I think the term "nice guy" is commonly misunderstood, especially by nice guys themselves. To me it refers to a man who believes he's the nicest man around, but in reality he's just intolerable to be with for an extended amount of time. His facade cracks and the assh0le within him comes to light all while he still deludes himself and thinks he's the best man around with a massive sense of entitlement. That's when he starts whining about women being so bad, he is unable to see that he's the problem, it's easier for his ego to blame the women.Then after they realize their buyers remorse often start affairs with the assholze again. Can almost set your watch to it. And its almost always the guys fault she does.
He believes that his niceness can sneak his way into her pants even when married. This is how chore play starts.
If only I would mow the grass more lol
Nice guys and jerks are the same guys, the only reason jerks get more women is that at least they're honest about what they are. The nice guy is just a jerk in disguise and full of lies.