MatureDJ said:
I think the main reason he has stress when in the USA is because of the lack of attractive females who seem approachable. The USA is absolutely horrid in this regard.
Wrong. It's the hormones in the air and the drugs in the air, water, food and such. 3 days in the USA and I get bad bad anxiety, I gain weight, my moods go crazy, I feel like crap all the time, and everything I eat tastes like and feels like poison or a numbing agent. Then all the heart symptoms return. No thanks.
My health plummets in the USA in a matter of 2 weeks.
Atom Smasher said:
I just re-read the OP and he says he wants a twenty-something!!
Let's get real, my man. Your REALITY is that you are highly unlikely to pull someone that young. And how would you even deal with such immaturity?
The same way I dealt with my last girlfriend a few years ago. She was 25.
It seems more and more clear that the ladies stopped cold when I had the health issues, and that it has stayed the same ever since.
I suppose it is a sign of recovery that I have the energy for it to bother me now, when it did not for so long as I had more important things to be concerned with.
Die Hard said:
Leeraconteur: Had a nice youth? Healthy relationship with your parents, plenty of warmth and love when you were a child?
Yep. No complaints.
guru1000 said:
It's clear that you have already made the willful decision to lose; and lose, you will.
Now, accept your fate.
My attitude after the MI's was this:
"Wow! I thought a heart attack was worse than that. I thought that if this ever happened that it would occur when I was 65 - not now. Now all I have to do is recover and I am fine."
My attitude was positive and hopeful and I thought and expected all was well.
I felt ok, if a bit tired. But I thought and felt that I would return to normal and feel exactly the same, except...
Then someone slammed a car door and my body exploded in a fit of chest-crushing anxiety that I never dreamed was humanly possible. Then began the night terrors, and the weekly visits to the E/R. All very common with recent MI patients, all something no one told me about. The constant anxiety, the chest pains at any time for no reason, the constant exhaustion, the sensitivity to light and sound and life itself. I slept 20 hours a day for 6 months.
Then the loss of most mental abilities, a drop of 40 or 50 IQ points, no memory, the world no longer made sense, etc.
I could not listen to ANY MUSIC, classical, new age, the most soothing of any kind, at all. Rock and Roll, all of my favorite bands, literally made me ill and head to the hospital.
I describe it like this:
It was as though my entire central nervous system had the insulation stripped from the wires and that anything, any input, would cause my system to overload. Beta blockers, anti-reflux, blood thinners, statins, SSRI, on and on and on. Each successive symptom treated with another drug that caused another symptom that caused another drug to be prescribe.
My attitude was positive and hopeful.
The physical reality kicked my ass.
What I thought was bull****. Reality had other plans. Period.
It took about 6 or 7 years and relocation to outside the US of A for those symptoms to abate, and they have gone away for the most part. I am off my meds, my BP is down, and I feel better than I have in years.
But am I as I was before? Absolutely not. But at least I can partially function in life. I just don't have energy. 6-8 hours a day, and I am done. Time to sleep.
Atom Smasher said:
OP, how is your voice? Take a real, hard listen.
World class. Radio friendly, youthful. I sound like I am 35. Deep, resonant. I used to work on air and in clubs on mic, all the time.
LiveFreeX said:
I can't tell what your problem is over the internet
You think, maybe (just maybe?) that what I wrote in this post may have a tiny bit to do with it?
Show of hands here on SS:
Who has had a heart attack? Anyone? Bueller? Anyone?
That's the guy I want to speak with.