DJ bootcamp: week 2

rushing dude 123

Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2006
Reaction score
Davidg100 and blackfrost are through to week 3. i am waiting on the rest of u guys u got 1 more day left now, make it worth it.

obameros, has i said before i only answer to action and not words. thyme and cool dude got put through to this week because they did that. If u want to b in this bootcamp u got 3 tasks tommorow, if u can do it then i will know ur man enough to put through.

1. 2 hours of eye contact with strangers
2. 50 hi's or hello's to random strangers
3. 10 conversations 2 mins+ with either men or women.

If u complete that i will advance u to week 3.

Cool dude well done on ur approaches hope to see u in week 3 and i put the link for pook below.

15 lessons - Pook

Last day guys push it, u got through week 1, u can get through week 2. 10 conversations 2 mins + i have done that has i got changed in a swimming locker room before i went swimming, i am sure u can do it very easily when u got the whole day to do it.

Heart Break Kid

Master Don Juan
Mar 17, 2006
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In hell. I'm Satan's lover.
Hey! Haven't been on a lot. I thought some summer school courses would be fun as a nice break from law school but really, it's the exact same amount of work that one does in a semester so I've been swamped lol.

I'm done the exercise which I'll describe on Friday (when my two essays are in.) I usually end up talking to strangers every day so it wasn't a problem at all. :)

Al Moh.

Senior Don Juan
Jan 15, 2008
Reaction score
Here is my report for yesterday:

First I went to a debateclub at university, always wanted to do that. So speaking in front of all those people about some kind of topic is always a good excercise. In terms of the BC, I talke to 4 people there for the required time.

On my way back home I met a girl in the train who was in my year at school, talked about what we do now after school etc.

So it's 9/10 then. I could have easily done the last one yesterday but I figured that then I would be happy to be through week 2 and just chill today. Now, with one convo left, I will look for opportunities today and get as many convos as possible.


Don Juan
Apr 25, 2009
Reaction score
hey RD remember i already finished week 2 like 3 days ago so put me on that list man... but i do have a couple more to post anyways (total this week i think i hit like 18 convos atleast).

anyways tonight was kinda interesting n i want to tell you guys about it. so there is this chick who has lived on my block for my entire life... and she was always dec looking maybe a 6.5 but this year i dont know what hit her but she is an easy 8 - very good looking IMO. so just today at our senior get-together thing i talk a bit with her... she seems kinda interested/kinda not but at the same time i was kinda not interested either and was messin with her friends more. now she never has never really been into me in the past but tonight she texted me
"THYME!!! what are you doin?! lol"
and we ended up going to a mini party thing. long drive out there like 20 minutes atleast but the convos were good it was never awkward. anyways we come back at about 2:30 a.m. together and there is this sign with removable letters at the edge of our street that literally the whole town sees. we made it say "porn art - stop in" and it was a blast. we were laughing the whole time and it was kinda rebel/kinda creative at the same time...

but i really cant tell if this chic is in to me or not... she would give me an IOI or two and then a IOD. but whatev im not worried about it because it was a fun night all in all.


Don Juan
Jun 18, 2008
Reaction score
After a late night... finally done mate.

cool dude

Senior Don Juan
Mar 22, 2009
Reaction score
So yesterday night I went out to this coffee shop to meet new people,they have a drum circle like every wednesday so it's pretty cool.Well the really cool thing for me is that I met the dude that is a producer and Ima hook up with him and bang out some beats! I hope talking to a group is cool because I did that also,I felt at ease more in a group.I also did that at a party my sis brought me too on memorial day,I forgot to tell you all.That time though I was nervous because I was high, and I get anxiety when I am high.I pulled through though and I talked with everyone there.I think they thought I was just a lil dumb kid though because they were all older than me.That's how I felt at least.There was a kid there my age and he didn't talk to anyone,so that made me feel not so bad.

