do good looking guys have a disadvantage and need to use negs on good looking girls?


Senior Don Juan
Jun 5, 2006
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A powerful aura if it isn't naturally there can be built up by continuously doing affirmations into your subconscious mind.

I decided to do these affirmations after my lecturer at college told me about it, I then read about it in "David DeAngelo's" Double Your Dating e-booklet and then heard about it again on a "Anthony Robbins" motivational tape recording.

I never believed that it would work but it did almost immediately, I began to feel so much more confident and powerful in most areas of my life.

I used to see sports stars and athletes who had this powerful aura with them, guys like, Michael Jordan, Carl Lewis, Tiger Woods, Ronaldo, David Beckham, Pete Sampras, Andre Aggassi, all have this built into them and it makes their lives such a success.

I could see this in other people but I never believed that I would ever have it myself, but now I have it, I am extremely happy about it. :yes:


Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2005
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Somewherez in USofA
"I've managed to tap into it also, I remember this one girl I banged easily a 9 said that the first time I entered the classroom, their was this very powerful seductive Aura about me that she couldn't figure out and it drove her nuts"

The aura you speak of is your 'maleness'. Its how you present yourself as an 'alpha' male. A guy with lots of maleness will broadcast this as if time slows down when he walks or enters a room. It's because he appears so much in control of his actions. Women inately consider this to high status and very much attractive.

It's like a girl with more 'femaleness' than other females that catch you eye right way. The way she does her hair or swings her hips expressing her curves.

Khast said it .. hit more than one nail on the head. You have to keep 'em guessing .. never knowing where you're coming from and seize the moment when you can


Don Juan
Jun 17, 2006
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tmpgstx said:
yeah, very good-looking guys have it tougher than many may think for the following reasons:

a) If you are good-looking and choose to be charming the many gilrs will consider you a user or player

b) If you are good-looking and choose to neg-hit then you are considered an arrogant jerk

c) If you are good-looking and the girl has LSE (Low Self-Esteem), she feels she couldn't keep you if she did date you so she won't do it

d) Many good-looking guys are used for attention and validation from a girl with a boyfriend. He is not meeting her needs in whatever way or giving her attention so she gets it from a guy who she considers very attractive. In essence, the guy she's getting attention from is doing the job of her boyfriend for him, but she still often remains with her boyfriend. How messed up is that!

e) Good-looking guys are approached less often and are often assumed taken. The more a girl finds a guy attractive, the greater her fear of being rejected. It's much the same for guys too.
The above are just a few.
I agreed with everything you said. I am a good looking guy with insucksecurities and those insuckcurities come across as stuck up or whatever.



Don Juan
Sep 14, 2005
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When you are the living embodiment of a greek god:

Golden rule #1 Until shown otherwise, girls will automatically assume you are a player.

Golden rule #2 YOU cannot convince her otherwise, either her friends will tell her, or she will see it through your interactions with other girls.

That’s why it’s critical if you’re good looking to be consistent with everyone. Still be the confident, ****y/funny guy (though I’d tone down ****y a lot) However, don’t be afraid to lend a sympathetic ear to girls (especially ones you have no interest in) and offer advice, male perspective, stuff like that. Demonstrate your value, your intelligence, your athleticism. (Demonstrate… DON’T elaborate and DON’T be in a hurry to reveal it all in one go…) All girls (ugly, hot, taken) have a network they can and do tap into. If your name is gold in that network, if girls use the words “he’s SUCH a good guy”, the hot girls will come to you. It takes a bit of patience, but all the hot girls will end up having a thing for you… even if they are taken. And then you can choose at your leisure…

If you don’t have patience, go find a drunk party girl that keeps looking you up and down, smile, grind on her, take her in the toilets and get her to suck your d**k.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 5, 2006
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If good looking guys have the AlphaMan Aura Power or Vibe or whatever you wish to call it with them the hot babes will still flock towards them.

Some guys are lucky enough to naturally have this power built within them all of the time, where as a guy like myself has to continuously affirm it within my mind and being and I can lose having it if my mindset isn't in the right place.

As I said before it is like an athlete or a sport star who by his very powerful presence is almost enabled to push himself to an extra level by creating a fear in the mindsets of the other champions around him who are very rarely able to beat and exploit him in a race or a game as his aura and energy and desire to succeed are so powerful that he always seems to be the winner at the end even over champions whose natural abilities are equal to him.

