Do Male College Teachers Get a Lot of Ass?


Master Don Juan
Nov 22, 2006
Reaction score
Out of curiosity, I'm wondering if there are any men on here who have worked as teachers. I'm currently considering a number of teaching positions at some colleges and I wanted to know if anyone on here thinks male teachers do tend to get quite some ass from women within univeristy settings? I'm certainly not one to abuse power and definitely won't risk losing my job by getting involved with any female student in either of my classes, but I was wondering if anyone who's worked in that field might have something to say/some knowledge about whether or not this happens? From what I've heard, as long as you hook up with the student when she's no longer in your class and you can't be accused of possibly having had your grading judgment clouded because of her, you should be fine. Yet, as a teacher, you probably have to be discreet about what you do on campus, lest your supervisors find out that you're chasing women around the university, as people tend to gossip a lot.


Master Don Juan
Mar 19, 2007
Reaction score
Get that thought out of your head right now.

Your job isn't worth a piece of ass. And it doesn't matter if she is in your class or not, you STILL run the risk of losing your job if you are caught dating a student of the university.


Master Don Juan
Feb 29, 2004
Reaction score
Baltimore, MD
Frank2500 said:
Out of curiosity, I'm wondering if there are any men on here who have worked as teachers. I'm currently considering a number of teaching positions at some colleges and I wanted to know if anyone on here thinks male teachers do tend to get quite some ass from women within univeristy settings? I'm certainly not one to abuse power and definitely won't risk losing my job by getting involved with any female student in either of my classes, but I was wondering if anyone who's worked in that field might have something to say/some knowledge about whether or not this happens? From what I've heard, as long as you hook up with the student when she's no longer in your class and you can't be accused of possibly having had your grading judgment clouded because of her, you should be fine. Yet, as a teacher, you probably have to be discreet about what you do on campus, lest your supervisors find out that you're chasing women around the university, as people tend to gossip a lot.
A male college teacher would be a status symbol, but it is an ethical question of whether or not you should. Considering it would probably make you lose your job, then i would say, don't try it.

although, it is your life. Have fun with it however you see fit. go after the older girls that are free and out of college.



Master Don Juan
May 31, 2005
Reaction score
at my university, its not a problem as long as the lecturer or tutor is not actually teaching that person at the time.

I have known a few girls who have slept with their tutors, but not during the times when these guys were tutoring them. I was offered a position as a tutor for a first year course, but turned it down. Goddamn, some of those first years are HAWT :)


Master Don Juan
Nov 22, 2006
Reaction score


When you say: "Your job isn't worth a piece of ass," are you trying to suggest that teaching is a generally low and unworthy occupation? I think the world needs to give teachers more credit. They are the ones who educate the leaders, entertainers, visionaries and even athletes of the world. Teachers shape all of us into who we are today. What then do you expect me to do? While I'm not one to take a risk dating a student in my class, where else would you expect me to meet quality women if I can't do so at a University? Night clubs are out of the question. On the street isn't necessarily a guarantee. And she doesn't have to be a student. She could be an administrator.

The Juan and only

Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2005
Reaction score
United Kingdom
Frank2500 said:

When you say: "Your job isn't worth a piece of ass," are you trying to suggest that teaching is a generally low and unworthy occupation? I think the world needs to give teachers more credit. They are the ones who educate the leaders, entertainers, visionaries and even athletes of the world. Teachers shape all of us into who we are today. What then do you expect me to do? While I'm not one to take a risk dating a student in my class, where else would you expect me to meet quality women if I can't do so at a University? Night clubs are out of the question. On the street isn't necessarily a guarantee. And she doesn't have to be a student. She could be an administrator.
I think he meant that losing your job isn't worth a POA lol


Master Don Juan
Jun 13, 2006
Reaction score
Yes, it will boost your stock a LITTLE, but nothing too dramatic.

I know a college prof who is/was dating a student...but that's just one. He thought it was going to be a puzzy bonanza but was still single for a long time. The pluses are that you do become alpha to a stream of girls that you see regularly...however that effect can be minor compared to simply how hawt or not you are which is what a lot of college girls are looking for.


Master Don Juan
Nov 22, 2006
Reaction score

I once worked as a teaching assistant for incoming freshmen and it seemed like quite a few of them all but hit on me. One day, I ran into one of them a few years later when she must have probably been a sophomore. She was working at a store down town and I walked in and to my greatest surprise, she came right up to me smiling and gave me a really tight hug. I was really shocked by her boldness and wasn't expecting that at all. Then she said: "I'll e-mail you some time..." BUt I never hooked up with her and at the time, my e-mail address at that university had been disconnected, so I have no clue if she tried. She was still too young for me at the time, anyway. If anything, I'd prefer a woman in her mid to late twenties and older. But again, yeah, I don't feel comfortable hitting on female students on campus. I don't want to lose respect and people gossip a lot.


Don Juan
Sep 12, 2006
Reaction score
It looks like you're really focusing on your job, bud. Keep up the good work.

PS: Make sure you have an excuse handy when the janitor barges in.

