DJ Bootcamp Week 2 (Summer 2005)


Master Don Juan
Jun 23, 2003
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Hey..umm I dunno if you guys read my other thread, but I think it'd be real cool if you could also tell how you started the conversations (and what you talked about). Somebody (maybe even more than one?) already did that ( look familiar, do you go to (school)?).anyways keep doing might help me a lot, because I really need to figure out a couple of ways to start a conversation so I'm already kinda set before I'm going into week 2 (after completing week 1 which I havent even started yet ;-)), because making small talk and not knowing how to initiate the conversation will probably be one of the biggest obstacles for me.
Anyways keep up the good work guys!

P.S.: Sorry @guy whos name I dont remember (do you go to (school)?), but I'm kinda in a rush and have to get out. laterz!


Senior Don Juan
Jan 13, 2005
Reaction score
Charlotte, North Carolina
Yeah the 'do you go to [school]?' thing works wonders for me because half of the time they say yes and then from there I can open up more topics and then get in my two minutes. And for the future, the number. If they say no, then I just say "oh I see, my bad. You looked like someone I know, that's all." Then I ask something like "where you from?" or just try to relate to the situation (workplace, gym, whatever). I can usually get it going for a little while and then it completely dies out. So usually at that point I just start being funny or random with her. You know, break the ice a little.

Nice work to everyone else so far!


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2002
Reaction score
I did a few more convos today. SO i must be at 10. I also worked 13 hours.



Master Don Juan
May 31, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by Caldus
I'm at the stage where I need to go for the number if the convo goes good enough. I'll try getting that one lifeguard's number later on while doing more convos of course.

Question for you guys ... I know of some places to practice during the day but what about the night? Only place I can think of is the club and I can't go to bars yet. Sometimes during the night I might try going to some random stores but it's hard to approach them at those places. At least for me.
Some good evening haunts when I'm not ready to go out include blockbuster, baskin & robbins, and even the grocery store, depending if you want a movie, some ice cream, or you're out of millk. I found campus at night not to be a good place, girls are intimidated by lone male strangers.

Well, I just got mowing my grandpa's yard (arent I a gentleman?) and I'm gonna get cleaned up and go to Blockbuser, maybe Baskin & Robbins and then to the grocery store. I'll let you know how that goes.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 13, 2005
Reaction score
Charlotte, North Carolina
Hmm .. Baskin Robins ... well don't really have any of those around here. Blockbuster could probably work. Grocery store doesn't sound bad at all either. Now parties would always be great but that's only if you get invited to them. I rarely hear about any. I need to make some more friends so I can find more parties.


Don Juan
May 7, 2005
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so BrotherAP I suppose you'll add a new thread for week3 tonight? I will finish week2 by tonight, 3 convos left, so let's rock and roll:rockon:


Don Juan
May 7, 2005
Reaction score
week2 day7

2 convos on a tram. A woman asked a HB6 who was standing next to me where she needs to get off, the girl says next stop, than I jump in saying "no, the 2nd stop", and I take it from there, asking HB6 all kinds of questions. She was very receptive, very nice convo. So there we are joking and stuff and this guy who is near us, asks the girl where does he get off. Then I start a convo with him too, asked if he was from out of town (I saw a city map in his hand) and general questions, like how do you like my city and so on. We all talked for a few minutes as a group, both convos lasted 10 minutes combined.

1 convo at a coctail party@uni. A guy few years younger then me. We talked about various carriers and lines of work since he hasn't decided what to study yet. Nice convo.

Today was a very good day since I did all 3 convos in 1 hour, and could have done more. All of those convos went very smooth, I was the one who initiated and I was the one who was in charge. This stuff is getting easier as the time goes by. See you all in week3!

Convo count: 10:woo:


Don Juan
May 16, 2005
Reaction score
Week 2: Day 3:

Convo count: 4

I am too busy to post a FR right now, but one H8 at the gym, one H7.5, one HB5, one HB 8.5 at a friends party last night.

In the school gym and at parties its become so natural to start a trace of any hesitation at all!


Senior Don Juan
Jul 18, 2004
Reaction score
opps sorry didnt see this thread posted week 2 in the week1 thread, ill jusy copy and paste what i put into here


damn sorry i havnt posted in abt 2 weeks i havnt had internet acccess, but i still kept up with week 1 when all you guys did it, i did my 50 hi's in the first week no problem

but i havnt had access to a computer even, and i couldnt remmeber what week 2 was, i thought it was to talk to strangers? i need to check i havnt had the chance

any ways the friday week 2 started, i went to the club with my 2 friends. and i told myself, i was going to dance (which i never never do) and talk to some girls, any ways i did both.

