DJ in jail


Master Don Juan
Aug 26, 2004
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guys, i don't know why but it seems that most of you can't simply get the message. i don't give a sh1t about how you shoot the guy, wether it is possible that they send you in jail or not, if there are women in there (besides, i never mentioned that women and men are kept in the same prisons). think just for a moment that all this happens and you find yourself in the prison, knowing that you WON'T get out of it before a long time. now, what would you do?

if you think that this can't happen, it's ok. i know that almost none of us will ever be even suspected of homicide. you just have to suppose that situation, please.

tell me what you would do if you know somebody wants to have in-out in-out with you and what if he actually tries or manages to.


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2001
Reaction score
WTF dude!!????

why do you keep asking this stupid question? somone trying to pop your anal cherry or something?


Master Don Juan
Dec 2, 2004
Reaction score
U called? ;)


I have been sent to jail for 5 - 10 years (reason does not matter, the fact remains that i am getting sent to jail

What I would do in a situation like this?

1) I would "Behave" well and try to get along with as many people as i could, make more friends than enemies.

2) I would find out who the "main people" that are feared by everyone are, and I would do my best to befriend them.

3) Work out a lot!

4) If someone DOES try anything, I will do all in my power to make sure that the person who messes with me ends up in hospital, so that others will know that if they wanna try anything with me, they are going to be taking a risk!

5) Get friendly with the officers would be important too... If you are on good terms with them, then they will not make ur life there harder than it already is, and being corrupt, they could help u out if u needed a favour or wateva the case might be.

6) I would make sure that the people that I know on the outside world would get letters from me on a regular basis (keep in touch with the outside world so that they don’t just forget that i exist

7) Read newspapers and other things of that sort to keep up with the outside world etc

8) If I have any talents like drawing etc, then I would NOT neglect it, I would work on it, draw a lot, and keep my talent alive.

9) I would find a group of guys that like to talk about the stuff that I am interested in, and keep my general knowledge up... And I would make a plan to get a SoSuave Lesson thing going too:D Maybe make a SoSuave forum that’s carved into some wall somewhere =)

10) I would take some time to just think about myself, my life, my good qualities, my bad qualities, and strive to better MYSELF, and i would set goals that i want to accomplish in my life for AFTER i get out of jail (I would write all this down in a journal or a diary or something) This will give me something to look forward to, and will also improve me as a person as I will have time to think about me, my life, etc etc, and what needs to be fixed/improved etc. (Most people these days don’t realise this, but if you take an hour or so to just be by yourself, and THINK about yourself, your life, your family, your friends, EVERYTHING about your life, and you analyze it, you will see that u will have a different outlook on a lot of those things, and you will see things a lot more clearly, and you will also discover some realizations that you wouldn’t of without thinking and analyzing your life;)

11) If we would do any activities of any sort I would try to take the place of the alpha male, so that the others would see me as a "leader", and look up to me, rather than me just being some guy in the crowd. I would make myself be known and make it clear that i am not scared of anyone, nor will I put up with their sh!t. You let your guard down in a place like jail, and you will soon become an abused sex toy:rolleyes:

12) I would ALWAYS keep my hygiene... Just because I am in a "lower class" place, doesn’t mean that i will ACT lower class, and being a Don Juan is about bettering ourselves as a person, NOT degrading ourselves, no matter WHERE we are, or WHAT situation. (And I am not talking about being on a Survivor show and refusing to do something because its "lower class", that’s a different story)

13) I would not look at jail as being only bad, I would try my best to make the most of it and be POSITIVE at all times, you loose hope, get depressed etc and you WILL fall short.

14) I personally enjoy writing, so i would also maybe write a book on my "jail experiences" or something of that sort, story’s, poems, drawings, wateva you like. And if u play a musical instrument, then don’t neglect it, if u can organise to get it, play it, make songs, enjoy the music.

15) With so much time on my hands, my imagination is BOUND to have a good time, so i would work on inventing things maybe, so when I get out, I'll try sell the idea's, and hopefully will become rich from that:rolleyes:

But overall, make sure that you are not in the position where u are just sitting and not doing anything (Unless you are thinking etc) so in other words, DONT GET BORED! U are alive, and you must try LIVE as much as you possibly can!



Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2001
Reaction score
Exactly where I want to be.
"The trick is, kick someone's ass the first day. Or, become someone's b!tch."
-Office Space


Master Don Juan
Aug 26, 2004
Reaction score
amen aequitas, u have been the first who understood what i meant. your "guide to prison" is really interesting, thank you:)