happen to be in this bar to meet some friends.

The reason why PUA websites is shutting down is that online dating is working better for a lot of men. And women have social media to connect with men, they are no longer waiting for that guy in the corner to come and talk to her unless he is really hot.
Women due to availability of men and their higher experience are more likely to leave less space for negotiation, if before she needed 3 second to decide if she is going to sleep with you or not, today she dont even have to think in that unless she see something interesting and then she will give it 1 second window. women no longer "in look" for a man, they are looking for the best man.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
Reaction score
The reason why PUA websites is shutting down is that online dating is working better for a lot of men. And women have social media to connect with men, they are no longer waiting for that guy in the corner to come and talk to her unless he is really hot.
I wasn't really aware of this phenomenon of PUA websites disappearing. I know the RSD site is still up, but their forum is down. I remember reading something about Roosh moving away from pickup. I'm not sure what the reasons are. My suspicion is a lot of this stuff has become well known in the mainstream (even if it's only to ridicule it). I notice I hear the word "alpha" a lot more in the media now than I ever used to. I have to think most people are aware of some of the more cliched PUA tactics, and kind of shy away from them because they don't want to be seen in that particular light. I'm not fond of labels myself.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
Reaction score
The reason why PUA websites is shutting down is that online dating is working better for a lot of men.
How do you figure that? It's like saying unemployment is lower because people have given up looking for a job rather than actually working.


May 2, 2010
Reaction score
Well, 'game' is irrelevant if you approach some young beauty and you aren't her physical type, obviously.

But from that point 'game' can get her into bed easier and quicker since you're less likely to lose that attraction that you get from looks by appearing confident and fun etc

But yeah, id you're not handsome (in her opinion) then all the 'game' in the world ain't gonna get you in her pants lol.

There's nothing in any 'game' books that any guy shouldn't already know anyway, tbh. It's all very obvious stuff that shouldn't need to be learnt really

Epic Days

May 7, 2019
Reaction score
“Game”, was the wrong model from the start. But more importantly it was the cart before the horse.

Sooo many of these successful PUAs from the past and present ended up wrecked anyway. Screaming evil damaged women.

WTF Did they think was going to happen? You’re never going to con a woman out of her biological procreation strategies. Never. The entire paradigm of boy meets girl, fall in love, get married and have children, live full life, is never going to fly again. It’s over.

The idea of “completeness” has floated over to men. There is no such thing. Until the men able to undo their programming, leaving the rest that can’t to die off, and withdrawal from the hubby paradigm fully, we don’t have much of a chance and even then, a slim chance.
The political powers will isolate, declare insane, or outright kill us in a made up war when men start withdrawing en masse.

Do not underestimate the future. Do not be naive again. There are massive examples of this precedence in history. I am not tying to be dark or rain on anyone’s parade illusions. That “family” paradigm is over. Women talk family but have mixed children from different fathers. Some have hidden the mixture very well and have kept if from their husbands. When women say “family”, they mean their offspring. Women know their exact family tree. Men do not. You don’t really register. You are a potential sperm donor.

Watch women working on genealogy. The whole time they know, every single one of them, that many of those “fathers” are not in fact the actual fathers. They know. But of course “not all women are like that”, or so you are told.

No matter what you think, as a man, you are on your own. Stop lying to yourself. Become better men. Learn to control your biology and fuk only the women you actually want to fuk.

The second you start dreaming about the possibility of an LTR or marriage with her, you have defaulted to your programming and social conditioning. Marry or enter an LTR with only the feminine woman. Only she might be the worthy.
If you have to have a woman...then whatever happens to you is YOUR fault.

Here is some food for thought. Guys are now programmed to think and operate on...
“I want an intelligent, independent woman.”

This sets you up to marry a nightmare. They have to get these worthless women married off so you will work like a dog. She runs out, gets an education in liberal arts, she now thinks she’s brilliant. The whole time using other men for her purposes. Yep, you just have to have a “smart” woman. My god, you are so gullible. You have been brainwashed.

Now the smart ones actually get degrees in hard professions. Why is this? Because she no longer has to conceal her sexual habits and biology. She doesn’t need your resources (despite her unquenchable biology), she can operate as a sex machine with complete safety. There’s your “smart” woman.
How stupid can a man get? Well that’s easy, the only thing she can offer (temporarily) is vagina and boobs yet he’s convinced she offers some mystical, magical pile of horse$hit. LMAO
What you are actually looking for is her femininity. That is the magical, mystical for a man. Search only for that.

Women are simple beings. The only thing they want is unrestricted access to their sexual habits and practices. That’s all.
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Master Don Juan
Jun 2, 2012
Reaction score
It's like saying unemployment is lower because people have given up looking for a job rather than actually working.
No, it is like people using online job search instead of going in person to drop their resumes. and just like hiring managers no longer read all the resume but use keyword filters to weed out the unqualified. same thing women doing to filter men, they are quickly to judge the man by little indicators they notice without giving him a chance.

Beside that you cut my reasoning , here is all my statement :

The reason why PUA websites is shutting down is that online dating is working better for a lot of men. And women have social media to connect with men, they are no longer waiting for that guy in the corner to come and talk to her unless he is really hot.
Women due to availability of men and their higher experience are more likely to leave less space for negotiation, if before she needed 3 second to decide if she is going to sleep with you or not, today she dont even have to think in that unless she see something interesting and then she will give it 1 second window. women no longer "in look" for a man, they are looking for the best man.
I have to think most people are aware of some of the more cliched PUA tactics
Their mass approaching tactics brought some negative attention to them, now any guy hitting on girls in malls especially in Toronto, the security will warn him to leave as they think he is doing mass approaching. Some malls even threaten to call police on any PUA activity.
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