Do not tolerate BS from women


Sep 10, 2014
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Got a number from a chick online, texted her to set up a meeting. She was a little farther out than I normally go so I told her I'll drive out to see her but she is buying the first round of drinks. She said Deal!!

So I text her to find out her schedule and she tells me "packed for 2 weeks at work and then on vacation after that". I already know it's BS, so I just tell her to hit me up when she gets back and if I'm still single maybe we can do something. She says OK.

Then after thinking about it for a few minutes I said fvck that.

So I text her back "Actually on second thought don't bother"

"Why??? What's wrong??" She replies.

So I tell her I'm as busy as anyone I know but I'm sure I could find an hour to meet someone for a drink within a 2 week period if that's something I really wanted to do. I said I felt she was blowing me off and I don't really go for that.

Then she immediately starts apologizing and starts making excuses. I tell her I'm not interested in hearing them. Then she asks if I'm available tomorrow. I ask how can she be free tomorrow if she was busy for 2 weeks straight? She makes up some BS about flipping her schedule. I decline. Then she asks me if I'm free Thursday. I said if I agree to Thursday she's buying all the drinks not just the first round. She agrees.

The lesson in all this is to not accept what you know is a BS response. And even if it's not, she is going to work pretty damn hard to make something happen once you challenge her in a way most guys are too afraid to and show her you could give a crap and you will just walk away.

Not sure what her IL was prior to this but I'm pretty sure it's really high now...


Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2007
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In the beginning, to have balls or not to have balls can direct whether the attraction switch is firmly on or off. When in doubt (with women), ALWAYS take the bold approach.

If a girl is on the ropes with her attraction level to you, CHALLENGE her, SUBDUE her, DOMINATE her. This can quickly change a yellow light to bright green--like a switch.

Be OVERT. Be BOLD. At the very least, if you lose the women, you gain TRANSCENDENCE to life.


Sep 10, 2014
Reaction score
guru1000 said:
In the beginning, to have balls or not to have balls can direct whether the attraction switch is firmly on or off. When in doubt (with women), ALWAYS take the bold approach.

If a girl is on the ropes with her attraction level to you, CHALLENGE her, SUBDUE her, DOMINATE her. This can quickly change a yellow light to bright green--like a switch.

Be OVERT. Be BOLD. At the very least, if you lose the women, you gain TRANSCENDENCE to life.
This Tren/test cycle I'm running has my BS tolerance at an all time low...maybe even too low...I give beyond zero fvcks right now. The aggression I feel is like I'm a caged animal waiting to's actually a little scary to be honest...
Jul 15, 2015
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BackInTheGame78 said:
This Tren/test cycle I'm running has my BS tolerance at an all time low...maybe even too low...I give beyond zero fvcks right now. The aggression I feel is like I'm a caged animal waiting to's actually a little scary to be honest...
Haha. Yeah Tren will do that to you. I had to stop using Tren because even just 150mg of Tren-E a week would give me terrible night sweats and make me aggressive enough people could tell the difference, and I'm sure other people take a lot higher dose than that.

I think you should give women at least two chances to schedule a date though. There are just as many controlling and/or needy guys out there that women have had bad experiences with as there women who are flaky and string you along in case they need a rebound. Women don't want to get involved with a stalker or someone abusive, so they will often do something to test how easily you become frustrated or upset. It's also in a woman's nature to test a man's strength and confidence, that's one of the ways they develop attraction for him.

Also keep in mind that you're testing her just as much as she's testing you. If a woman is too eager to see you then that's a sign she's either needy, insecure, or you're a rebound. I mean having a strong sense of self worth is great, but when a woman is desperate to see you it's probably because she's lonely, not because you're the most awesome guy in the history of a mankind. Do you really want to waste your time and money on a woman who's hung up on her ex of 5 years and no matter how great the dates go she's going to end up going back to him in 3 weeks when he calls her?

