So recently a work friend asked me if I wanted to go see a movie. Which at the time i assumed the request was platonic in nature. I said sure and that I would talk to her later. I hit her up on face book because I dint have her number. Low and behold we weren't FB friends, so I friend requested her and sent a MSG saying how I had thought we were FB friends already. She responds "i know, what a shocker" at this point I start flirting with her a bit, being funny and sarcastic. I get responses like, " you crack me up" and "you're so crazy" . a day later we start planning what we are going to see and when. We decide on what movie and that we are going to see it on Tuesday. She recently moved into a new place which I had not seen, so I said I would pick her up, as it doesn't make sense to take two cars, and I could get a tour of the apt. I also mention that I will want to get food before hand so I'll pick her up a little early.
She then asks me if I want to invite other people. I respond with something along the lines of "let's just keep this a (insert my name) and (insert her name) thing. That sounds like a sitcom title." She mentions the show "will and grace" and I mention how I hated the annoying best friend on that show. I start to get that ol feeling when she says, " we'll I hope I'm not that way." I reply, "too late". Which gets a laugh.
Now here's the rub. Today I get a msg saying she forgot that she had plans for early in the afternoon on Tuesday, so she wanted to know what time I was going to pick her up. I said around 630-7 since the movie started at 8. She said she didn't know what time she would be back from her errands. With which I responded,"and...?" She came back to me with, "but I'll make it." So I said fine, just txt me you're address and I'll pick you up at 630-7, and she responded with, "sounds good." So do I have an opportunity here? Am I misreading her signals, or am i reading them correctly and just happened to pass one of her **** tests, by not allowing excuses?
She then asks me if I want to invite other people. I respond with something along the lines of "let's just keep this a (insert my name) and (insert her name) thing. That sounds like a sitcom title." She mentions the show "will and grace" and I mention how I hated the annoying best friend on that show. I start to get that ol feeling when she says, " we'll I hope I'm not that way." I reply, "too late". Which gets a laugh.
Now here's the rub. Today I get a msg saying she forgot that she had plans for early in the afternoon on Tuesday, so she wanted to know what time I was going to pick her up. I said around 630-7 since the movie started at 8. She said she didn't know what time she would be back from her errands. With which I responded,"and...?" She came back to me with, "but I'll make it." So I said fine, just txt me you're address and I'll pick you up at 630-7, and she responded with, "sounds good." So do I have an opportunity here? Am I misreading her signals, or am i reading them correctly and just happened to pass one of her **** tests, by not allowing excuses?