Do Asians have a place in America?


Don Juan
Jul 10, 2008
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I am asian, pretty average, but I have firmly adopted western culture. At home my parents speak our language, and I eat strange foods, but outside, I am an American.

I guess you can say I might appear somewhat whitewashed compared to the asian kids that group together, but I have not lost my roots I have embraced american culture.

That said, I used to struggle with the same issues. I though that none of these white girls are interested in me, and I was not very self confident until I dated a white girl.

The problem is that your insecurities further feed the problem. People can sense your weakness and your lack of confidence. You don't approach girls, and don't take signs of interest as signs of interest because you won't believe it.

But trust me, it's a numbers game. It is harder for us asians, but that only makes us the stronger person.

Every white girl's ***** i've touched has been very wet. They do find us attractive. It just happens that white girls probably universally find white guys attractive, while only a portion of white girls find other ethnicities attractive.

Go explore your hobbies and interests. You'll find girls that will hold your eye contact and some will even smile. (don't look away) be agressive and you'll find that they will even follow you into your room.

Easier said than done, but nothing is easy.


Master Don Juan
Jun 2, 2006
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I don't know about Asian men, but Asian women, ATTRACTIVE Asian women, for sure have a place in America. On their knees with the mouth right over my ****a. :)

As many here know, I am a white guy dating an Asian women. Moved here when she was 5 from accent, Americanized etc etc. And since I moved to CA from Michigan, I have noticed I see a ton of white guys, some very average looking, with very attractive Asian women. However, I rarely if ever see an Asian guy with a white girl, or any girl of another race for that matter. If they are, its usually with a black girl believe it or not. (Asian guys have this strange fascination with the Black race..they worship's very odd). Anyway, I have asked my gf why I never see any Asian guys with white girls, and she says its mainly because as much as it pains here to say it, since they are her own race, most of them are geeky looking boy nerds.

Just telling you what she says. Not judging. I always point out Asian guys I think are attractive and ask her if she thinks they are, and most of the time, she doesn't. I don't get it. I personally like most of the Asian guys I have met. All seem like really nice, mature guys.


Master Don Juan
Oct 25, 2010
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Hope you guys don't mind an older White dude jumping in.......
Whenever I see a thread with this theme, I think 2 words; Bruce Lee
Every White girl I have known has thought that he was handsome/hot whatever..........
Now let me tell you something : Almost all of the younger Asian guys I know have spikey hair and try to talk Black (Yo, What's up dog ? ")==Why does this matter ? I don't even know if it does, but I see so many of these threads and I always think about Bruce Lee.......
Bruce Lee....A dude with a Justin Bieber haircut, skinny, yet ripped body, and a quiet, burning presence.........
There's this Japanese kid that I know in my Karate (kid to me, but I think he's 19). He has a hot, White girlfriend. Guess what ? He has a somewhat Justin Bieber haircut, a six pack as hard as a cinderblock, and a burning intensisty in his "look".
If there's a theme in all this, I guess it would be augmenting the boyish, handsome vibe in the face and packing a badass body while acting somewhat quiet and reserved.
I'm not trying to step on any toes here, I simply want to offer a perspective from the outside looking in..........


Master Don Juan
Sep 8, 2009
Reaction score
haha, looks like I need to learn jeet kun-do (m.a created by bruce lee) to get some girls; kiddin kiddin. I pay attention to what shogun and phatboi said. I know these problems are coming from inside, I completely agree. There is this Japanese guy I know who get white girls too, and personally my real brother, he is a player of any race. I hope to know more things about the inner-ness to solve my problems. btw, thanks for bringing up Bruce Lee. I bet every girl would want to bang Bruce Lee for the powerful, intense character he holds and a deep and sophisticated outlook that guy owns... plus his rock hard muscles. I know it's a little more difficult to be an Asian and be successful with women, but fvck it, nothing is impossible. I have no choice but march on and I think one day, I notice that I am a player, a DON JUAN.


