It's interesting that you frame yourselves, men who struggle with women, as "victims" and that calling out the anger you direct toward women for denying you sex is akin to "victim blaming."It's kind of like victim blaming in that it both puts 100% of the agency on us for our experience and denies the validity of the "trauma" that builds up too.
This is the core of the incel mindset -- that you have been "victimized" by society -- by women, by Chad, by Tinder, by this that etc.
Interesting and telling use of the word.
Sometimes "trauma" is valid, and sometimes, it's not. Some people feel trauma more acutely than others. Within the context of pickup and dating, the accumulation of "trauma" from the mundane rejection that men experience when approaching women is greater in some than in others.
It's clearly too great, for some people, for them to function as secure, confident men.
Apologizing for misogyny with the accumulation of "traumas" and "victimization" from women is just pathetic.