went out for Halloween -- update
went out with a large group of mostly males -- only 3 girls in our group. HB8chinese (from China), HB7friend, HB6.5friend. HB7 and HB6.5 were my friends for 2 years, for some reason we just never really had any romantic interest in each other, ever. we party a lot together, and we will wing for each other a lot, but thats it
I've gone out with HB8chinese once before, and we got pretty freaky. so it wasn't hard to start that again yesterday. we also met some new chicks, HB6-8, and I pretty much danced with all of them really easily, I guess because of my social proof from having HB8 all over me. the problem is, I still have fear #1 from my first post and I just really can't hook up in front of my friends... I think I probably lost 2 opportunities last night because of that.
some interesting things came out of last night
1) HB6.5 and HB7 both tried to dance with me -- this has NEVER happened before. I don't think they have any interest in hooking up with me, nor did I have any interest in them, but I think that just being the alpha of the group who danced with every girl in the group made them want to "try me out." social proof in play here, even though they knew me for 2 years and I was always that AFC
2) HB8, HB6.5 and the most AFC guy in our group comes up to me and accuses me of being a player (jokingly, of course). my response:
me (talking only to HB8): I couldn't keep them off me -- I only wanted to dance with you
she seemed to really like this -- I took the gamble of an AFC line because I think chicks dig that more in China even when they are hot.
from then on, every time she danced with another guy, she was always looking at me. I was so sure I could pull her away from them at any time haha but I didn't want to be a d!ck.
part two of FR - I ditched my friends
so now I could be free to hook up
but I still fail... and this really kills me
I was dancing with HB8.5, some random chick, and we escalate pretty quickly. she turns her neck to me and I kiss it, then she turns the other side to me and I bite/suck it a little. she does the same to me, viciously lol
I spin her off me and start dancing with another girl......thinking I was doing a takeaway slash playing hard to get
and bam 5 minutes later she making out with some other dude
fvck me in the @ss
did I play this wrong? once you get the solid IOIs do you go for the kill immediately? or do you toy with her more?
part 3 of FR - HB8chinese goes home
this is her second time at a club ever, and seh gets tired and leaves with some of the more AFC of our group
the rest of us bounce to another club. there are lots of HB7-8 here, and I tried dancing with all of them. they all obliged for about one song before moving away...
does this mean i just suck at dancing and couldn't keep them interested? or do some girls just oblige you for one song out of politeness regardless of your dancing ability? and how can i change this?
went out with a large group of mostly males -- only 3 girls in our group. HB8chinese (from China), HB7friend, HB6.5friend. HB7 and HB6.5 were my friends for 2 years, for some reason we just never really had any romantic interest in each other, ever. we party a lot together, and we will wing for each other a lot, but thats it
I've gone out with HB8chinese once before, and we got pretty freaky. so it wasn't hard to start that again yesterday. we also met some new chicks, HB6-8, and I pretty much danced with all of them really easily, I guess because of my social proof from having HB8 all over me. the problem is, I still have fear #1 from my first post and I just really can't hook up in front of my friends... I think I probably lost 2 opportunities last night because of that.
some interesting things came out of last night
1) HB6.5 and HB7 both tried to dance with me -- this has NEVER happened before. I don't think they have any interest in hooking up with me, nor did I have any interest in them, but I think that just being the alpha of the group who danced with every girl in the group made them want to "try me out." social proof in play here, even though they knew me for 2 years and I was always that AFC
2) HB8, HB6.5 and the most AFC guy in our group comes up to me and accuses me of being a player (jokingly, of course). my response:
me (talking only to HB8): I couldn't keep them off me -- I only wanted to dance with you
she seemed to really like this -- I took the gamble of an AFC line because I think chicks dig that more in China even when they are hot.
from then on, every time she danced with another guy, she was always looking at me. I was so sure I could pull her away from them at any time haha but I didn't want to be a d!ck.
part two of FR - I ditched my friends
so now I could be free to hook up
but I still fail... and this really kills me
I was dancing with HB8.5, some random chick, and we escalate pretty quickly. she turns her neck to me and I kiss it, then she turns the other side to me and I bite/suck it a little. she does the same to me, viciously lol
I spin her off me and start dancing with another girl......thinking I was doing a takeaway slash playing hard to get
and bam 5 minutes later she making out with some other dude
fvck me in the @ss
did I play this wrong? once you get the solid IOIs do you go for the kill immediately? or do you toy with her more?
part 3 of FR - HB8chinese goes home
this is her second time at a club ever, and seh gets tired and leaves with some of the more AFC of our group
the rest of us bounce to another club. there are lots of HB7-8 here, and I tried dancing with all of them. they all obliged for about one song before moving away...
does this mean i just suck at dancing and couldn't keep them interested? or do some girls just oblige you for one song out of politeness regardless of your dancing ability? and how can i change this?