People see you in a different light when you are muscular. Even if you just look muscular in a t-shirt you will get treated differently. Keep in mind achieving a level of muscularity that will turn heads is going to take time, as in years. The good news is that as a newbie to weight training you can generate some really tangible results in 6 months that will give you the motivation to make it a long-term pursuit.
I agree with the others about shaving your head since you are starting to bald. Tanning really does help, even if once a week. There are tons of threads here and stuff in the H&F vault that can get you started with a lifting program. You have to be consistent though, that's where 90% of people fail.
Here's a few pics a of me from august of 2010 and august of this year. As you can see I was markedly bigger last year (about 245), and this year I'm about 230, and maybe a little less fat. Also note my white-as$ legs, lol.
I'm no bodybuilder, I have a strength background. But, I wasnt much bigger than you when I started training. So it is possible, it just takes time and dedication. There are no magic programs, meals, pills, or shortcuts. And yes I absolutely get more attention from women now than when I was 160 lbs.