I talked to about 6 HB strangers

hb7.5: there was something going on, on stage in the club, XXX women dancing in corsets and stuff, and they pulled women up from the audience to dance around this guy they pulled up, any ways there was aload of HB cheering in the corner, so i went over and asked if that was there friend, and just talked with 1 of the HBs for a while after.

HB 8 (2) : i was stood talkin to my friends (i was real drunk was doin drinkin competitions) and 2 HB's walked past, so i just said hey, and they both turned around and walked back with big smiles, i talked to em for abt 30 seconds then i got disturbed by 1 of my friend and they went and stood about 10ft away from me, so i told 1 of my friends to come and talk to the HB blonde while i talk to the brunette, he said no though (because he didnt hav any balls) so i went and talked to both of em for about 5 minutes, i didnt get any number tho, i said i would catch up with em later, and i went back to my friends and they walked off to other side of club i think..

went back to talk to the group of girls i talked to before, talked to 2 another HBs from the group individually, including the HB who went up on the stage and she won a modelling contract or something from it, she was dancing infront of me lookin at me, doing all sexy moves haha, so i told her to come to me, and i started talking to her, shes was a HB 8.5-9, because she won the contest though she was gettin alot of guys talking to her, so it was difficult to hold her attention for longer that a few minutes but she came back and talked to me

went on the dance floor with 2 of my friends, and a HB pulled me aside and asked me to dance with her, she was only a HB 6 though so i danced with her for about 10 seconds then went back with my friends

any ways thats all i can remmeber from that friday i was smashed, i had to drink 3 pints of cider and 3 alcopops as fast as i could at 1 point in the night, i won did the lot in 57.5 seconds haha

this week i havnt had the chance to get out, havin our house completely done out so ive had to stay home to supervise the work men

i think im only going to count 2 of the convos from the club though, i dont think i talked long enough with some of them, only talked to em for like 1 minute

any ways thats me for now



Senior Don Juan
Jan 13, 2005
Reaction score
Charlotte, North Carolina
OK got in two more convos but still behind for the week.

Talked to these two chicks that were working at the gym. HB7 and HB7.5. Both were very cute though. I see them around but never talked to them until today. The convo lasted 2 to 3 minutes. Just talked about the big storm that barely missed the city, and they told me some stories about tornadoes in the past (since there was tornado watch), and then just tried to keep the convo flowing a little by talking more about tornadoes and the like. Then smiled and told them to have a great night as I left. I should've introduced myself before leaving but shyed up. Need to work on that.

Then while I was at Eckerds, I talked to the cashier there (HB7) about the recent storm/tornado watch. Then she started talking about her hometown and how it was worse there. She mentioned a landmark there (The Biltmore House) and I visited there one time so we just talked about that for a little bit. Then told her some stories about past hurricanes that were real bad here. Then told her she must be really excited to be working right now. She was like oh talk about it and smirked while looking down. Then another guy wanted to buy stuff so I had to bail out. 2-3 minute convo.

Total Convo Count: 8

I'm a little behind, but what is most important is that I feel a hell of a lot better about approaching chicks then I did at the start of week 1. Still get a little nervous in certain situations but I'm able to say "**** fear just do it" and then actually do it most of the time. Now I think I'm ready to work on actually attracting them more (as I seem to need a little work on this) and then go for the number close. Time for me read up stuff on here tonight.

By the way I've been reading everyone else's journals here too and it looks like we're all doing good so far. I've actually had more convos than this but I didn't count them because they were with males (counted one or two though).

I got a new job recently too so hopefully I can meet some chicks there. It will be hard though because it's a manual labor job and you work by yourself most of the time (but it pays pretty good). I'll be working Monday - Friday 12 - 5 every day. So that gives me some added confidence as well.


Don Juan
Jun 16, 2005
Reaction score
Day 7,

My first stop was at a bookstore where I bought a book. When I was standing in line, I did a short conversations with a couple who bought a lot of books but it wasn't two minutes.
Now that I think about it, waiting in line can actually be a good thing as you can interact with other people.

My second stop was at the mall where I went to look for whey protein at GNC. There was a sale going on at Express so I went in and initiated a convo with a sales girl by asking about the sales and moved from there. After that I tried a few things on and ask the sales girl for her opinion.

At GNC I started a convo with a girl working there about the whey protein that they had.

Well this concludes week 2 for me.


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2002
Reaction score
I haven't reread week 3, but I do know I'm going to keep doing at least 50 his and 10 convos each week, so I keep it going.

As far as dating, I won't date until I get done with that big board exam. I don't want to waste the time.

But I do have two parties tomorrow night. Should be fun.

