DJ bootcamp: week 2

rushing dude 123

Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2006
Reaction score
Congradulations on making it to week 2, this is where the fun starts happening. The last week you held eye contact and said hi to 50 strangers, this has hopefully made u bit more out going and more confident in people, seeing that now u should know just because you say hi someone they are not going to pull out a shotgun and shoot u lol. So seeing we are all still alive, we are now going to focus on talking to these people. Don't worry about ladies so much this will also consist of approaching guys and talking to them, but try get a few ladies in this week because u can guess what week 3 will be haha.

I know some of you work lot of hours and maybe exams are coming up, so in this case i will allow this weeks task to be done at work if need be. Maybe u work in a coffee house and u see a lady sitting down having her coffee after a hards day work, just walking by and striking a conversation with her will be allowed, seeing under the circumstances u didn't have to talk to her. If possible try to stick the approaches to the clubs or just in your every day life eg. bus, gym. I will list todays exercise and rules at the bottom.


Daydream Engineer
Rushing Dude 123 Journal (aim) Rushing dude
Al Moh Journal (aim) almohsetax
Rockyroc Journal
HBK (aim) Dorian khan
Credos Journal

Exercise 1

Your mission is to go out and have short conversations (2 – 10 minute each in length) with 10 strangers. You can talk to them about anything, and you can talk to any person whom you have never spoken to before. You’ll find that it might feel a little awkward in the beginning to talk to strangers for any length of time… but after the first couple of times you’ll find that it’s actually a wonderful feeling. You’ll really get a rush out of this.

Also, keep in mind that most people want to meet other people and have conversations with them, but are just too shy or insecure. So in fact, you will be doing a huge favour to those people whom you decide to hold a conversation with. Plus, I’ll bet you’ll learn new things from them, and maybe even make a couple of new friends. And in this phase of the Boot Camp, don’t let yourself feel limited to speaking to only girls… speak with anyone you want!

In fact, if you’re a bit apprehensive about talking to people, you can start out with those people who are easier for you to approach. For me, this is senior citizens, since I’ve found that most of them love talking with anyone who would give them half an ear, and I’ve found them to be very interesting conversationalists.

After each conversation, write down in your journal what you thought of the conversation, and approximately the length of the conversation (estimate if you don’t have a watch). Once you complete this lesson, post your results, plus the topic of your most interesting conversation, and anything else you wish to share.

You have until this time next week to complete this lesson. Also, make sure you keep on practicing the skills learned in the first lesson (e.g., you can practice establishing eye contact with someone, saying Hi, and going into a conversation. However, initial eye contact or a Hi is not a requirement before initiating a conversation).

rushing dude 123

Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2006
Reaction score
The Dj bank

This will have the Dj bootcamp in it and also will be your sources of information that i feel will be quite useful along with the bootcamp. I will update this every week with new articles and stuff.

DJ Bootcamp - This will tell you the week's tasks and have a number of articles informing you on how to get through the task as well as building your dj arsenal to get you through this.
or word Version:


This stuff has motivated me greatly and it would of been a lot more harder to go to the next level with out it. I hope you find it as useful has it has been for me.

Weapons of mass seduction - Senor fingers - This is my personal favourite article of this website, the guy will totally change your thinking, his funny has hell and will tell you pretty much every single thing on how to approach a girl.

15 lessons - Pook - One of his greatest pieces and very true and inspirational, u can't help to approach after you read this.

"Keys to the VIP" < search on youtube- reading is not enough my friends, u actually got see these things to believe them. I thought their were so many boundarys in approaches and things i couldn't do. I watched these guys getting girls numbers instantly from screwed up openers to boyfriend being right next to her and i had whole new perspective on approaching and just exactlly what i could do.

Waldens Journal - First person to complete the bootcamp, if you are having problems see how walden overcame the obstacle it may help you.

Approach Journals: i learnt a lot from approach journals and was able to take bits and pieces i liked of a lot of journals to create my own style. The things you see some guys on here do are unbelievable and u will have whole new expectations. They will also help you with what to say and what to do at times, seeing we have all been through the same thing more or less, so u can watch how other people got through them and also learn some of there techniques that they use and see what works for you.

Traps of life: One of the most truest and motivating articles i have read, this is actually in the dj bible, but i didn't want to give you the link and then let you search recklessly for the pages so i found website that has it as well.
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Don Juan
Aug 25, 2008
Reaction score
Wait what?
Didn't week one start on Sunday?
I can't even get out on the weekdays, lol. This isn't very fair D:

Al Moh.

