Do good women really exist?


Master Don Juan
Feb 20, 2005
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BadNews said:
Hey guys, got some things I need to get off my chest. I recently got out of a an LTR. I've done this before, I know how to handle it, and I know that I'll be fine. But truth be told this one is by far the hardest I've had to deal with yet. Reason being is that I was "there," mentally I was prepared to live my life with this woman. I thought the world of her, had an insane connection with her, and generally was madly in love. Long story short, she ended the relationship a week ago.

I've since learned that she's been sleeping with her ex since the night after we broke up, and just last night had a ONS with a random. I guess the sad part right now is that I'm learning this girl isn't the person I thought she was. Perhaps I have been tricking myself, and making her out to be someone that she wasn't. But I really didn't think she was capable of behaving this way - I was wrong.

I'm feeling quite frustrated right now, because although she did have her flaws, she was (or at least I thought) what I want out of a woman long term. There are a lot of things I love about her that are going to make it very hard for any women I meet in the future to obtain any kind of commitment from me.

Most guys on this site are here because they just want to bang a bunch of hot broads. And I get it, that's fine. But I feel like I've been there done that. I know that I want to have a meaningful relationship with someone. A relationship where there is mutual respect and admiration. I want a wife, and a family; for me finding someone to have that with (genuinely have a good relationship with that can last a lifetime) is what I want out of life. I'm now becoming increasingly less hopeful that I will ever find someone to have this with.

The abrupt realization that my girlfriend for the past 2 years isn't the person I thought she was has rocked me. It has caused me to question if "good" women even exist anymore. We live in a time where people don't have any respect for themselves, their bodies, or the impact things may have on themselves/future partners and their lives. I realize there is often a double standard - but I am well aware that this happens across the board for men and women.

As I re-enter the field I find myself questioning if I should take a hard look at what I want out of life, and try to seek it honestly. Maybe banging a bunch of hot broads this time I'm single isn't what I should be doing. I'm very certain of what I want out of a partner, and I know it will be hard to find - even more so one that hasn't completely thrown her self respect to the wind at some point in her life.

I'm at the point where I have no faith in women, or humanity in general. I almost don't believe there are truly good women out there, and if there are it is quite likely that they will not fit into the standards that I would be willing to accept.

I guess my question is do you believe there are still good women out there? Is it even worth trying to pursue ? I have no trouble getting laid any day of the week if that is what I want. But now I want more, and I feel strongly that it will be next to impossible to find.

I have two options at this point that I see as realistic. I can try to be what I'm looking for (read: NOT sleep around) and spend some time, once I've gotten over this one, looking for someone I would actually want to spend my life with in an honest way. OR I could completely give up hope on that dream, and just "have fun." I honestly see being a bachelor forever as a feasible option at this point, and make sure to never keep a woman around for more than a couple months. I feel like the second option would be selling myself short, but as it stands right now I have little faith that I will ever be able to find someone to fit within the incredibly high standards I have.

Yes, there are good women out there. That being said they are few and far between and most of them are taken.

The question is about your standards are they so high that no women can possibly meet them or are you consumed with the madonna/***** complex, where you expect your ideal partner to be prim and proper but then be a ***** in bed.

Part of the equation is accepting that people make mistakes the other part is being willing to filter women out early and quickly.

Guys get blindsided by women because they are unwilling to cut the cord at the first sign of disrespectful or intolerable behavior. This also occurs when red flags are ignored because your desire to be in a relationship and/or have a hot girl is blocking your ability to objective.

This site isn't all about hooking up at every available opportunity but rather learning how to get away from unattractive behaviors and how to develop yourself so you can get a woman/women.

Moral of the story is have fun and stop looking for relationships because you're more likely to find one when you aren't looking. The other moral is to trust your gut and walk away if a girl has deal breakers. Don't justify those deal breakers by saying she's hot or it's too hard to find a quality woman or I hate being alone. Otherwise you'll be wasting time on a girl who will hurt you and you'll be back in a similar situation as you are now.