DJ Bootcamp Week 2 (Summer 2005)


Don Juan
May 7, 2005
Reaction score
week2 days3&4

week2 days3&4

day3: Nada. Terrible weather, stayed home.

day4: Today I started a convo with a UG4 in the post office line. She was nice and all but she didn't really follow on the convo, I had a really hard time reaching those 2 minutes. The convo was fractured, but in the end it was a little bit over 2 mins effectively. It was 9 am so I wasn't feeling like talking either. At the same time there was a HB8 down the line who was giving me some strong EC but I couldn't have cut in the line just to talk to her, guess she will have to wait till week3 :)
Later on, on the running track, I chatted up a HB6 while she was running. She was a kind of a b**ch or just an airhead. We talked for like 4+ minutes (I can tell by the distance we covered). There were those silent moments, she was just answering questions, asked me only 1. She even told me she doesn't like talking while she's running, but I didn't care, just kept on shooting bulls**t, gotta meet week2 goals, right? :)

All in all, a pretty f-ed up day for exercises. I felt kinda down all day, so it's not a surprise I didn't do too good. I noticed that when I am upbeat, I have a lot more success. Tomorrow should be a big day for convos, I am planning on hitting a few parks, so senior citizens, whatch out!

Technicolor, yeah, Walden's BC is pretty good. The funny thing is he had to extend a few weeks and had his down and up times.

Hyper, judging by your speed, you're probably in week 6 by now, send us a postcard dude :)

Redshift, smooth approach, glad it turned out so good, keep us posted. About your thoughts on hi vs convo, I think we should do only HIs without convos because it's more crazy to just say hi to a random person than say hi and follow up with a convo. What does everyone else think of this?

Convo count: 3


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2002
Reaction score
I guess I'm still stuck at two although it's my own fault.

I did get something yelled at me by a bunch of girls in the car, blame the doppler effect for me not understanding it exactly but they said kiss something, I don't think they said kiss my ass, if so I have no idea why they would have said it!

Then also a girl was taking a picture as I walked by, apparently it was of me. I didn't realize this until as I was walking the girl turned her camera my way. Her friend said "Is that you Joseph?"

I just kept walking. DIdn't really care to play the game of mistaken identity. On the other hand I guess I should have stopped by. I just wasn't positive that they meant me.

Oh well. So I need to seize opportunities more. For some reason wasn't into it today.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 13, 2005
Reaction score
Charlotte, North Carolina
Day 3 sucked for me. I was at the gym and missed an opportunity with a foreign HB7 but that's OK she goes there frequently I think. I just ended up hanging out with family for the rest of that night for 4th of July weekend celebration.

Today is the 4th and I need to get my convos in again. Maybe I should go downtown. Wish I had some people to go with. Ah well I can probably try going alone. Now if only I had a car. Hopefully I will have a car by later this evening. If not, then I'm definitely going to rack up convos tomorrow and Wednesday.

By the way some of you guys already look like you're doing week 3 stuff which is awesome!


Don Juan
Mar 22, 2005
Reaction score
Chicago, IL
Where are you guys initiating convos?

I need to force the issue, because in my normal routine, I am not finding any hbs or anything.

Where do you go? the mall? library? hanging out on campus? your job? etc?

And how do you guys start the convo and keep it going?

Like I can start one by saying "hey, how's it going?"

but after that I dont have anything else to say and it feels awkward.

I mean you also talk differently to guys than you would to girls as well. etc.

so any tips?

Damn Im getting behind.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 13, 2005
Reaction score
Charlotte, North Carolina
Originally posted by Mjfan12
Where are you guys initiating convos?

I need to force the issue, because in my normal routine, I am not finding any hbs or anything.

Where do you go? the mall? library? hanging out on campus? your job? etc?

And how do you guys start the convo and keep it going?

Like I can start one by saying "hey, how's it going?"

but after that I dont have anything else to say and it feels awkward.

I mean you also talk differently to guys than you would to girls as well. etc.

so any tips?

Damn Im getting behind.
Don't worry my last day has been bad. Couldn't find any opportunities. Don't worry ... it just happens sometimes. I think it has a lot to do with it being 4th of July and all so a lot of people are probably out with family or friends for the day or whatever.

As for where I go, I've met a girl at a gym and have met one at a pool so far. And I've even started mini convos with girls that were hiking on a trail and girls in stores. I think the best places are places you like to go to yourself. Like for example I like the gym so I would be able to hold a decent convo with a girl there b/c I would like to talk about the gym/working out, etc.

You just have to expand your interests so that you will expand your choice of desired places to go to. If you absolutely can't find anything in your town then try traveling to another town right nearby. Maybe there's some there.


Don Juan
Jun 16, 2005
Reaction score

"where to go for conversations? " Now that's a tough question.

