imo "rules" like these arent necessarily a STRICT, WORD FOR WORD, SET IN STONE rule... but rather a recommendation. its advice targetted towards the INEXPERIENCED, who CANNOT yet make the proper decision themselves. in this case, some youngsters MAY NOT know when it is okay to fool around with co-workers. an experienced man, however, can properly pick and choose the battles. the experienced man can play the complete situation out in his mind, and decide for himself, if engaging the girl will be worth it in the longrun.
these "rules" are put out to be followed until the person has enough experience to make the decision themself. kind of like the 3-Second rule, Wait-5-Days-To-Call, etc. we all know that you can wait three minutes before you approach and be successfull; we all know that you can set up a date on-the-spot without calling at all. but those "rules" are there, so that UNTIL YOU KNOW WHATS WHAT, youre told to approach at THREE SECONDS so your afc/pvssy habits dont hold you back. likewise, youre told to wait x days after getting the number, so your afc tendency doesnt convince you to call an hour later like a lovesick puppy dog.
but when youre the man and have your **** together, you can break the rules if you know youll WIN AT THE END.
even P_S himself said some co-worker flings are smooth sailing. depends on the situation. dont let your game be restricted by the thoughts of others, but at least take your brothers concern to heart. you dont have to follow their word, but if theyre trying to help you, at least stop for a second and take in what they say.
ive fooled around with a couple co-workers. i know the "rule," but im a stubborn ass. i recently broke up with my (now) ex-gf, who is a co-worker, and we have to work together 4 times a week. theres a lot of bitterness and anger on the situation; even tho its mostly from her and i laugh it off, its still a pain in my ass.
lesson learned? in HER case, i might have been better off passing it up. BUT ive learned a couple things. primarily, be VERY careful about trying to start an LTR with a co-worker, which is what i did. this wouldnt be much of an issue if emotions werent invested.
since i work at a restaurant filled mostly with high school and college kids, who love to party, co-worker hookups are common.
if youre just fvcking around and both people know it from the get, it wouldnt be a problem. as P_S would say, its a matter of contracts. you offer your contract to her; she showers you with gifts, money and pvssy, without monogamy. leaving you free to indulge on other girls.
if she doesnt accept the contract, no biggie. move on to the next. if she does? milk it and enjoy yourself. if she tries to deviate from the contract by asking for a relationship, faults on her. youre in the clear. she broke the contract, not you.