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do any of you guys smoke weed?


Don Juan
Nov 26, 2005
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T Money said:
I used to smoke every day in high school. I'm 22 now.

When I smoke now, I get extremely anti-social and have wierd ****ed up thoughts. I get too hard on myself and start hating myself. It sucks, because I used to love it.

Same with me...


Master Don Juan
Mar 23, 2006
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Loss Vaygus, NV
I don't like Mary Jane at all, but at the same time, I don't look down upon those who do. I don't see how the government can legislate a weed that grows in the ground. It does'nt hurt anyone but those who abuse it, and even then in rare cases. Alcohol has caused the deaths of more people this year than Mary has (at least directly) since the inception of human existance. I hate conspiracy theories, but I have to give some creedence to the idea of cotton barons lobbying for it's illegality due to the plant's textile qualities, plus the idea that it was used as a propaganda tool to vilify the Hispanic population in America in the early 20th century. There is no other valid reason for it's stigma.

That being said, I still think it's one of the stupidest things to use to try to pick up a girl.


Master Don Juan
Mar 26, 2003
Reaction score
Makes sense that hot girls use pot, as weed smoke doesn't have calories :)

I don't really smoke anything anymore, save the occasional tobacco hookah.


Master Don Juan
Mar 23, 2006
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Loss Vaygus, NV
Legal risks and quality of the girls would play a large part for me personally, but as a whole, I don't think it's a good thing to try to build rapport with for anyone.

It just seems to me to be such a fluff thing to try to use to build rapport, like trying to hook a girl because you both like a certain movie.

I don't know, maybe it's just a personal thing for me. Since it's not a part of my life, I can't see a way that it would be useful in attraction. Perhaps if I was a fan, I would see it differently.


Master Don Juan
Feb 26, 2005
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On a somewhat related thing about girls + pot. I just found a girl who smokes weed and listens to the exact same kinda music as me (Marley, OAR, Dispatch, Oasis, etc.)

Needless to say she'll be mine :D


Master Don Juan
Nov 5, 2003
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SnowBlind77 said:
i was just wondering if any of you guys smoked weed. i used to.....ALOT. but for me it made me anti-social, and i didnt get any girls. anyone else find this?

yes which is why i quit and never looked back. I mean i smoked ALOT. Im talking about 3 to 5 times a day every day for like 10 years. Plus the money i wasted....psshhh **** that though, not doing anything like that anymore


Master Don Juan
Apr 16, 2006
Reaction score
It's not a ****ing tool to get girls, it's for relaxation.

Just saying if the girl smokes too it'll get her horny.

Monkey D. Luffy

Don Juan
Jun 20, 2006
Reaction score
Shezz said:
I think you'll find that was Nate Dogg

And yes, occasionally...

Sarge On...
I wasn't talking about the song...

Don Ronny

Jun 27, 2003
Reaction score
Best weed in the world is Afghani..Mmmm forbidden weed! Yes sir...nothing like terrorist herbs to get you fuct up! But that's only for hardcore Indica smokage. When I am in more of a Sativa mood I reach for my White Widow or Northern Lights.

And no, I do not sarge high...the mind is just too slow to react and pickup requires sharp wits, IMHO

cant think of a user name

Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2002
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How do you guys feel about those anti-weed ads on TV talking about people going insane/mentally unstable from smoking weed... is it the product of a government looking out for itself, or a real health warning?


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40
They're referencing 'paranoid schizophrenia.' And yes, it turns out that a lot of people who go schizo are secret potheads. Because of this correlation, and the anti-drug hysteria, many doctors believe that pot causes schizophrenia.

However, imo, what is happening is correlation, not causation. People with mental problems are self-medicating with pot. It helps them get by for a while and appear normal. But it does not work forever, and when their lives come crashing down from the schizophrenia, it's easy to blame marijuana. Paranoid schizophrenics are also almost always chain-smokers of tobacco, another way of self-medicating their imbalanced brain chemicals. If pot made people go crazy, then the areas of Jamaica and Belize which have a high percentage of long-term pot smoking should have higher rates of schizophrenia. They don't. ( btw they don't get more cancer, either.)

The most dangerous risks of pot are the legal risks, as well as employer drug testing, not health risks.


Heavy Marijuana Smoking Not Linked To Raised Lung, Neck Cancer Risk

"As marijuana produces more resin and tar than tobacco, as marijuana smokers inhale deeper into the lungs and hold the smoke down for longer, one would expect to find that lung cancer risk would be significantly higher. However, researchers from the David Geffen School of Medicine, University of California, were surprised to find there was no link at all."


A drug that functions as concentrated marijuana does may spur neurogenesis, the process by which the brain gives birth to new nerve cells.


Master Don Juan
Apr 16, 2006
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Pot does not cause everything that you think it may. It just happens to be that a lot of users usually have some all the traits you think pot causes.

Pot WILL relax you, WILL make you hungry, WILL give you a feelings of mild euphoria, and WILL have the effects of smoke going into your lungs. (That is obvious)

Anything else is just the user.

I find that the MAJORITY of people in life smoke pot, have smoked it and/or are cool with it if you are in the 15 - 40 age range. Most people will be cool with it, only a few select nerds actually take government messages seriously and try to get people to stop.