Senior Don Juan
Jan 15, 2008
Reaction score
DOne with the reading. I'm looking forward to meeting some new interesting people :)

rushing dude 123

Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2006
Reaction score
Update On Dj list

I wasn't able to edit opener post so could post links and emails, but i will add the new people and everything on this one


Daydream Engineer Journal (aim) vicazuvic
Rushing Dude 123 Journal (aim) Rushing dude
Al Moh Journal (aim) almohsetax
Giacobe.KB Journal
Rockyroc Journal (aim) pyro54572
HBK (aim) Dorian khan
Credos Journal
Thyme Journal
Waking up (aim) equivocalx3
Cry for love
Edward grey
Cool Dude Journal

Guys pm me your aims and journals if you want me to put them on there, so we can see how ur progress is going and keep in contact with eachother if needed.
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Don Juan
Apr 25, 2009
Reaction score
i dont have an aim, honestly i hardly even know what it is... if you guys all think it is completely necesary i will see what i can do to get one, but id rather not.

anyways... i got a huge jump in opportunities today, because i was hired at a little local marina bar. there is the owner, me, and a buddy of mine who work there and thats it. basically 2 of us work at a time, and i am a bartender/server. today was my first day and it is the most social job ever IMO. the entire day i am talking with people - getting orders/small talk, and having fun with people sitting up at the bar. its a lot of fun and im makin some decent cash.

all of these old boaters came in sporadically throughout the day and each one of them had great personas and fun little stories to tell. they always had me laughing and i tried my best to be witty right back with them. lots of fun, i hope it continues

but im not going to count these as conversations unless i have to (i would be done with the entire week in one day and its not completely realistic because i am an employee)

i plan on going out to random spots tomorrow - mall, a big local library, park... any1 else had good experiences with common places where convos can be held?

rushing dude 123

Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2006
Reaction score
If u don't have aim, do not worry about it. I also use to work in bar and yeh its great job and very easy to make a conversation. What i am saying though is i will include job ones anyway, because at this time people are having there exams and such and may not have the extra time to go out. I am not going to include my job because it would just be very unfair. I would rather u guys get these approaches outside of work, but if u talk to a customer u never spoke to before and ur first one to start conversation (them ordering stuff dosn't count lol) i will accept that.

Places for convos that are good i would say: gym, bus stops, shopping malls, sidewalk, clubs, church, social clubs, pubs+pool house, parks, concerts, trains and stations, arcades, beach, swimming pools, libary, any sort of que, coffee houses, cafes, markerts, museums, social events within your area (parades), dance classes, yoga classes etc... i should of really just said anywhere with people lol.

On a seperate note, I don't expect to lose anymore of u guys in the following weeks. The first week just showed who ment business and who didn't. So i want to see every one of u in week 8.
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rushing dude 123

Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2006
Reaction score
Week 2 completed

Went out with rockyroc, davidg100 + some friends it was very enjoyable, i was bit much sometimes and not has smooth has usual. There were some very fun times like david asking the steak house lady if she liked steak. I am going to put my approaches in my journal anyway, don't wanna do it twice.

I got half of them in clubs and other half outside of clubs, but during this week i will just try be little bit extra sociable. I got quite lot of stuff to sort out though. Hope u guys are doing good too.

Do not leave to last minute, try finish early has possible and please no finished FR's on day 7, DJs do not leave things to the last minute.
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Don Juan
Apr 25, 2009
Reaction score
hey so i was wondering if im supposed to report my field reports/comments/whatever in my journal or in here... or both?

rushing dude 123

Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2006
Reaction score
well u can just give a slight summary in this thread, but u can go and give more detail in ur field report in ur journal. Because at end of week i am going to look at everyones journals anyways to see what they got up to. I have just read your journal anyway now and well done on completing week 2 so early. Just take it easy and still be social to maintain it for week 3. So two people completed this week already, i hope to see a lot more early reports.

btw 5 more days guy.
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Don Juan
Apr 25, 2009
Reaction score
good day today and it will only get better. went out to a local hardware store and had a couple more conversations/hi's. then went out to mcdonalds and talked a bit with the cashier and some random guys eating there as well. plan on heading out to a party with some chic i met a long time ago but havent seen in a while... should be good!


