do good looking guys have a disadvantage and need to use negs on good looking girls?


Feb 23, 2005
Reaction score
I just came across this topic and its very interesting. They say you should neg 7's or above or whatever but what if you good looking? Im a good looking guy and ive negged girls before and i get negative feedback (unless the girl is a straight up attention wh0re then it works) and im immediatley labled a ****y arrogant d!ck. Ive had girls spill their guts to me about im hot or whatever and they always see me etc., then when i hang out with them at first they start to feel their self esteem or value go up then i start negging them in a playful while like you should open to door for me or get me water friend you know stupid sh!t. Then they get pissed and will eventually stop talking to me.

Another question is are good looking guys at a disadvantage. I give an example of an experience to illustrate my question. i was seeing this hb7-7.5 below my standards but just broke up with the ex. Weve known of each other before hand but never really talked. so when we talked she bascially said she had all these expectatoins of me, fvcking, socializing, etc. it was kind of weird actually never really picked it up with other girls (cause im good looking and shes seen how i act) long story short i couldve fvcked but didnt and i negged her a couple of time playfully. I didnt live up to her "how a good looking guy should act" in her eyes. so we stopped talking. Thats atleast what i thought. anyone else think this about good looking guys?


Don Juan
Sep 14, 2005
Reaction score
I consider myself a good looking guy. And I notice that if the chick is trying look down upon me in any way. Like not answering me when I ask her a question. And making me ask her a second time. I'll neg then like "I can see why you can't hear me with those fat, ugly, earrings you got on." or something like that.

I think that negging is a must becasue if you don't then you'll come across as needy and weak. Not a good thing. And as far as being too good looking. I don't think thats true. I think you should always neg on hb7's and up. But if you notice they aren't taking it to well (and you can tell) just kinda lighten up on them. But whatever you do don't let them get a big head. Show them who their daddy is.


Don Juan
Sep 7, 2005
Reaction score

Good looking guys are not at a disadvantage nor do they NEED to neg-hit. First of all negging a girl thats of a perceived lower social value than you (physically) will get you the opposite effect. They will label you as arrogant I've made the same mistake in the past. Only neg girls that are of a HIGHER value than you physically, which you won't find much of if you re really a good looking guy. Stick to the dimes, and chicks with an abundance of confidence or ego when using negs. Otherwise tone the ****iness down, keep it real, because the lower level chicks will be feeling you before you say a word.


Don Juan
Jun 18, 2006
Reaction score
but if they think your fugly then i guess your screwed huh? lol. looks only matter to a certain degree anyways.

Derek Flint

Master Don Juan
Nov 24, 2002
Reaction score
Marin County, CA - just North of San Francisco
By "negging" you are demonstrating lower value, as well as trying to qualify yourself to her.

The point of negging is to bring her down a notch or two. That automatically sub-communicates that she is above you, and that you have to bring her down to "your level"

The other point of negging is to show that you are not intimidated by her beauty, and that you feel comfortable around HB9's and 10's to the point where you can behave that way around them, but it just sub-communicates that you are also trying to qualify yourself to her at the same time.

"I negged you, because I'm not intimidated by you" so to speak.

It's like when you're about to get into a fight, and your opponent says "I'm not afraid of you"

By saying that, it shows that he is indeed afraid of you, but he's trying to convince you he's not.


Feb 23, 2005
Reaction score
You brought out something ive never even thought about the negging. Sub communicating that they are better than you. Thats where ive gone so wrong lately. it seems that girls plot their revenge on me after i do a neg on them wheter saying it to them or doing something. they get pissed i guess im trying to bring them down and they feel above me which there not when i neg. thanks man.


Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2005
Reaction score
Somewherez in USofA
yeah, very good-looking guys have it tougher than many may think for the following reasons:

a) If you are good-looking and choose to be charming the many gilrs will consider you a user or player

b) If you are good-looking and choose to neg-hit then you are considered an arrogant jerk

c) If you are good-looking and the girl has LSE (Low Self-Esteem), she feels she couldn't keep you if she did date you so she won't do it

d) Many good-looking guys are used for attention and validation from a girl with a boyfriend. He is not meeting her needs in whatever way or giving her attention so she gets it from a guy who she considers very attractive. In essence, the guy she's getting attention from is doing the job of her boyfriend for him, but she still often remains with her boyfriend. How messed up is that!

e) Good-looking guys are approached less often and are often assumed taken. The more a girl finds a guy attractive, the greater her fear of being rejected. It's much the same for guys too.
The above are just a few.
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Feb 23, 2005
Reaction score
so how are suppose to balance it out? Cause i get the youre an arrogant d1ckhead a lot when i neg in anyway


Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2005
Reaction score
Somewherez in USofA
Hey Jigga, it sux doesn't it? You're dammed if you do and dammed if you don't. The slightest neg and you're an arrogant *******. For example, i was chatting with this gal for months out of area ..anywayz, she thought i was really good-looking (and thought she was cute). I hadn't heard from her in awhile so was nice and emailed asking what she's been up to, and i get:

"I've been really busy, and have a boyfriend now - talk later"

I reply with:

"A boyfriend? I know better than that I'm fine with just being friends". I then get a reply:

"I really do have a boyfriend and do not care what you thinnk one way or another"

Keep in mind i was very nice and light-hearted but threw in that neg. This girl was blowing me kisses on chat all the time a week before!

So then you try the sweet and charming angle and i got:

"quit being so dam charming, i'm starting to think you're a user"

It goes on and on and is frustrating as hell. Go out to the clubs and those bar hoes are actually mean to you because they don't feel worthy ..many of them are LSE

I think you just not have to care matter what. Say and do what you want and if they don't like it .screw 'em figuratively and literally.


Don Juan
Jul 8, 2005
Reaction score
Negging seems to be controversial, but I believe it works.

When i first went out with my girlfriend, she said i was an arrogant prick, making her qualify herself to me, and she was thinking "who is this guy to make me qualify myself?" (this came out of her mouth). BUT, she stuck with me because she saw me as a challenge, she wanted to test her femininity and try to see if she could *****-whip me. I handled it by negging and it worked great. Recently, she told me she always tries to manipulate men at first to test their masculinity and when they succumb, she leaves them without a glance. So in this regard you can see why neg hits DO work, even when not properly implemented (rememeber, she thought i was an arrogant prick).


Master Don Juan
Jan 8, 2006
Reaction score
Dallas, Texas
tmpgstx said:
yeah, very good-looking guys have it tougher than many may think for the following reasons:

a) If you are good-looking and choose to be charming the many gilrs will consider you a user or player

b) If you are good-looking and choose to neg-hit then you are considered an arrogant jerk

c) If you are good-looking and the girl has LSE (Low Self-Esteem), she feels she couldn't keep you if she did date you so she won't do it

d) Many good-looking guys are used for attention and validation from a girl with a boyfriend. He is not meeting her needs in whatever way or giving her attention so she gets it from a guy who she considers very attractive. In essence, the guy she's getting attention from is doing the job of her boyfriend for him, but she still often remains with her boyfriend. How messed up is that!

e) Good-looking guys are approached less often and are often assumed taken. The more a girl finds a guy attractive, the greater her fear of being rejected. It's much the same for guys too.
The above are just a few.
Good post bro! I've heard these all before, but you put it quite nicely!

To those who believe they are good looking.. Haha, don't even the ugly ones think that? :p I've been around this forum long enough to know that when a person says they are good looking, 75% of the time after they show their pic, everyone just laughs.


Feb 23, 2005
Reaction score
neon lets see your pick stud. ill show you mine buddy if you wanna see it. am i just imagining it when girl comes up to me and says that a lot. ive heard my whole life dude. let me know if you wanna see my pic


Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2005
Reaction score
Somewherez in USofA
I wish it were a theory bro. When a theory is proven over and over time and time again and by different subjects, it thus becomes

I'm sick of hearing thru the grapevine and sometimes directly how hot i am ..really want to get down to business. I'm not trying to be arrogant, but can tell you that's how it is.

Being cute in a 'boyish' way vs. being really hot and/or handsome is also different.

As for women testing a man's masculinity ..give me a Many wouldn't know it if it came right up and bit them in the arse. The world is becoming more feminized (well America anyway).


Don Juan
Dec 1, 2004
Reaction score
Good-looking, average-looking? I don't think that we all should put so much emphasis on looks in this thread. Maybe it's because we as guys put a huge emphasis on it.

I don't think any guy can sit here and know what each girl thinks he is on a scale of 1-10. What really matters in general is "are you getting the women that you're attracted too?"

I won't deny the facts, looks helps to get more people to "notice you". (If you see a model down the street you're going to notice her more for her physical beauty than compared to a plain jane.)

However, you still have to use that to get the people that you want!


Master Don Juan
Jun 13, 2006
Reaction score
Dude, it's all about calibration. You don't HAVE to neg a girl - if she is already eating out of the palm of you hand. Then it will only backfire.

In no way are looks then a disadvantage, then. Gimme a break! It just means less work you have to do!

Good-looking guys should just tone down their ****iness and negs - generally speaking. It's all relative though - just use them if you feel you need to cut her down to size. If she's already a stump though, don't hack her down even more! You'd actually get farther if you brought her up higher closer to your level.