I have seen many athletes and sport stars who seem like Wimps off the field of play but become so powerful when they are on the field of play, very much like, Clarke Kent's dramatic change whenever he becomes Superman, it is an awesome power to attain if you can will it into you. :cool:


Master Don Juan
Jan 8, 2006
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Dallas, Texas
jigga23 said:
neon lets see your pick stud. ill show you mine buddy if you wanna see it. am i just imagining it when girl comes up to me and says that a lot. ive heard my whole life dude. let me know if you wanna see my pic
I didn't mean that the people on this thread aren't as good looking as they say.. but the reputation of SS proves otherwise. Haha, good to see that many of the people on this thread feel beautiful! As Pook used to say, "So you think you shall become."

Personally, I have not always been blessed with looks. 4 years ago I was made fun of, when I told my friends about a girl I liked they didn't believe that I could ever get her, I wasn't the alpha male of my friend circles, I had no sense of style and I didn't know even one average looking girl that liked me, I was a total loser!

I have obviously come a long way, but the insecurities still plague me. I sometimes find myself playing girls just to get reassurance that I am as beautiful as I am now. I wasn't always this way. And guess what, those dudes that made fun of me 4 years ago, I see them now and they look up to me not only in physical appearance, but also in my character! Back then they were the ****... Not anymore!

Don't get me wrong.. I have bad days too.. I don't feel like I look good everyday. There are some days I just don't want to go out in public because I am insecure about my looks. This is somethign I have been working on. (learning not to care what people thing about my appearance)

And about being good looking being a disadvantage, of course being good looking has its cons, but the advantages outweigh them! My 1 year younger brother is better looking than me, but has no social skills, so of course at first attracts more girls than me (they just see him and haven't talked to him)! But as soon as the girls talk to me and get a feel for my persona, I am the one that winds up with them.

Hmm, Okay sure.. I'll take you up on your offer bro. While I do not consider myself ugly, I do not consider myself very good looking either.

Here are a couple: (taken last year) (taken this month) (I think this was taken sometime early this year)


Senior Don Juan
Nov 29, 2004
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Also some girls use the c&f stuff on you if you are goodlooking. they say some mildly mean intensionall stuff in your presence to piss you off and get a reaction from you.
most people will never understand that goodlooking guys dont have all the girls falling on them. the problem with most pretty boys at the clubs is that the stand there with thier drink expecting girls to approach them. i mean why come clubbing if you gonna stand and stare., i cant dance either so i hardly touch the clubs infact i hate clubs.
by the way if you a blessed with average to above average looks then try that peacocking stuff it works, i had on funny dark shades to the club lastweekend i was approached with stuff like you know you look like stevie wonder or like one other girl said" hey you stool my glasses" they look for anything to open you up they need a reason to chat you. but not all girls are this forward though. the only usefull thing goodlooking guys have on thier side is that girls will stare and stare. most girls just love to stare but when you open your mouth then its like they hate you. cuss they expected so much from you in the first place.though being goodlooking you get alotta signals from girls, goodlooks isnt only physicall but also your style and grooming but most guys dont wana listen.


Master Don Juan
Apr 21, 2006
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Keeping in mind that what one woman might find "good looking" other might not, I will tell you the following thing.

Being good looking is a HUGE advantage, because you get immediately noticed. Now, after that...the field is level and only those with the skills will get the woman.

Don't blame you inability to get women to you "being good looking". Instead, blame it to the fact that you are clueless. And obviously good looks can only open the doors.


Master Don Juan
Apr 21, 2006
Reaction score
"I'm not afraid of you"

By saying that, it shows that he is indeed afraid of you, but he's trying to convince you he's not.
Or maybe he is not afraid and simply is trying to bring some sense into your head before giving you a beating.

By the way...good overall post.


Master Don Juan
Apr 21, 2006
Reaction score
Concerning "negging" (a new term to me, but something that I understand very well)...that should be a skill ONLY applied by the most experience of DJs.

An experience DJ can make a woman find him attractive by using such technique and using it well (of course he must identify the woman and make sure that works on her).

I read some of the "negging" many of you guys do and I laugh.

You can not go from riding a bycicle to flying a space ship. It takes time and understanding.

Otherwise, it will make you look either inexperience, fake, or worst: arrogant.

All very very very unattractive attributes.


Don Juan
Jun 17, 2006
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I guess as the saying goes "As a man thinks so is he" holds true.

Until reprogramming takes place in the mind we are who we think we are and what we think comes across to others about ourselves as well good or bad.