Lastnight I sparked a convo with this girl that was walking by me,of course I was nervous but I opened up with I like your style.She said thanks and that was it.So I had to ask her more questions like where she is from and is she goin to this cub called razzles.It was only like 1 min convo though so it doesnt count.
I am glad we have till tomorrow because I do not feel satisfied with myself and my encounters...I can do better. I am glad though that I did well on memorial day and last night I felt good like I had no cares,I ended up singing in the streets...sublime of course

rushing dude 123

Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2006
Reaction score
ok well done guys to those who made it. So far i got thyme, Hbk, Rockyroc, davidg100, blackfrost and myself, so that is 6. I know some of u r near to completing and on my clock right now it is past midnight so week 3 has just begun for the uk, I know some of u due to timezones probs have another 5 hours or so, so i will wait for a few more people to go through. Other than that i am starting the week 3 thread now, so field reports all in now.

cool dude

Senior Don Juan
Mar 22, 2009
Reaction score
SO I guess talking to groups of people do not count huh? Well tomrrow then its goin down.I will make it to week 3!!

rushing dude 123

Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2006
Reaction score
sure a group counts has one, unless u mean group has a hole part and the group is split up in seperate 2- 3 sets then each will count set u do will count has one. Why are u finished?

Al Moh.

Senior Don Juan
Jan 15, 2008
Reaction score
Sorry, I was out late yesterday so I hadn't got time to turn on my computer, that's why I have to post today.

Yesterday I had a few convos troughout the day, most of them too short, yet two or three long enough.

Most interesting one was probably with an older man about why we have to wait for things. It was pretty philosophical, he said that people are either born with patience or not, I argued that it can be learned and that in fact we never REALLY learn patience, it's a test we have to face every day.

So I'm done. 10/10 at least.

cool dude

Senior Don Juan
Mar 22, 2009
Reaction score
Ok cool well then yea I was done because that what it was like, sometimes there were 2 sets and sometimes it was 1on 1 and sometimes it was a group of 4,but just in case it didn't count I talk to 6 people today. The craziest one was with this girl that told me her life story!man what a life she had. How do I find week three?


Don Juan
Aug 30, 2008
Reaction score
#1 a girl i say hi during week one exercise we talk about ramdon school stuffs then another girl came

#2 we continue the three way convo on school topics so nothing special about it.

waiting in the hall
#3 a girl ask me a question so i tried to chat with her
she answer my questions but did not seems interested and then walk away.later she came back for a while but i did not bother.

#4 i sat in front of a guy in class and talk to him 'til the teach came

#5 went to campus to change a subject schedule and while waiting talk to some dude

Friday last day

#6 going downstairs
a girl ask me: do you have class now? i am almost sure i don't know her, so i told her that and then we try to figure out from were does she knows me(when she 1st talk to me i was heading to the restroom so after a while i say bye and continue on my way.
i know i should have play this better

#7 in a bus
an old men sitting behind me ask me for 25 pesos for a bus fare( almost a dollar, i know the guy is probably going to ask more people for money and buy alcohol or drugs but i gave him the money anyway

after he got off the bus the girl next to me look at me and smile because i was foolish enough to give money to someone like that. i explain to her that i knew what he was probably going to do with the money and that it was ok.

we change subjects i ask her something she answers and look away after a while she looks back at me (smiling again)
so i continue to talk to her then i ask her another question and she answered and again looked away wtf??

# 8 talk with a girl in a bus about music

# 9 and #10 in class i started the convo asking if they came to college last week (first week) and if the teach leave any assignments

this week was easier that week one

so now the fun begins

rushing dude 123

Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2006
Reaction score
nice comeback azrael good to have u along still, i was bit dissapointed we already went into the single figures in week 3 seeing we had only 9, but seems we are in the doubles again with u making 10. Good to see u got some outside of school to, seeing this camp will probs run during the school holidays. i favour the bus a lot myself for some odd reason lol.
Oct 22, 2008
Reaction score
Wait ...... whoah..... hold on! I finished week two. I talked to 10 people at the mall, and the conversations were 5 minutes plus in length.