Women are not logical like guys. They aren't comparing the pros and cons and declaring another guy the winner. Women make decisions based on how they feel. A lot of the initial attraction a woman has from you comes from how much time she has without contact with you, because then you're a mystery and she's thinking about you her attraction grows. For all you know she met some other guy who's half the man you are, but she met him two days earlier so she's had all the extra time to think about him. Also, women are attracted to confidence, which is another thing that makes asking out a woman over the phone more difficult because she can't see your body language.

It sucks, but in today's age of electronic communication you are likely going to have to ask, wait, and ask again to get a date with most women. If you want women to not be so flaky, you have go approach them in person. Women are attracted to confidence like men are attracted to beauty, and when they see you walk, head high, making eye contact, smiling, calm, funny, friendly, as well as assertive in asking them out and conveying your romantic interest confidently, that's when they will be almost forced to say yes to a date. If you FB message, text, or even call, they can't see your eye contact, body language, etc, so they probability of them flaking is going to skyrocket no matter how great a guy you are.


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2013
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guru1000 said:
In the beginning, to have balls or not to have balls can direct whether the attraction switch is firmly on or off. When in doubt (with women), ALWAYS take the bold approach.

If a girl is on the ropes with her attraction level to you, CHALLENGE her, SUBDUE her, DOMINATE her. This can quickly change a yellow light to bright green--like a switch.

Be OVERT. Be BOLD. At the very least, if you lose the women, you gain TRANSCENDENCE to life.

Is it even worth it to be bold with a woman who plays childish games?


Master Don Juan
Dec 31, 2011
Reaction score
wow OP, is so weird! something almost identical happened to me with a chick today!! I wrote a post about her.

The thing is that I met her on FB a few days ago, we chatted etc, and I asked her to meet me sometime this week and she said that she'd like to but she has little time because she has to work and she is going on vacations this week. She said:

her: "why dont we meet after I come back instead (in two weeks)? I dont have much time this week (who doesnt have one free hour right?)"
me (after thinking whether or not I should agree or not): "not sure about that. See this, we can meet sometime this week for 10 minutes and if we click we can go to grab a drink afterwards, or we can go separate ways, no problem in any case"
her: "you sound a bit ****y dont you? ok, what about today?"

See?? pretty similar isnt it?
Had I agreed to meet her once she's back from her holidays, ie whenever she felt like it, we would have probably never met.

So today's evening we met and we had a nice time, gave her a small kiss in the lips, etc.

Conclusion: do not accept bullsh-it excuses from women. Be a bit persistent, and if she still behaves wishy washy after you being persistent, then forget about her.
But sometimes when you barely know a is ok for her to second guess whether or not she wants to meet you, and it is ok for you to persist and get what you want.

In this case I was persistent and I also showed her that eventhough I wanted to meet her I was willing to walk away if she gave me bull-**** excuses.


Don Juan
Aug 6, 2015
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BackInTheGame78 said:
Got a number from a chick online, texted her to set up a meeting. She was a little farther out than I normally go so I told her I'll drive out to see her but she is buying the first round of drinks. She said Deal!!

So I text her to find out her schedule and she tells me "packed for 2 weeks at work and then on vacation after that". I already know it's BS, so I just tell her to hit me up when she gets back and if I'm still single maybe we can do something. She says OK.

Then after thinking about it for a few minutes I said fvck that.

So I text her back "Actually on second thought don't bother"

"Why??? What's wrong??" She replies.

So I tell her I'm as busy as anyone I know but I'm sure I could find an hour to meet someone for a drink within a 2 week period if that's something I really wanted to do. I said I felt she was blowing me off and I don't really go for that.

Then she immediately starts apologizing and starts making excuses. I tell her I'm not interested in hearing them. Then she asks if I'm available tomorrow. I ask how can she be free tomorrow if she was busy for 2 weeks straight? She makes up some BS about flipping her schedule. I decline. Then she asks me if I'm free Thursday. I said if I agree to Thursday she's buying all the drinks not just the first round. She agrees.

The lesson in all this is to not accept what you know is a BS response. And even if it's not, she is going to work pretty damn hard to make something happen once you challenge her in a way most guys are too afraid to and show her you could give a crap and you will just walk away.