A girl I dated and dumped emailed me out of the blue today to say whats up. She was hot but the type of party girl that could piss you from time to time. Maybe she'll come up for a quick lay sometime.

I also talked to the ex that really had me upset two days ago. I am totally at peace now. It was a nice convo. I am so relaxed now about stuff.

The only trouble right now is that I injured my foot last week, so I havent' been going to the gym this week. It's ok a bit of a layoff was in order anyways to rest up.


Don Juan
Jul 8, 2005
Reaction score
DJ BOOTCAMP ! ! ! ! ! !

Originally posted by Mjfan12
Where are you guys initiating convos?

I need to force the issue, because in my normal routine, I am not finding any hbs or anything.

Where do you go? the mall? library? hanging out on campus? your job? etc?

And how do you guys start the convo and keep it going?

Like I can start one by saying "hey, how's it going?"

but after that I dont have anything else to say and it feels awkward.

I mean you also talk differently to guys than you would to girls as well. etc.

so any tips?

Damn Im getting behind.
Dude just iniatiate convo's anywhere you see a girl who is alone who is doing anything. See her getting a drink of water? Go get behind her then talk to her after she gets a drink. See her checking out cards ( any given holiday) go check them out and talk to her about them to start the convo. grab a card, be like would my mom like this (just an example) checking out cd's, walk up next to her, grab a cd check it out and be like do you know if this is any good ? It takes some serious balls, and alot of conquering your nerves, but if you can get over your self it's a great way to strike up convo's iv found. Now magico, you said "Went to a bookshop where I reviewed Nietzche's book" are you a philosopy major or something? Nietzche is pretty heavy for casual browsing. That is if im thinking of the right one, the one with the immortal qoute, "every time I hear the word society I reach for my revolver " ?


Don Juan
May 7, 2005
Reaction score
I don't know who said that, but it sure sounds like Friedrich Nietzche. What happened in the book store is I saw a HB behind the counter but she was busy with a customer so I just stopped by the nearest bookshelf, where happened to be Nietzche's works. No I'm not philosophy major but I thought "Thus spoke Zarathustra" was one of the best books I've ever read. Nietzche is not too hard to understand, for example, Zarathustra is more like a novel. I reviewed one of his works on ethics and it was very interesting nothing like Schopenhauer and those guys.

I could be quite annoying with this, but is there a week 3?


Don Juan
Jul 8, 2005
Reaction score
either today or tomarrow is the begining of week 3. Just act is today is to give your self an extra day. Nietzche has got to be one of my favorite philosphers that'd be kind of cool to meet a HB who was into nietzche, she'd probally be extremly ****ed up though. The bookstore is supposed to be a gold mine of chicks, how was it, did you get any #'s ?


Don Juan
May 7, 2005
Reaction score
No, the objective was just to talk to people. Next week if she's still around...:)


Don Juan
Jun 16, 2005
Reaction score
week 2

somehow i let this week slip by, so ill still be working on week 2 for a short time. im still having trouble approaching strangers, i went to this health convention thing and half the time i was just sitting there while everyone else was chatting. this put me way out of my comfort zone because this is something i normally wouldnt be at. but i did manage to get a couple convo's knocked out, so hopefully ill finish up and move on to week 3 within a couple days.


Don Juan
May 16, 2005
Reaction score
Blog updated here

Finished week tally: Prolly about 13/14 in 3 days.
Copy paste:

Slowly improving the social proof around in the places nearby. Last night went to a local Sports bar/wannabe dance floor. It was kinda slow for a Friday..just chillin around trying to sink in the place. I get yelled at from behind..i was like WTF??..See 2 chicks i met three weeks back hollering at me. I go over to their tale and say Hi.. They are like nice to see you blah...blah..Too bad they were not my type. One a HB6, chubby..other a HB8..but a freakin crack junkie. I did not even remember their names, but they knew my name..surprised..esp since i have an Asian name.

Anyways sat chattingup with them..asked how come they are guys? They were one approached us (There it comes again..approach). I was like why dont YOU guys go and approach for a freaking CHANGE?
They: Look at each other and laugh..duh we are kinda nervous about that..
Me: What..wimps! (I did say this jokingly)
They: we know..chicken ****..:)
Me: And i was thinking men were afraid...
I get a call and had to leave for a friends place...wish them luck and leave.

Moral: AGAIN..APPROACH..FOR GODS SAKE PEOPLE..this comment is straight from girls.. we dont know how shy some of them are! (I didnt know either..before the BC..) You have to approach them, MOST of them are polite about it even when blowing you off..but never know.

I finshed of week 2, in just 3 days...due to all the places i ve been going to.! But i have to take it a lil easy..i am kinda broke and the paycheck hasnt come in yet..those stupid HR ppl..!!!argghhhh