Master Don Juan
Sep 3, 2002
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I've got a bunch of model friends who hang out with hot model chicks and date almost exclusively in that circle... if you're that good looking what you do or say isn't really a big issue... they don't neg hit, just display confidence and be themselves


Jun 7, 2006
Reaction score
I have never met a beautiful woman who wished that her boyfriend hunk was less handsome than he was, it is easier to attract pretty girls if you are a good looking guy, but looks are much more important if you are a girl who is trying to attract a man. :) :rock: :)


Master Don Juan
Apr 21, 2006
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Ashley Chuckles said:
I've got a bunch of model friends who hang out with hot model chicks and date almost exclusively in that circle... if you're that good looking what you do or say isn't really a big issue... they don't neg hit, just display confidence and be themselves
Women that are "models" are just sack of bones. Nothing beautiful about that.
Furthermore, most are into drugs and that crap. And one last point, in today's age ANYONE can be a "model". ANYONE.

But then again, some men consider skelentons to be "hot".


Master Don Juan
Apr 21, 2006
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JezDuffield said:
I have never met a beautiful woman who wished that her boyfriend hunk was less handsome than he was, it is easier to attract pretty girls if you are a good looking guy, but looks are much more important if you are a girl who is trying to attract a man. :) :rock: :)
Have you seen the women that some of those rich men have?

Enjin 7

Don Juan
Aug 30, 2005
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I'm a decent looking guy I suppose... and I have to be really careful with neg hits on everything but super hot chicks. if not, they just think Im an *******.



Senior Don Juan
Aug 20, 2005
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jigga23 said:
I just came across this topic and its very interesting. They say you should neg 7's or above or whatever but what if you good looking? Im a good looking guy and ive negged girls before and i get negative feedback (unless the girl is a straight up attention wh0re then it works) and im immediatley labled a ****y arrogant d!ck. Ive had girls spill their guts to me about im hot or whatever and they always see me etc., then when i hang out with them at first they start to feel their self esteem or value go up then i start negging them in a playful while like you should open to door for me or get me water friend you know stupid sh!t. Then they get pissed and will eventually stop talking to me.

Another question is are good looking guys at a disadvantage. I give an example of an experience to illustrate my question. i was seeing this hb7-7.5 below my standards but just broke up with the ex. Weve known of each other before hand but never really talked. so when we talked she bascially said she had all these expectatoins of me, fvcking, socializing, etc. it was kind of weird actually never really picked it up with other girls (cause im good looking and shes seen how i act) long story short i couldve fvcked but didnt and i negged her a couple of time playfully. I didnt live up to her "how a good looking guy should act" in her eyes. so we stopped talking. Thats atleast what i thought. anyone else think this about good looking guys?

You should only neg girls with high self esteem that think there too good for you to take them down a peg, once there down a peg or two ( be carefull not to take them too far down mind, you dont want to crush them and give them mental issues!) they wont see themselves as better than you and will be more open for conversation.

You can get very hot girls with low self esteem so you shouldnt neg them. And you can also get not so hot girls with very high self esteem.

The reason its mentioned about only negging very hot babes is because the majority tend to have higher self esteem, but its not always the case.

It can also work vise versa, if a girl thinks YOUR too good for her then a complement would bring her self esteem back up and then she would see herself as being good enough for you making it easier.

Its all down to reading the situation at the time. Everyone is unique.

I remember over doing the neging all the time when I first found out about it without understanding it, I just came across as an arogant prick most the time.

As for having good looks being a disadvantage....ha ha, you must be joking about this, of course it isn't!

Sorry I havent read the whole thread if this has been said before as I just cant be bothered!


Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2005
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Somewherez in USofA
I could can give tons of these types of examples but Im noticing its getting harder and harder to make friends out here because of people's atitudes. If your better then them in anyway they don't wanna talk to you, its as if people want to hang out with other people that are not their equal or better yet inferior to them.

Welcome to the superman syndrome When in that everything you do and set your mind to, you are very,very good at (better than most), people get jealous. I could give you ton of the same examples from co-workers to friends etc.

Add intelligence to this (which often allows you to achieve the success that you have) and you're alienated by alot of people.

I guess the old addage about "it's lonely sitting on top of the world" is more true than people realize.


Don Juan
Jun 21, 2006
Reaction score
Good looking guys have it very hard.

I'm very good looking but some how still a virgin.


Don Juan
Apr 23, 2006
Reaction score
Good looking guys DO NOT have it hard. They have it incredibly easy, and make excuses for their weak game.

I've been told things by women like "you look like a greek god", "you're too good looking for me", "you must get a lot of attention from girls"... while i personally don't think i'm great looking on a daily basis.

Two facts:
1) Being good looking will NEVER hurt your game

2) Being good looking but acting like a pu55y will rarely get you laid

Many people, including myself in weaker moments, suffer from fact number 2.