DJ too far..? I think some of you do.


Don Juan
Nov 14, 2014
Reaction score
From my experience lurking on this forum and various posts I have learned a lot and developed myself and my frame for the better. I am now way confident and strong in dealing with women's emotional BS. But I also have come to one conclusion and that is some of you take being alpha or DJ way too far.

Women are people first and for most and I think we should recognize that. Yes, they are illogical, they walkaway grinning after dragging your heart down the gutter. yes, some cheat, some lie to your face, some are toxic as they come, some heartless and some take feminism to the extreme forcing you to question whether or not it's worth being in a relationship anymore.

But what makes us different from them is that we are NOT as illogical, as heartless or cruel as they can be and we have honor. Why are some of you failing to recognize that and give them the respect they deserve, whether in dating or in a relationship...

This site has almost zero positive thing to say about relationships, love, romantic things to do etc even if the woman in question is a good person. It usually comes down to, 'spin more plates', 'go no contact' 'don't show your emotions' etc etc. Is that what we now expect from dating? Where is the love and emotional attachment which give you so much meaning and makes your life a happy one for the long term.

Of course I very much know what I am talking about and I have taken a risk and took a massive hit because of my EX BPD mind-fvck for over a year but I refuse to give up that this is what I expect from my future dates. Just my two cents


Senior Don Juan
Oct 20, 2014
Reaction score
Well, from your post, I can tell you are a nice guy. Being a nice guy is fine, if you are okay with it, it's just that your chances are substantially lower but you can still get laid. Whether or not being a nice guy or an alpha is your personal choice.

I just prefer having all the power in a relationship. For me personally, it's either having all the power or move on to the next girl.

90% percent of girls dislike weak guys, but the other 10% are fine with it.


Don Juan
Jan 30, 2014
Reaction score
I think being nice and alpha can go together.
Lots of women like to be with a nice guy that knows how to get himself respected and call her on her bull****.

I am a very romantic guy and fairly sensitive and it would totally kill my game to act like a jerk/badboy

I have to say tough has women get to know me I usually control the relationship and I like to **** them hard. I like tI bring them the badboy experience in a romantic and fun package so they get the best of both world.

Some people do go too far with the alpha thing and I have lost a couple of good girl because of that. In the end it's about finding your balance etc and not being a little ***** .


Apr 26, 2006
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Northeast Florida, USA
15% beta, 85% alpha. Keep it there and you are good. Too much beta and you are in for a lot of letdowns and heart ache.


Mar 12, 2011
Reaction score
Onion said:
This site has almost zero positive thing to say about relationships, love, romantic things to do etc even if the woman in question is a good person. It usually comes down to, 'spin more plates', 'go no contact' 'don't show your emotions' etc etc. Is that what we now expect from dating? Where is the love and emotional attachment which give you so much meaning and makes your life a happy one for the long term.
Come on bro, no one cares about love and attachment and crap. The world only cares what it can GET from you, and SO DO WOMEN.

We are not giving these opinions because we hate women, its because what we see out there. And with the Courts, Judges, Police, Military on the female side, the most logical answer to every question is "Spin more plates". :up:


Senior Don Juan
Oct 18, 2004
Reaction score
Watched Godfather 2 yesterday, Michael had to slap a ho. haha, we men don't have that many tools at our disposal nowadays so we need to keep our mouthpiece crisp and take zero **** while not letting things escalate to that level. If you don't take zero **** the girl will amp the disrespect slowly until you can't do control the situation anymore and you are sunk. By nature they test us, therefore you must have a relationship framework in place and guard it as a principal.


Master Don Juan
Apr 17, 2013
Reaction score
Onion said:
But I also have come to one conclusion and that is some of you take being alpha or DJ way too far.
Or so they think they are being alpha or DJ....

You just got to know who to read and listen to on these forums. Avoid the advice of the rest.


Don Juan
Dec 7, 2014
Reaction score
Old Europe
TheException said:
You just got to know who to read and listen to on these forums. Avoid the advice of the rest.
This. I shared the OP's grief at first, but then recognized that this forum makes an excellent training ground for discerning experienced, thoughtful men from slogan-spewing keyboard jockeys.


Master Don Juan
Apr 20, 2014
Reaction score
In any forum or other arena where you have hundreds of individuals we will always see different opinions banded about. This is a good thing - my own mother always says to me give yourself as many options and choices as you can; don't think she fully appreciates the sanctity of her own prophecy at times, bless her.

And that, friends, is what this whole affair is about, maintenance of person choice. 'Disney' love and emotional attachment cloud judgment and therefore personal choice.

Choices are to be made each and every day, especially with regard to those who we share our existence with. The thing we must always preserve is our choice to either love someone or leave them. We must make that choice each and every day - weather it be after one date, or twenty years of marriage - the same goes for trust. We maintain a healthy degree of respect from other people by doing this and portraying that free will; the rest is methodology and technicality.