wow I just need to look at my last post and realize it's been 16 days since I have added a plate. I really need to step up my game. just to update, more for myself to keep track of the girls in my life thus far, and hopefully motivate me to find more:
main plate, see her maybe every other day. still no f-close, since apparently she's a virgin and I kindof feel bad. but she always talks about how bad she wants me so I'm pretty sure its going to happen in the future. I can wait. also she's starting to say things like "I love you." need to curb this
haven't even kissed her since our initial hookup, but I'm pretty sure her IL is high. we had two dates since then and she's not really touchy. but verbally her IL is definitely high.
chick from last summer. she's being really cold, probably has a new guy in her life. either that, or she's getting revenge on me because I ignored her for a week while I was with HB8.5usc. I've always thought that you can't ignore a girl too much -- if you ignore a girl when her IL is high, you could always go back and she'll take you. but I guess that's wrong. sucks that she's the hottest one of my plates too. this should motivate me to go out and find new plates
very obvious she wants to hook up but I want to friendzone her because she has hotter friends
is a secretary at where I work and really cute, IL seems really high but she seems prudish and not very interesting. I judge her IL to be high because she always brings [only me] food and asks me TONS of questions. sounds like she's interviewing me... not sure if this can go anywhere because she probably wouldn't want anything except an exclusive relationship...
aaand now I can see that I'm actually only hooking up with one girl since the rest of my plates suck/dropped and I'm a loser and need to get out and find more girls.
main plate, see her maybe every other day. still no f-close, since apparently she's a virgin and I kindof feel bad. but she always talks about how bad she wants me so I'm pretty sure its going to happen in the future. I can wait. also she's starting to say things like "I love you." need to curb this
haven't even kissed her since our initial hookup, but I'm pretty sure her IL is high. we had two dates since then and she's not really touchy. but verbally her IL is definitely high.
chick from last summer. she's being really cold, probably has a new guy in her life. either that, or she's getting revenge on me because I ignored her for a week while I was with HB8.5usc. I've always thought that you can't ignore a girl too much -- if you ignore a girl when her IL is high, you could always go back and she'll take you. but I guess that's wrong. sucks that she's the hottest one of my plates too. this should motivate me to go out and find new plates
very obvious she wants to hook up but I want to friendzone her because she has hotter friends
is a secretary at where I work and really cute, IL seems really high but she seems prudish and not very interesting. I judge her IL to be high because she always brings [only me] food and asks me TONS of questions. sounds like she's interviewing me... not sure if this can go anywhere because she probably wouldn't want anything except an exclusive relationship...
aaand now I can see that I'm actually only hooking up with one girl since the rest of my plates suck/dropped and I'm a loser and need to get out and find more girls.