Master Don Juan
Dec 20, 2005
Reaction score
Ok I'm not gonna lie, this excercise does press me, cause I only have tomorow to do it. Rest is working working working and then after that, some more working. Tomorow I gotta print my paper so I guess I should have time then. That juggler stuff will probebly come in handy now, anyhow, I'll report tomorow or wednesday.

Al Moh.

Senior Don Juan
Jan 15, 2008
Reaction score
New week has started (somehow I am really lazy on weekends right now, got to change that), so I did my first 3 convos today:

- One was at work at our local sportsclub, talked to this woman who has her own group about excactly that and then she asked me what I would do (I only work there for another week).

- second one at the gym, short convo with a guy about weather, workout, etc, small-talk

- third one with the woman at the bar (gym too). How they had problems with water etc^^

Then this HB came up to the counter to give her key back and I catch her looking at me, so she quickly looks down and then right when I look away back at me. I was about to approach when an older woman comes up to her, her mother...
Well I chickened out, I don't have the balls yet to approach a girl in front of her mother.

cool dude

Senior Don Juan
Mar 22, 2009
Reaction score
My AIM is alldayeverydaycj.So anybody wanna talk or whatever hit me up.Good luck on week 2 everyone/.Sorry a lil druk an high right nowe

Al Moh.

Senior Don Juan
Jan 15, 2008
Reaction score
Lot's of work yesterday, I just got one convo with an older woman. So today I'll have to give 100%.


Master Don Juan
Dec 20, 2005
Reaction score
Hey guys,

Good news and bad news,
good news= my essay is written and done, only have a few more small works I need to do, but mainly I'm done with this internship

bad news= only opened a two set today at the copy center, had an easy open, they were talking about getting old, whilst they were 21 and 25. Not too good looking, not to bad.
Didn't open the uberhot chick at the burgershop, (HB8.5, golden hair which I digged, brown eyes, which I digged even more, average to nice body, a bit chubby but totally not fat, which again I digged... I started laughing when I started picturing how we were doing it doggystyle, "hands in her side, she moaning whilst we're going at it" haha, mye definetly would have fvcked her if the opertunaty would have come, damnit)
Could have tried to open, she was alone so was I, but I look like **** at the moment, working all night on my essay and going to cinema: "star trek" which was IMHO not that good as they said on this site, it was fun, but nothing more than that. That public enemies looks like my kind of movie though!

Lol... How could I fail week 2 =C... Tonight its my GFs birthday, so I already promised to spend time with her, getting on the train in a few hours, still gotta bring my essay to school... :mad:

Sorry guys :(, somebody :kick: kick me in the nuts please

rushing dude 123

Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2006
Reaction score
Alright credos, i said that if u can't do it, u can't do it and to put ur work first before this. Well done on trying though and happy to here everything is nearly completed. For everyone else u got two more days and i hope to get everyones field reports in by today, but i am pretty sure i am get some hand ins on the last day seeing only two people are through week 3 at the moment.

TWO MORE DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!


Don Juan
May 27, 2009
Reaction score
Hey, I would like to join this boot camp. I know I'm late, but I'm not a complete AFC so I'll be able to catch up.

cool dude

Senior Don Juan
Mar 22, 2009
Reaction score
yo whats up!I figure I would post here one time instead on my journal.
Well today was pretty bad for me in the beginning but I talked to 4 poeple today that I never talked to before which is good. All day today I was thinking about all the people in this bootcamp that are in my situation,so I think that hepled me.My first convo was with 2 guys that were sitting at a bench at school.They were talking to a friend of mine,well not really friend,just some kid I see at school.The convo went pretty well they were cool guys but they were not girls which is who I want to talk too. One of them talked alot and he told me this funny ass story about his freind getting arrested and put in a cop car then ****ting and puking in the back!It was hilarious!!

The 3rd person I talked to was this girl in my class,well woman I should say but she looks alight though...giggity.I never talked to her before so I figured this would be the best time. It was kinda on and off conversation because she was doing math work,So to get her to get close to me and talk I would ask her for math help,haha. I also tried to talk to this hot chick in my class,we only said a few words and that was it..I felt nervous!!!

The 4th person I talked to was a girl from south america.I opened up with hola comesta!!Muoibien etu? So I think that helped me out.I am still bummed though because I have not talked to any sexy girls yet.I feel my nervousness coming on again,so that means I got to work even harder.
This week does not end till friday right?I hope so because tomorrow I am bangin some convos out!!!....giggity

cool dude

Senior Don Juan
Mar 22, 2009
Reaction score
rushing dude,the links with neior fingers and pook are the same link.