Imagine if a rockstar paid a groupie a compliment. "WOW, this guy is sooo awesome! He paid little ole me a compliment! He's not a big ass like I expected! He's so geniunine and sweet!"

See, it's not about negs, but LEVELLING. You want to be above her so she can look up to you, but not so far that you appear intimidating or unattainable. PUAs just generally have to neg because we're "shooting up" most of the time at a lot of bychy girls - however, that may not always be the case...

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Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2005
Reaction score
Somewherez in USofA
Good reply and agree with much of you what you said Devan. In fact, have had many of the same experiences you speak of in terms of 'pushing the right buttons' and getting them to laugh and comfortable.

The minute i go in for the 'kill shot' and ask them out, they distance themselves. I later find out that the reason for this is because they have a boyfriend.

I found the best way is to show some interest in the beginning and then ignore them until they start 'pining' for you.

At this point, you're in control and can get away with alot such as being a bit arrogant etc.

It all boils down to establishing a connection, guys considered very good-looking is not as easy for them because for girls it's not as much about looks as it is 'relational'


Senior Don Juan
Jun 5, 2006
Reaction score
Most hot babes have told me that I am reasonably handsome, they say that 25% of guys are better looking than me and 75% are worse looking than me, if I had a choice about becomming better looking I would take it, but I am comfortable with the way that I am.

I ussually attract the babes who are 7's 8's and 9's, but rarely one who would be considered as a 10 in most guys eyes, so I would say that it is an advantage to be very good looking, as I am very much attracting the babes who are on par with my own looks as a guy.

I am not into negging or being ****y and funny, these things might work but I don't do them.

I try to use a powerful aura or vibe of confidence and I always look straight into the hot babes eyes whilst I am communicating with her, to me this is the easiest and most effective way to win over a hot babe.

What the hot babes desire in a guy is very different to what a guy desires in a hot babe, hot babes may be attracted to a guy because he is a hunk, but she may also be attracted to a guy because he is extremely confident, or he has an very powerful aura about him, or because he is wealthy, or he is famous, or he is humorous and funny to be around, or he is successful, or he is athletic, or he is an academic, it all depends on the hot babe that you meet, but with guys it is the hot babes physical beauty that is the main thing that attracts him to a female.

I read in a magazine article not long back that 70% of the better looking guys only desire to date the best 30% of the hottest babes, so this leaves the worst 70% of the girls available to the worst looking 30% of the guys, this is why there are so many good looking guys who are single and most ugly guys have a woman with them.

It is obvious that 70% percent of the guys have been with a HB7 or above at some stage of their lives otherwise this wouldn't be happening.

This is the real reason of why so many so called hunks are alone because there just are not enough hot babes for them, it is however an advantage to be a hunk if you are a guy, but for a girl it is so much more important, if she is a HB7 or above she will always be able to attract a guy. :D


Senior Don Juan
Dec 18, 2005
Reaction score
interesting point, I have a friend who is fairly attractive. His last gf was about a HB8 so he doesn't want to go lower now. He hasn't been getting any action because of this. Personally, if a chick is 6 or upwards, I'd do her. Its better to be with a 6 than your right hand. No one says you have to marry her.


Don Juan
May 9, 2006
Reaction score
finally someone makes this thread that I had unconciously been thinking about for a while!!!

good looking guys have it real tough!!! believe or not.

1) they dont get approached, chicks are afraid.
2) there is lots of expectations of them
and many more

You are screwed with negging and screwed without it. if you neg, you get the jerk label and if you act nice, they lose attraction for you. its pretty hard. you must find a balance and deliver these at the most unexpected times.

you must be EXTREMELY unpredictable if you are good looking.

I have been told by girls to be a 9+ on the looks scale. I know that Hb 9+ are attracted to me and the throw any body language sign that you can think of. Its really tough for me though, because of all the expectations of me. I sometimes get afraid to approach that maybe I say something wrong and they flake away. when i am nice, they quickly lose attraction as well because they think they can control you.

so you gotta become really unpredictable and challenging. you must have no pattern to your game. be charming one day, INTENSLY bust their balls the next day, mildly bust their balls the day after, then become funny and ****y,. then become nice....

From my experience, I can firmyl admit to this. If you are a really good looking guy and you dont have a lot of friends, it is going to be tough on you. if you aprroach alone, it is going to be tough. You have to have other wingmen who are same or slightly below you in looks but are really good with women. this will MASSIVEly increase the girls you bed.

that is what i am working on right now....finding friends who are really good with women and I would appreciate any input as to how and what is the best way to go about this based on people's experience on this site!!

It is all a game, which is fun!!