Master Don Juan
Jul 13, 2006
Reaction score
Alberta, Canada
TIC said:
My personal opinion on this is that you should immediately stop lusting and chasing after white girls. I know that's hard to do because most times they are simply the best looking, but you must. After much thought and reflection I've come to the conclusion that white girls are the least attracted to asian men (including indian men). If you continue to go for white girls, you will continue to be on the bottom of the totem pole. This is just how they are; white girls are mainly into white guys and black guys to a lesser extent.

If you do not have a white or black phenotype, you can pretty much forget about grabbing a white chick barring extraordinary effort, and NO WOMAN is worth all that effort.

I say go for asian and indian girls exclusively. Asian girls are probably the most feminine out of all women and also many can be incredibly hot. I've heard that even asian girls don't want asian guys, but your chances are still higher with them.

That's my two cents, based on my experience in the field and observations. Take it or leave it
I definitely don't think white girls are less attracted to Indian men. I'm East Indian, and the majority of the girls I've been with have been white. In my experience, white girls are the easiest to sleep with. I'm all about efficiency, so that's what I go for! My fiance is white.

Over my stripping career, its been mostly white girls, based simply on demographics that have paid to watch me take my clothes off. Therefore, I'm not buying into your theory of white girls not liking Indian guys.

Money, I think the things you're missing is sexuality, and hypermasculinity. Women are very innately attracted to hypermasculine men who aren't afraid to be sexual. Keep working on your body, and stop jerking off/looking at porn. You call yourself "muscular"... post pics and I'll tell you what I think... I think my opinion is valid as I've made a fair bit of cash based on my build/looks and know what is considered desirable by women.


Master Don Juan
Feb 19, 2009
Reaction score
TIC said:
My personal opinion on this is that you should immediately stop lusting and chasing after white girls. I know that's hard to do because most times they are simply the best looking, but you must. After much thought and reflection I've come to the conclusion that white girls are the least attracted to asian men (including indian men). If you continue to go for white girls, you will continue to be on the bottom of the totem pole. This is just how they are; white girls are mainly into white guys and black guys to a lesser extent.

If you do not have a white or black phenotype, you can pretty much forget about grabbing a white chick barring extraordinary effort, and NO WOMAN is worth all that effort.

I say go for asian and indian girls exclusively. Asian girls are probably the most feminine out of all women and also many can be incredibly hot. I've heard that even asian girls don't want asian guys, but your chances are still higher with them.

That's my two cents, based on my experience in the field and observations. Take it or leave it
I've had sex with almost two dozen women. Hooked up with closer to 50. Only three have been Asian, and of those three, I only had a quickie. All the rest have been white.

Perhaps I'm an exception. But I know a lot of Asian guys like me - guess we travel in packs.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 5, 2010
Reaction score
Fuglydude said:
I definitely don't think white girls are less attracted to Indian men. I'm East Indian, and the majority of the girls I've been with have been white. In my experience, white girls are the easiest to sleep with. I'm all about efficiency, so that's what I go for! My fiance is white.

Over my stripping career, its been mostly white girls, based simply on demographics that have paid to watch me take my clothes off. Therefore, I'm not buying into your theory of white girls not liking Indian guys.

Money, I think the things you're missing is sexuality, and hypermasculinity. Women are very innately attracted to hypermasculine men who aren't afraid to be sexual. Keep working on your body, and stop jerking off/looking at porn. You call yourself "muscular"... post pics and I'll tell you what I think... I think my opinion is valid as I've made a fair bit of cash based on my build/looks and know what is considered desirable by women.
Wait where did I say I was muscular? I just finished posting about how skinny I was in the fitness section lol


Master Don Juan
Jul 13, 2006
Reaction score
Alberta, Canada
TIC said:
Wait where did I say I was muscular? I just finished posting about how skinny I was in the fitness section lol
Moneyisking said he was muscular in the original post... was referring to what he had originally said.

You said you were similar to my phenotype in a recent PM, so I assumed you were too!


Mar 12, 2011
Reaction score
moneyisking said:
I hate to think myself disadvantaged in any way compared other races b/c that is self-defeating and negative thinking... but I am 22, still virgin, and still have no clue in woman. I really think that if I can handle this woman issues, at least learn how to handle them like a man should, then my life will be much happier (not b/c of women themselves, but from the fact that I know I have control over it).