It's like if people suddenly called anybody who drinks alchohol drunks and losers and act like society will look down apon them and block out the fact in their mind that bars exist.

When really it's usually out of anger that those people have been so immersed in their nerdy hobbies that they cling to government commercials for support and to cover the fact that they just don't have much of a life.

Do whatever you want to do, but don't condem others for something that is harmless and MOST people do or have experienced at least once in their life. Everything in moderation.


Master Don Juan
Mar 23, 2006
Reaction score
Loss Vaygus, NV
cant think of a user name said:
How do you guys feel about those anti-weed ads on TV talking about people going insane/mentally unstable from smoking weed... is it the product of a government looking out for itself, or a real health warning?
It's the government pulling some serious CYA. They have to make it look like the drug is incredibly unhealthy, so they can keep it illegal, because the real reasons just aren't cutting it in this day and age.

Check this out.
Link to Page
On January 1, 1932, the newly established Federal Bureau of Narcotics, a unit in the Treasury Department, took over from the Alcohol Unit of the department the enforcement of the federal antiopiate and anticocaine laws; and former Assistant Prohibition Commissioner Harry J. Anslinger took over as commissioner of narcotics. Commissioner Anslinger had no legal jurisdiction over marijuana, but his interest in it was intense.

The Bureau's first Annual Report under his aegis warned that marijuana, dismissed as a minor problem by the Treasury one year earlier, had now "come into wide and increasing abuse in many states, and the Bureau of Narcotics has therefore been endeavoring to impress on the various States the urgent need for vigorous enforcement of the local cannabis laws."

Many people believe that Mr. Anslinger collaborated with industry giants to outlaw marijuana. It is known that he was acquainted with both the Hearsts (of Hearst Newspapers) and the DuPonts, of DuPont plastic fame. (Hemp seed oil derivatives could replace DuPont's petroleum derived compounds.)
In the 1930s, Hearst, who owned newspapers all over the country, started publishing sensationalist-type "news" stories about marijuana use. These stories, often written by Hearst or Anslinger himself, talked about "insanity, criminality, and death" caused by smoking marijuana, sometimes after just one joint. This intense propaganda campaign led to anti-marijuana laws in many states.

In 1937, the Marijuana Tax Stamp Act was passed, effectively prohibiting possession or use of marijuana. It was claimed to be needed to oversee and coordinate existing state law concerning marijuana.

The following are excerpts of Mr. Anslinger's testimony before a Senate hearing on marijuana in 1937:

"There are 100,000 total marijuana smokers in the US, and most are Negroes, Hispanics, Filipinos, and entertainers. Their Satanic music, jazz, and swing, result from marijuana use. This marijuana causes white women to seek sexual relations with Negroes, entertainers, and any others."

"...the primary reason to outlaw marijuana is its effect on the degenerate races."

"Marijuana is an addictive drug which produces in its users insanity, criminality, and death."

"You smoke a joint and you're likely to kill your brother."

"Marijuana is the most violence-causing drug in the history of mankind."
Banning Marijuana was a product of the times, obviously. Rasicm was rampant, and the thought of "blacks and white congregating as equals because of this devil weed" was incomprehensible. So, one would think that eventually this stigma would have gone by the wayside with the advent of civil rights and such. Unfortunately, much of Anslinger's rhetoric was a self fulfilling prophecy. If you say that Marijuana causes "criminality" and use that fact to make it a crime, then anyone who uses it is a criminal, thus making the "criminality" true. The fact is, is you look at drug use, and take away the law element, very few crimes are prepetrated as a result of drugs. This is especially true when you consider that due to the ilegality, those who do not generally commit crimes avoid drugs as a result of their legal status, where as those predisposed to crime will continue or begin to do them due to their lack of respect for the law.

It sucks too, because before I transferred to intelligence operations, I actually had to bust guys for Marijuana use. I'm looking at these poor old hippie fellas getting hauled away to federal pens for possession, and possession with intent. It's stupid, it really is.

Prisoners sentenced for drug offenses constituted the largest group of Federal inmates (55%) in 2003
This is interesting. We don't have room for rapists and murderers because the prisons are already filled up with non-violent drug users. That makes sense.


Master Don Juan
Mar 23, 2006
Reaction score
Loss Vaygus, NV
This marijuana causes white women to seek sexual relations with Negroes, entertainers, and any others.
So I guess if you're black, an entertainer, or "others", this should go in the "Don Juan Tips" section of this site.

Yeah, right. :D

cant think of a user name

Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2002
Reaction score
S1NN3R said:
It's the government pulling some serious CYA. They have to make it look like the drug is incredibly unhealthy, so they can keep it illegal, because the real reasons just aren't cutting it in this day and age.
Exactly, that was what I suspected in my post, but sadly I didn't have the info to back it up.

Bvbidd said:
Most people will be cool with it, only a few select nerds actually take government messages seriously and try to get people to stop.
Do whatever you want to do, but don't condem others for something that is harmless and MOST people do or have experienced at least once in their life. Everything in moderation.
Dude who are you talking to? No one is condemning anyone for smoking weed. You sound ****ing angry :D.