Do djs homewreck in your opinion? If you knew a woman was married would you still chase her?
This will be interesting.
I have had romances with married women. In my experience, they have approached me.
I take my time to get to know her to an extend, then I am spending time with her after work. I begin by taking her out to lunch. I don't pay for her meals in the beginning, but when we hook up, I pay the bill because the hubby can't see the charges to her credit.
*******s and French kissing in the back of my truck, renting an SUV to fvxk in parking lot of mall.
I don't approach women who are not interested in me...... So I dont know what you mean by chasing married women...
There was this married chick that was chasing me and now she is not interested at all. She is currently going separation because husband was caught up abusing the child. I dont know if she met a new dyck or is just not interested in me any more.
I don't chase any women, that is futile. I just bang them when they want me to.
I hope to reconnect with the girl after her divorce is finalized or before, she has my number, but I believe I will be bagged before....