Frank2500 said:
Out of curiosity, I'm wondering if there are any men on here who have worked as teachers. I'm currently considering a number of teaching positions at some colleges and I wanted to know if anyone on here thinks male teachers do tend to get quite some ass from women within univeristy settings? I'm certainly not one to abuse power and definitely won't risk losing my job by getting involved with any female student in either of my classes, but I was wondering if anyone who's worked in that field might have something to say/some knowledge about whether or not this happens? From what I've heard, as long as you hook up with the student when she's no longer in your class and you can't be accused of possibly having had your grading judgment clouded because of her, you should be fine. Yet, as a teacher, you probably have to be discreet about what you do on campus, lest your supervisors find out that you're chasing women around the university, as people tend to gossip a lot.


Mar 19, 2007
Reaction score
Falkland Islands, Florida
Yay, from my experience, most college teachers are AFCs.

To get a lot of a55 you have to live in a place where there is a lot of a55 and you need to get out to get it. Don't matter where you work, but working hours matter. It's easier to meet women during the day, IMO.


Don Juan
Sep 12, 2006
Reaction score
thickandcreamy said:
It looks like you're really focusing on your job, bud. Keep up the good work.

PS: Make sure you have an excuse handy when the janitor barges in.
Here's a cheatsheet for you to memorize:

1. "This is strictly for educational purposes only."
2. "It just fell in."
3. "My job's riding on it."
4. "I thought it was my wife!"
5. "It wasn't me."
6. "Here's fifty bucks."


Master Don Juan
Mar 19, 2007
Reaction score
Frank2500 said:

When you say: "Your job isn't worth a piece of ass," are you trying to suggest that teaching is a generally low and unworthy occupation? I think the world needs to give teachers more credit. They are the ones who educate the leaders, entertainers, visionaries and even athletes of the world. Teachers shape all of us into who we are today. What then do you expect me to do? While I'm not one to take a risk dating a student in my class, where else would you expect me to meet quality women if I can't do so at a University? Night clubs are out of the question. On the street isn't necessarily a guarantee. And she doesn't have to be a student. She could be an administrator.
You tell me. I am currently an Engineer and I want to go back to school so that I can teach. So you tell me how I meant it.


Don Juan
Sep 12, 2006
Reaction score
Frank is a troll. Or a retard. Or both.

Vypros said:
You tell me. I am currently an Engineer and I want to go back to school so that I can teach. So you tell me how I meant it.


Master Don Juan
Nov 22, 2006
Reaction score
To "ThickandCreamy"

ThickandCreamy, you don't know me, so I don't appreciate you insulting me, ok? How dare you call me a troll/retard? I wonder why some of you on here are so rude and confrontational. I didn't understand what Vypros meant and it was my right to ask, for goodness sake. And to the poster who said most teachers are AFCs, I respect your opinion, but I am not one.


Don Juan
Sep 12, 2006
Reaction score
You're right, you're totally right. Here's a constructive suggestion for you then. For your next class, make sure you introduce yourself in the following way:

"My name is Frank2500. I'm here to get alot of ass and to chew bubblegum. And I'm all out of bubblegum."


Senior Don Juan
Jan 19, 2007
Reaction score
If you were a real PUA you would be in the feild pulling the babes not posting on internet sites.
You are all keyboard jockeys in real terms even though many of you claim to fvck multiple gorgeous girls.
You all argue amongst yourselves about who the real players are though no real players would be visiting these sites.
It is the blind leading the blind you are all social rejects who cannot attract any gorgeous girls so you make up your own fantasy stories about it.
You need to get these fantasies out of your minds get away from your computers and get into the real feild.
No man who fvcks gorgeous girls in real life would be giving advice about this on an internet site.
All of these seduction gurus are scamming your money they teach psychology in reality all of which has been written by other experts in the feild over the centuries.
Most of the advice they give will work only if the right man is applying it to his interactions with the females.
Attracting the most attractive woman is about how you sell yourself it has nothing to do with a strategy or a technique.
If you present as a confident successful man most gorgeous girls will desire you if you present as a dawk no attractive lady will want anything to do with you in a sexual way no matter how great your game may be it won't work.
It isn't as complicated as you all think it is to seduce lots of gorgeous girls nor are you anything special if you can and are doing this.
Changing from the type of man who presents as a dawk to the type who presents as a confident DJ is a long process it does not happen overnight.
I beleive that change is possible though you cannot come accross as a social reject one day and the confident socialite the next it takes a long time.
Everyone who claims to be fvcking the cutest babes on these sites are egotists if they have either player or pimp in their name you can be certain that they are dreamers who are not in the feild.
Why these men want to deceive those even weaker than them in order to build up their own egos.
These types of dreamers and social rejects eventually explode in a similar way as the Virginia gunman did the other day.
You never fvck any gorgeous girls by writting about having done it on a site like this you only fvck them by meeting them in the feild.
Whilst you men are writting all of your fantasies on here other men are out in the feild fvcking the girls that you can never get yourselves.
It is too hard for you all to approach attractive woman in real life situations and very easy to write your false reports about it on these sites so that you can be praised by the other societal rejects who are posting on here.
You all perceive gorgeous girls as being unattainable to fvck one of them in real life is only a fantasy in your minds that you don't think can happen.
It can happen only if you meet the girls in the first place get off your computers you key board jockeys and talk to some real girls.
The most attractive woman spend most of their money on looking good buying clothes getting their hair styled and on cosmetics.
It is obvious that they want the men to be attracted to them you won't ever fvck any by posting on an internet site.
Dreaming about fvcking gorgeous girls is never going to make it happen you need to go into the feild to meet them before you can fvck them.