I am about 5' 7" and 160 lbs, quite muscular guy, personally not bad looking. I love active sports and workout, going to school, doing well in part-time job, have friends, lead decent social interactions by going out to occasional parties or hanging outs. I really don't get how I am still a virgin after all that effort I have put into.

Trust me my friends, I have lived these 3 years constantly thinking about how I can be a man to get a girl and all the strategies and techniques, of course I never focus all my life around it, but it has been a huge deal for me to learn how to get a girl, or how to be a type of man that get girls. I am not here to have you sympathize me or anything, for that will not help me at all. But for christsakes, how can a normal Asian guy like me get some chicks? I know problem is in me, so there should be an answer. Honestly speaking I have no clue of the patterns or logics of interaction with girls. I am reading bunch of books of every kind, trying to get better by talking to chicks, but this weird feeling of insecurity, un-confidence, and sadness that emerge when I talk to girls... how do I solve this? Guys, I am tired of seeing all my friends cuddling with each other and loving each other and I can't even have a f-buddy. This really fvcking sucks man. If you have any advice, then let me know; and I am talking to girls and trying to practice, but still I have no clue of any basis, so I suck. Help needed.
Yes you do sound like you suck. If I was an employer, why the hell would I hire someone who is has such low self-esteem? And if by some miraculous chance you did get hired, I would put so much pressure on you that you would cry and quit within the first day. The same attitude applies to women.

You don't need more advice, you need more friends and social connections. Get out there and market yourself with what you have, don't read more pua books on what to say or what not say, that stuff is garbage and gets you nowhere.


Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2008
Reaction score
Sometimes I don't know what guys like the OP are on about. White girls are the easiest to bed, for Asian guys. In fact, I struggle more to date Asian girls, so if you've got any tips... :p

So first step for you is to get it in your head that being an Asian guy is not a disadvantage. And you're not a normal Asian guy. If you think you are, stop being normal and try being awesome instead.

Second step is not to worry about strategies and techniques. You're deep into overthinking territory.

Third step is learning to be a go-getter. You have all these things going for you, that's good, but pvssies don't drop out of the sky and fall on your d1ck, brother. You have to go get them. Set yourself a challenge. Ask a girl out on a date every week. That should get you 52 dates a year with 52 different girls, more than 99.99% of men ever try in their entire lives.


Master Don Juan
Nov 28, 2004
Reaction score
I think race is the least of your problems if you can't even lose your virginity to an Asian girl. Yes, working on looking good and sharp is great, but have you been working on your game? You can be an average looking guy with great dating skills and beat the handsome guy any day.

I am Vietnamese and I am from SoCal, so my perspective might be different from yours due to the level of diversity here. I have no problem dating people from other race. Stop being lazy and trying to find an excuse to not work on your dating skills.


Apr 18, 2011
Reaction score
all these apologetic asians are soft saying oh i know an asian guy with a white girl so that means all asian guys are getting with white girls.. when i look around i dont see that. in fact they are the small minority, lets not try to pretend that race has nothing to do with it.



Senior Don Juan
Jul 5, 2010
Reaction score
gspshields2 said:
all these apologetic asians are soft saying oh i know an asian guy with a white girl so that means all asian guys are getting with white girls.. when i look around i dont see that. in fact they are the small minority, lets not try to pretend that race has nothing to do with it.

I know, exactly. I live in a multicural area and let me tell you, Asian male-white female couples are about as rare as bigfoot. I'm telling you, I people-watch all the time and see all kinds of interracial couples, but never do I see the particular mix. Ironically, white male-asian female is probably the most common


Master Don Juan
Sep 15, 2009
Reaction score
U.S. East
gspshields2 said:
all these apologetic asians are soft saying oh i know an asian guy with a white girl so that means all asian guys are getting with white girls.. when i look around i dont see that. in fact they are the small minority, lets not try to pretend that race has nothing to do with it.


Post written by an Asian guy married to a white woman woman.