Not sure what her IL was prior to this but I'm pretty sure it's really high now...
You lost and submitted to her as soon as you buckled and told her to call you back when ever she is available even if you recovered within a short period of time. You started out fine but you don't ever fumble or break the momentum during game,this in turn showed her weakness and is most likely to flake on you.


Sep 10, 2014
Reaction score
loco said:
You lost and submitted to her as soon as you buckled and told her to call you back when ever she is available even if you recovered within a short period of time. You started out fine but you don't ever fumble or break the momentum during game,this in turn showed her weakness and is most likely to flake on you.
Actually I told her to hit me up and if I was still available I'd see what I could do. Totally different from what you said. I gave her a wishy washy response back, not a call me and we will meet up.

I rarely get flaked on, and this won't be one of those times if I had to bet...


Sep 10, 2014
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pyros said:
So today's evening we met and we had a nice time, gave her a small kiss in the lips, etc.
Here is the issue with that. You should have fvcked her. A small kiss on the lips doesn't go with the way you acted pre-date. Dominant via text and then not in person doesn't go together. I'd be surprised if you get another date because she will be like WTF was that about? Let us know tho.


Mar 12, 2011
Reaction score
Whenever a girl says "lets meet in 2 weeks, or I'll call you when I'm back" after you made an offer, no response is warranted, just go and try to sleep with another girl.

To respond emotionally (via text, which makes no sense to me) shows the girl you have no other options since you HAVE TO meet her that night. You weren't good at the introduction to get her to meet you right away, she throws you a curveball, and then you get dominant. Just be straight from the beginning.

I also don't know how someone can get dominant via text (ANSWER ME NOW!):crackup: But I guess it works on some girls.


Sep 10, 2014
Reaction score
Trump said:
Whenever a girl says "lets meet in 2 weeks, or I'll call you when I'm back" after you made an offer, no response is warranted, just go and try to sleep with another girl.

To respond emotionally (via text, which makes no sense to me) shows the girl you have no other options since you HAVE TO meet her that night. You weren't good at the introduction to get her to meet you right away, she throws you a curveball, and then you get dominant. Just be straight from the beginning.

I also don't know how someone can get dominant via text (ANSWER ME NOW!):crackup: But I guess it works on some girls.
There was no emotion involved. I told her don't bother contacting me. Then she asked why and I told her why, again with no emotion involved.

Sorry, but I've had far more success calling BS than playing the "don't say anything" game. Being dominant via text is about wording things properly and it can be done very effectively as long as you follow it up in person.


Master Don Juan
Sep 4, 2014
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Im glad it worked for you, you should cancel the date on the day off :)

Anyways, I generally won't care enough to call her BS and won't lash out in order for her to reconsider or recognize my value. If her interest level isn't high by her own accord then oh well but thats just me. It usually isn't all that serious, world doesn't revolve around her.

Keep us updated and don't forget to enjoy the date.


Sep 10, 2014
Reaction score
stevo said:
Im glad it worked for you, you should cancel the date on the day off :)

Anyways, I generally won't care enough to call her BS and won't lash out in order for her to reconsider or recognize my value. If her interest level isn't high by her own accord then oh well but thats just me. It usually isn't all that serious, world doesn't revolve around her.

Keep us updated and don't forget to enjoy the date.
No, now its a game, and I am going to see if she will submit to me.

I think sometimes we get so worried about following the same advice over and over again that we don't realize there are other ways to do things as well. In this particular instance, I am not worried about "moving on". I could do that very easily. I have so many numbers right now that I don't even think I've initiated texting with the last 20 or so because I simply don't have time.

But where does that get me in the long run? Nowhere. It just enables me to not deal with a situation I could turn in my favor sometimes. And my indifference does exactly what for the woman I am dealing with? Nothing. Of all the times I've tried it in the past, NONE have ever re-initiated contact. Low interest? Probably, but if you could change low interest to medium to high interest in the course of a few texts, why wouldn't you do it? How much of an investment is that? Virtually none.

