do any of you do Day and Night Game sarges on the same day?


Senior Don Juan
Apr 2, 2007
Reaction score
Hey, I just got done doing some day game campus sarging. It was fun, but it is so exhausting walking around for a couple hours and doing cold approaches all over the place. I'm glad I did it, but I'm exhausted from it, and doing Night Game later on was a consideration until I realized once again how much sarging takes a toll on the mind and body. Do some of you do Day and Night Game sarges on the same day? I think I'd need a nap before going on another sarge. I did 10 cold approaches, but I also talked with a lot of friends and women I know as well. Or maybe it's best to do your day and night game sarges on different days?


Master Don Juan
Jan 24, 2011
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What's best is for it to become second nature to approach these girls. It won't be as much "work" when you get more comfortable with it. You should always be ready to approach when you see someone you would like to get with. There is no limit to the number of girls you can talk to, and you should NEVER not approach simply because you did a lot of approaching earlier in the day.


Don Juan
Sep 6, 2011
Reaction score
i did it yesterday with a guy i met on some forum it was the first time we see each-other
during the day i did 5 hi approaches on girls walking in the other way [was planing to go direct after i stop someone] but i just got 2 girls scared [lol i am not scary] and 1 girl started laughing but didn't stop [and i kind of started to feel nervous so i did not try to stop her either]
during the night i did one direct on a group of 3 girls
basically i went to them touch one girls hand and told her that i like her and that i want to get to know her and then introduced myself to all of them and puled my buddy in the group
we were talking for 40 to 60 minutes with some pauses between because i was running out of things to say and i learned that you can stop talking have fun with your friend or just listen to music and when you think of something to say you can just start talking again with the girl like there was no silence in between and it is perfectly normal
in the end i started to feel nervous again and didn't manage to concentrate and forgot to ask for number
my new friend has taken a number from some other girl in the group but as i understand he will not try to help me to hook up with the girl that i approached...if he does this i will reconsider our friendship [i don't feel anything and can totally ban his number on my phone because i just met him and i don't like friends that don't try to help]

btw. if you are wondering affirmations work good i am doing affirmations for one month now and i can do more stuff that i wasn't able to do one moth before


Senior Don Juan
Apr 2, 2007
Reaction score
PDubb75 said:
What's best is for it to become second nature to approach these girls. It won't be as much "work" when you get more comfortable with it. You should always be ready to approach when you see someone you would like to get with. There is no limit to the number of girls you can talk to, and you should NEVER not approach simply because you did a lot of approaching earlier in the day.
I'd like to get to that point where I can cold approach easily. I do a lot of approaches,but I typically have to internalize things before I decide to approach. And that takes a good ten seconds or so where I'm like "Hmm, is she young/old enough, etc...?" Which is a minor sticking point for me. And any hesitation during Day Game is a killer. Also, gaming in front of people at stores is tough for me. Like when a hot woman is in line checking out, I usually don't approach her due to the external circumstances. I'm not afraid of approaching the woman per say, because if she was in the cereal aisle, it would be on. haha But little negative things go through my head when I consider gaming women in front of many people. Why does this happen to me? Why is gaming in front of people and number closing there such a negative thing in my head?
I tried to push my limits the past two days. I did 10 cold approaches today and 10 yesterday, though I have issues approaching 2 or 3-sets when they look like they're in deep dialogue. I have to get over that sticking point.
By the way, I had trouble getting numbers off my cold approaches. I only got one. Over half the women I talked to had boyfriends.
Serdude: Thanks for the input. I just have to force myself to go out and approach more. What kind of affirmations do you read?


Don Juan
Sep 6, 2011
Reaction score
@ Deicide
i read them once on my mobile [in my native language] and i am playing them for 1 or 2 hours per day for the whole month
the affirmations are from cory skyy and here is a list from all the affirmations that i have [ i only use 10 of them but will change to another 10 next week.change to fresh 10 per month or every 2 weeks]
* Its ok
* I love women
* Women love me
* I deserve to have beautiful women in my life
* I am comfortable having women in my life.
* I am a sexually desirable man
* Women want to f.uck me everywhere I go
*I am wonderful just the way I am
*I am increasing my capacity to love and understand women
*Women are finding themselves helplessly drawn to my masculine power
*I am becoming a high status male and so are increasingly attracting high status females
*I am detaching myself from outcome dependence, increasingly able to do what I want, where I want, how I want it with women, and that turns them on
*I am oozing sexual power and women are drawn to my magnetism
*Women everywhere are starting to want to f.uck me
*I am increase my threashold of deservedness
*I am becoming more deserving of quality women
*The women I am deserving easily intimidates other men
*The women I am deserving overpower other men with desire
*I am being more deserving of quality women
*I am a confident man
*I am authentic
*I am the prize
*I believe in myself
*I know I am great
*I attract everything I desire
*Happiness comes to me easily
*I am Happy
get some friend that will push you in to situations that is the best thing that you can challenge your perspective of people and the world/society every day
and read my post in here
Faking confidence doesn't work

in the end open a thread where you will post your successes story's [even the little ones like i said hi to 10 girls today and got 3 hi's back and one girl started to laugh and watched at me] i found this to be quite an affirmation and motivational tool by itself



Senior Don Juan
Feb 23, 2008
Reaction score
I tend to work four 10 hour shifts at nights so when I have my 2-3 days off in a row for work I tend to night game the first night off and day game the following morning on my way to buy groceries for the week. Its not technically in the first day but its become a routine for me in the course of a 24 hour period.