"UPDATE: OkCupid published a blog post in March 2011 that provides some empirical data on this topic.
It turns out that the main reason for white popularity (in terms of number of messages received) is the fact that there are simply more white people. Statistical analysis allowed OkCupid to filter out this effect.
It turns out that 1) Asians are more desirable messaging partners than any other race, and 2) Asians have a stronger preference for their own race than any other race. (Asians are 11.5X as likely to message another Asian as they are someone of a different race; the same number for whites is 2.9X)

Sadly, the data is not broken out by gender, so we can’t say for certain that the effects are the same for Asian woman and men, but the data is so stark that the key conclusion that’s relevant to this thread wouldn’t change: Asians prefer other Asians, but because they are vastly outnumbered by white people, many Asian women probably turn to white men. It’s a numbers game."

For example let's say me and my sister go to China. Since the Chinese vastly outnumber whites in China me and my sister will probably have to turn to dating Chinese people. I as a guy (like you) have less of a chance at getting a girl because game is always rigged in a woman's favor. However my sister who is also white, when she looks to find a Chinese guy it is easier for her since she's a girl.

Likewise its the case with Asians in America. Whites= majority so some asians are going to turn to try dating white people (for example yourself). However the difference between a Chinese guy like you and a Chinese girl is that the Chinese girl is going to have an easier time snagging white men simply because she's a girl. That's why you see lots of asian-girl white male couples and less asian male white female couples in America

Edit: Read Jitterbug's post anyways. He has it right.


Apr 18, 2011
Reaction score
ArcBound said:

Post written by an Asian guy married to a white woman woman.

"UPDATE: OkCupid published a blog post in March 2011 that provides some empirical data on this topic.
It turns out that the main reason for white popularity (in terms of number of messages received) is the fact that there are simply more white people. Statistical analysis allowed OkCupid to filter out this effect.
It turns out that 1) Asians are more desirable messaging partners than any other race, and 2) Asians have a stronger preference for their own race than any other race. (Asians are 11.5X as likely to message another Asian as they are someone of a different race; the same number for whites is 2.9X)

Sadly, the data is not broken out by gender, so we can’t say for certain that the effects are the same for Asian woman and men, but the data is so stark that the key conclusion that’s relevant to this thread wouldn’t change: Asians prefer other Asians, but because they are vastly outnumbered by white people, many Asian women probably turn to white men. It’s a numbers game."

For example let's say me and my sister go to China. Since the Chinese vastly outnumber whites in China me and my sister will probably have to turn to dating Chinese people. I as a guy (like you) have less of a chance at getting a girl because game is always rigged in a woman's favor. However my sister who is also white, when she looks to find a Chinese guy it is easier for her since she's a girl.

Likewise its the case with Asians in America. Whites= majority so some asians are going to turn to try dating white people (for example yourself). However the difference between a Chinese guy like you and a Chinese girl is that the Chinese girl is going to have an easier time snagging white men simply because she's a girl. That's why you see lots of asian-girl white male couples and less asian male white female couples in America

Edit: Read Jitterbug's post anyways. He has it right.

Hispanic girls, white girls, etc all reject me. I have heard racist comments from plenty of them. I am not someone who goes specifically for just Asian girls. I'm also 5'11" 200 pounds good looking, atheletic, muscular, and have a six pack. Can't get any of those girls.


Master Don Juan
Feb 19, 2009
Reaction score
gspshields2 said:
I'm also 5'11" 200 pounds good looking, atheletic, muscular, and have a six pack. Can't get any of those girls.
If it's not working, it's not enough. Would you refer to yourself as "witty," "accomplished," or "interesting"?


Apr 18, 2011
Reaction score
loveshogun said:
If it's not working, it's not enough. Would you refer to yourself as "witty," "accomplished," or "interesting"?

I would but I can't get past the hello stage? I don't even get an acknowledgement of my existence. I either get ignored or right away off the bat with some racist bull****.


Master Don Juan
Feb 19, 2009
Reaction score
gspshields2 said:
I would but I can't get past the hello stage? I don't even get an acknowledgement of my existence. I either get ignored or right away off the bat with some racist bull****.
You live in the south or something?

I have never experienced that before. Except when I was in grade school, and had confidence and self-esteem issues. Coincidentally, that was the time when I was chalking everything up to racism as well.

