Do Men Really Have More time than women in the Sexual market place?
Disclaimer: I am not a dating coach – Im purely writing this blog as my own perspectives and that’s about it . I am available for networking though in London, France (Nice) , US (Dallas…
Ok so I was having a bit of a debate with myself the other day after watching a 21 convention video boasting that “men have loads of time to date , women have a limited time when they are high SMV that will diminish with time. Whilst I believe it’s true that men have longer to cash in on the sexual market I don’t believe its as easy as saying we have an advantage long term. Our sexual market value most certainly goes up longterm starting from a smaller base whilst women’s increase early on between their 18-25s then diminishes as they age. Whilst this has been the subject of much arrogance from the black pill and red pill I decided to write this piece to emphasise that whilst I agree with the core point that women over a long period tend to decline faster I don’t necessarily feel that the extra time that men garner is actually a massive advantage at all seeing as men have much greater time expenses than women in terms of improving sexual market value, maintaining it and further improving it. Once you add up and take into account all these factors I still believe fertile/attractive women still hold the bulk of the cards and advantages in terms of sexual market value . The objective of this article isn’t to inspire some sort of negativity or doom or gloom . The aim of this article itself is to provide men with the necessary inspiration to start approaching and go out there and meet as many people as possible because time is of the essence regardless of what your potential is or what you have now. It’s also there to prevent over-complacency by men in the sexual market place something which the “red pill craze” maybe responsible for.
Aspects which women may hold some advantages in :
. Men have to spend a lot more time in approaching
. Men's testosterone will deteriorate making approaching and SMV harder over time
. Men need to spend more time dating more to find marriage material as they risk the most in marriages on average.
. Men's younger years and teens have a higher probability of being filled with loneliness than women's
. Men need to spend more time in building social circles than women .
. Men need to on average invest more money in self improvement than women
These are just some general points that I made that I expanded on in my article. All in all I just want to say time is of the essence so keep approaching and create opportunities .