t510 said:
Do girls ever regain interest after they showed they are not interested? If so, what causes that?
From my experience it seems like its not really possible and only when I really forgot about them they came showing interest.
And when I'm not interested it seems that it usually stays that way. I guess people want what they cannot have.
Interested in what way?
If interested as in social proof, usually when you screw up your social proof and you make it negative it makes it harder to impossible to game women who experienced your screw up. You can reclaim yourself by reinventing yourself, but it may only get you opportunities from people who are not aware of your previous negative social proof. Its better just to gain credibility and gain positive social proof to begin with.
If you mean interested as in they don't know you and they reject your initial approach say like A1 of the mystery method model, then its easier to reclaim yourself. You just simply have to begin approaching the girl in a way that gets her interested and attracted to you. That is why its safer in most cases to do an indirect approach and display social value, however if the girl is one who would be interested in you regardless you can just be direct and to the point.
If you mean comfort, then a girl either wants one of two thing; a pretty boy or a masculine man. A pretty boy romances a woman and a masculine man directs her.
If you mean seduction, than there are two types of women. Slow women who want to make you wait and not give direct answers, and women who are direct and either want you to have sex with them fast or they keep you as friend. With the fast women if they get the impression you don't want to fvck with them, they will friend zone you and you won't get out of it unless you start acting like a horny man and you want to fvck with them. With the slow women, you have to act like you are not interested in sex, kino them to death and talk with them all the time like you are their boyfriend. You have to indirectly make them want sex with you by being less interested in it and yet baiting them every step of the way.
That is generally it. And a woman can be any combination of the above dichotomies. An inability to tell which part of the dichotomy a woman belongs to in each category and how to deal with it is exactly the reason men fail with women.
And by the way, generally women are attracted to both alpha and beta males. Individual women are attracted to unique combinations of alpha and beta male traits. I don't get why people say you have to always be alpha and never beta and such and such. That just seems like bvllsh1t to me. You need to know how to be good at being both skillsets to ultimately attract any woman you want and there are skill sets for both alpha and beta males where both can be successful. Very few men seem to recognize that.