1. Older Lady, about 75. Her name was Ingrid.

15 minute conversation.
I talked to her about her German ancestry, and she told me that the younger generation is ashamed of mentioning the Holocust. She told me how when she was younger she saw Berlin getting bombed... ad that she had to help her parents bulild her house.... and when she was 19 she moved to America with her whole immediate family. She said germans have a hard time being kind and showing emotion... and that she was never thanked by her in laws in 40 years when she invited them for holidays.

2. Group of early 20 guys carrying a giant Laker's flag around
4 minute conversation.
We talked about how the Laker's are going to win the semi-finals and they play basketball on the weekends, and they carry the flag around " to represent". They dressed and looked like a street gang. I as afraid... but they were welcoming.

3. HB 8 Latina
10 minute conversation.
I approached her and asked if her dress was designed by her. She said yes and we talked about art, sulpture and her dreams of going to an art school in San Fransisco. She takes salsa lessons and was shoppping for makeup at some place called Sephora. got her #, her name is Beatriz.

4. The HB 9 girl at Anchor Blue and her buff coworker...
6 minute conversation
We talked about how Anchor blue is better than the H&M that just opened, and we talked about skateboarding, and about how empty the store has been lately. We also talked about being rebels and having good fashion sense. I learned her coworker does extreme sports.. and rides quads at sand dunes.

5. The guy with many piercings and tattoos at Hot Topic.
15 minute conversation.
We talked about the latest music, and i asked him about death metal and punk music, and we had a discussion about who is the greatest rock band and we talked about Guitar Hero 5. He looked scary, but he was very relaxed. He told me about his lifestyle... and about how much Nickleback and Chris Brown, and mainstream music suck, and Hannah Montanna is turning girls into slutty sheep. We both agreed haha

6. The HB 9 at the Zales jewerly store
7 minute conversation
I learned that diamonds are unusually overpriced... and that she got her $7,500 wedding ring .... for $900 because she worked for Zales , and she and her husband bought it together... married for 4 years.

7. The HB 9.5 perfume girl at Macy's
12 minute conversation.
I learned about the different classes of perfumes... and she gave me her personal experiences about some in the counter. The deep water i have, she said is too faint and over used by many guys... and too get something with a stronger more exciting scent.

8. The mall security guard, 30s
15 minute conversation.
He was In a tuxedo,We walked together and we talked about the news and all the crazy stuff he has seen over his 11 years of service. He is the man! He stopped an organized crime ring and saved the mall millions..... told me eye contact gives people away.

9. HB 9.8
3 minute conversation
Ask her why she was wearing a sweater when it was 100 degrees.... i developed rapport but her female friend called her, and she said she eally had to go

10. Indian Guy, had really long hair
6 minute conversation...
Asked him about his culture and his long hair, he said long hair means manhood and was very happy to talk to me.


Don Juan
May 27, 2009
Reaction score
Ok awesome,

My Update: I work as a street promoter passing out flyers so I say hi and make eye contact to thousands of people per day, so I guess I've completed that part.

as for conversations with new people.

1) I talked to a new co-worker today. She's works as a stripper at night. We talked about traveling. I told her that I wanted to go to New York, and since she used to live there she told me about all the best things about it, the night life, and how there's so much to do and see. Conversation lasted about 10 mins.

2) I talked to a guy who was working a sales booth. I recognized him from the gym I go to, and we started talking about that. Nothing too serious, mainly about what times we go usually work out so we can try to bump into each other again. About three minutes.

I'lll do the other 8 tomorrow.

rushing dude 123

Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2006
Reaction score
Daydream very well done on your convos, good choice of opening and conversations. Ur observations skills r crack on, i will put u on week 3 now.
Obameros i will give u one more day, because if u can't do the 8 convos soon, then u r just going to get overloaded with tasks.