Moving on and having a mindset of having plenty of options is great in theory, but it does nothing to teach you how to turn situations in your favor. That is a great first step for people who have few to no options, but I have lots of options. However, I also have low BS tolerance, and I am not going to just go meekly away---it doesn't fit my image or my profile. I am built like a beast, very muscular and I assume a woman is thinking I'm a dominant type, which I am pretty much am. So for me to just be like "oh, ok, no problem" doesn't fit with what they picture me as being. I'm aggressive, and if they get a taste of my aggression I don't think its a bad thing---it reinforces the image they already have. The key is to do it in a way that doesn't make you seem like you are whining, but more so matter of fact like "I know you are full of sh!t and I'm not going to put up with it."

Just my two cents...


Master Don Juan
Dec 31, 2011
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Many guys here forget that OP MET HER ONLINE.

You know, not all women you meet show super high interest right off the bat, and when you meet a woman online, yeah she could really like your pics and be desperate to meet you, but other times they just find you ok, they've never actually seen you in person, or talked to you in real life. They dont know if you're a creep, a stalker, weird, too aggressive...and they probably have other options as well, so...her interest is from medium to low.
But that doesnt mean you cant raise it, either via text, or via phone call.

And if you persist a bit and put some work, and you get the date, your chances probably increase a lot and her interest level moves from low to medium or to medium-high.

So what was the big deal? you had to put a bit of 'effort' and you got the date and now she likes you more. What was the problem? she is a damn girl from online.

It is not the same if you met her in real life. If you meet her this way, talk to her etc, and then you ask her out and she doesnt seem enthusiastic...well, you can next her cause in this case she already saw you, interacted with you etc...and...she just doesnt like you. So there is no point trying to 'force' her to go out with you. But if it is online, hell yeah.

We dont have to accept bull-sh-it from women and we have to next the girls that are not into us, but some guys here next women ALL THE TIME FOR ANY REASON:
- she doesnt reply to my text instantly ---> next
- she cancels one date ---> next
- she doesnt wanna have sex by date two ---> next
- she seems a bit distracted with her phone ---> next

You guys have to find the right balance between nexting a girl who's clearly not into you, and a girl that has just medium interest and probably has other options.

Do not next, next, next, unless is pretty obvious she is not into you, example:

- she refuses to have sex with you twice when at your place.
- she refuses to kiss you twice in a row.
- she cancels more than one date in a row.
- she is always busy to meet you.
- she seems to like you but lives in another country.
- she disrespects you constanly.
- etc.

THESE are reasons to next a woman.


Master Don Juan
Sep 15, 2009
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U.S. East
Not bad backinthegame!

I do have to say, some people in the past generally do have plans beforehand. One girl already schedule a 3 day getaway by the time I met her online, but she apologized profusely and set up a counteroffer for the date immediately which we went on.


Sep 10, 2014
Reaction score

Have a FR from last night's date...I won, she lost, game over. I'll post a more in depth report when I have time.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 9, 2014
Reaction score
I find replying angrily just shows you have lost your cool. Saying actually don't bother comes across as bitter and like someone that has been flaked on so much that he has got tired of dealing with womens BS. That's not a good look.

Much better to act unphased.

Like how would it even be a fun date if you both know the only reason is here is cos you threw a little ***** fit.


Sep 10, 2014
Reaction score
Comatozed said:
I find replying angrily just shows you have lost your cool. Saying actually don't bother comes across as bitter and like someone that has been flaked on so much that he has got tired of dealing with womens BS. That's not a good look.

Much better to act unphased.

Like how would it even be a fun date if you both know the only reason is here is cos you threw a little ***** fit.
For you maybe that works. For me acting a little aggressive fits my personality and my look. I'm like a pit bull and I don't just bark, I bite too. Sometimes these ho's need to get bit.


Sep 10, 2014
Reaction score
PairPlusRoyalFlush said:
This is a trend, not my style but I've seen this guilt tripping work...I believe you are triggering abandonment in low quality women.
I dunno...firstly nothing I said or texted was in anger. It was calm. No emotion.

I just told her don't bother, then told her the truth.

Then she started chasing.

I've had this work far more often than saying "OK" which has gotten me laid exactly Zero times.