I hooked up with a girl this weekend that was pretty hot. Most people would rate her as a 9.5. You know a little better than a 9 but not good enough to be a 10. Anyway her body language tells me she enjoyed herself, but I couldn't help thinking that it was the worst sex I ever had. The fact of the matter is she just lied there the whole time and pretty much did nothing. She must have been the laziest person I've EVER slept with. I recently had a friend tell me his take on the subject that if you want a girl whos Dynamite in bed and still attractive go with a 7 or an 8. Me and this girl are suppose to hang out this week and I really don't want anything to do with her anymore if this weekend is a sign of things to come.
So my question is, do most really hot girls suck in bed?
So my question is, do most really hot girls suck in bed?