I don't know you, dude, but based on what you're saying and how hostile you feel that white people are (don't get me wrong, there are some hostile white people out there... but percentage-wise, about the same as any other race), I think there are other issues at work here.

I would say the negativity you harbor towards white people probably comes across to these girls you talk to - they might sense that something is off about your opinion of them.

This is all grasping at straws, though. I don't have any concrete examples from you. I can only speak for myself and my buddies that we've had as much success in white territory as we have in the others, if not more.

If anything, I get racism and hostility from Asian girls cause they see me with so many white women. Ha!


Don Juan
Jan 19, 2005
Reaction score
moneyisking said:
I hate to think myself disadvantaged in any way compared other races b/c that is self-defeating and negative thinking... but I am 22, still virgin, and still have no clue in woman. I really think that if I can handle this woman issues, at least learn how to handle them like a man should, then my life will be much happier (not b/c of women themselves, but from the fact that I know I have control over it).

I am about 5' 7" and 160 lbs, quite muscular guy, personally not bad looking. I love active sports and workout, going to school, doing well in part-time job, have friends, lead decent social interactions by going out to occasional parties or hanging outs. I really don't get how I am still a virgin after all that effort I have put into.

Trust me my friends, I have lived these 3 years constantly thinking about how I can be a man to get a girl and all the strategies and techniques, of course I never focus all my life around it, but it has been a huge deal for me to learn how to get a girl, or how to be a type of man that get girls. I am not here to have you sympathize me or anything, for that will not help me at all. But for christsakes, how can a normal Asian guy like me get some chicks? I know problem is in me, so there should be an answer. Honestly speaking I have no clue of the patterns or logics of interaction with girls. I am reading bunch of books of every kind, trying to get better by talking to chicks, but this weird feeling of insecurity, un-confidence, and sadness that emerge when I talk to girls... how do I solve this? Guys, I am tired of seeing all my friends cuddling with each other and loving each other and I can't even have a f-buddy. This really fvcking sucks man. If you have any advice, then let me know; and I am talking to girls and trying to practice, but still I have no clue of any basis, so I suck. Help needed.
i have not posted in years, but this one i know i had to. i know this thread has been hijacked regarding white women. but let's get back to your main concern.

here's a few solid tips that has helped me over the years. i'm asian also if that helps you relate better but my tips are universal.

1. have fun for yourself. people in general are naturally attracted to others that knows how to have fun and don't take life seriously per se, we only live once. also stop trying to impress and just have a blast. you can be the ugliest mofo on the planet but if you know how to have a good time people will be immediately drawn to you (laws of attraction my friend). bam 80% of the workload is done just by having a good time for yourself. 20% is the closing and thats where you have to hone your people skills, use your best attributes.

2. don't dissect signs of interests. it's all crap, i used to do that all the time and if you're reading help book, don't forget to experiment. tips studying and interaction with people should be 20% and 80%. if you read all these stuff like here on dj and never apply it, that's a major problem between yourself and your lack of motivation.

3. also you don't have to be a jerk to get chicks. its a misconception, women are looking for strong men (assertive, confident, funny but not always ****) vs weak men (which can appear very nice, watching out what they say that may offend people).

4. don't apologize for your actions or words (another sign of weakness).

5. take interest in the other person, ask them questions, keep listening, if they ask you a question, just answer it and go right back to them. at the end of the night they will think you are the best guy to hang out with because you take interest in them (people love to talk about themselves).

5. this tip which i'm saying again is "have fun for yourself first, everything else will be taken care of," once you start doing that, you'll start noticing how you view the world outside of you in a positive light. it's not creepy, it's not scary, it's just a playground just for you to play in. enjoy before you get old.

6. one last tip, treat everybody as they are the same. don't care if she's the ugliest or prettiest girl once you put them above you, all is lost. they all share the same features as you and me, emotions, problems, stress, what is the meaning of life?, crap like that. everyone is on equal playing fields, why should you automatically put them higher than you?

hope this helps i know it has for me and i have no problem talking to anybody, white mexican asian indian blacks you name it. as long you can communicate it's open game.