From my experience from this bootcamp and the previous one I did two months ago, you will feel somewhat awkward everywhere you go.

Here is my take on some of the places I have been so far in this bootcamp and my previous one.

Bar: some potentials when the music or noise isn't too loud. The only bad thing here is that I end up drinking which goes against my goal of trying to get in the best shape of my life.

Club: What a disaster for me. Way too loud.

Bookstore: I did a few conversations there and I feel that this place has got a lot potentials.

Gym: It can be tough as everyone is trying to work out but it is possible to strike a few good conversations there.

Mall: Walking in the mall was good for week 1 but for conversations it's probably better to walk in just about any stores and approach like hell.

Supermarket: I have only interated with girls working there but I really should try to talk to the chicks going about.

Finally, I do have one big weakness in my book. When I go out, I don't chill enough. For instance, if I go to the mall, I go get what I need and get out of there. I think I should slow down, relax, enjoy myself among the crowd and see who is out there.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 13, 2005
Reaction score
Charlotte, North Carolina
Arg I couldn't go downtown tonight because of transportation problems. I swear I can't wait until I move out of this house. Annoying parents + having to share a car = hard to get a social life or to do bootcamp exercises. OK sorry had to get that out of my system.

Anyway, tomorrow's plan is to try out the pool followed by the library followed by some stores (that is of course, while I'm doing errands or just checking out books at the library).


Don Juan
May 7, 2005
Reaction score

the others have given you an extesive list of places where you can start a convo. I'd just add parks and public transportation (including bus stoips/airports).

About the topics, it's not too important at this point. For now, we should just go out and talk to someone, no matter who, no matter what. Spare the worry for week 4 and 5 :).

I'd just start talking bull, and ask the person a general question. It can be the weather, the state of roads (LOL), situational, whatever comes to ur mind. Notice how I kept talking to a HB6 on a running track even though she said she didn't want to. Open, them, last two mins, smile, say bye, and you're done.


Don Juan
May 7, 2005
Reaction score
week2 day5

One convo with an old lady in the park. I asked her about new retirement plan, then we changed opinions on hardship of common people in our country. I didn't go for the #close though :)

Convo count: 4


Don Juan
Jun 16, 2005
Reaction score
Day 4,
I didn't even get out of the house....

Day 5,

I went to the grocery where I interacted with an HB5 she would rank higher if she wasn't so chunky. I did the basic questions such as how she likes her jobs, how long she's been there and so on. I joked with her a little to cheer her up as she appeared to be bored. From there I continued with grocery shopping...

At the cash register I talked with the cashier for a few minutes. She was probably 40-50 so like Magico I didn't go for the # close :D


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2002
Reaction score
Girl at elevator at work 3 minutes, talking about her house, probably has husband

Last night late, couple of neighbors, this guy has a smoken hot girlfriend who I saw running the other day. Lucky bastard. Maybe I'll go out with them all for drinks sometime. He gave me some good advice on something I needed to check up on locally.

So at least 4 new convos. I'm sure I had more, just not sure about em.

I did break down and talk to 2 of my exes last night. One I talk to frequently as a friend. She's had a rough year. I have no interest in getting back with her, but I do use her to test some of my new material.

The other is the fabled one that has left me cracked the last two months. I tried to hold out until she called again, but she wasn't so I called her to wish her a happy 4th and rub in all the **** I've been up to. She seemed awful happy to hear from me and answered in front of all her friends, but who knows. She wants to talk today. I told her I'd be home late. We'll see if she calls. I got off the phone first anyways.

I might use them both for new material. What a good way to get back at your exes, test your convos topics on em and use it on new girls as well.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 13, 2005
Reaction score
Charlotte, North Carolina
OK got in 3 convos today.

First was a male lifeguard at the pool. He was an older guy. Probably in his 30's. We talked for about 5 minutes about a lot of different stuff really. Seemed like a calm, relaxed guy. I need to work on looking more relaxed.

Second was the other lifeguard (different one this time and a different pool). An HB9! Gorgeous! I had said hi and smiled earlier while she was walking to the break room. She smiled and said hi back. So later while I'm talking to the other guy, she comes up and takes over the lifeguard chair for him. So I greet her and start talking to her as well. This conversation lasted almost 10 minutes as well! It went great.

Found out that she is only still in high school (probably 18 and if not, then close to it since it would be her last year in high school) but damn she looks like she is in her early 20's and damn hot too. Talked about what she planned to do after high school, joked about some kid who wouldn't listen to her mom at the pool. Talked about how putridly hot it was outside (I got sunburns heh). And just a few other topics that I can't quite remember. It just seems like for me, the best openers are either "where do you go to school at" (can open up a lot of topics from there) or "hey you look familiar ... do you go to <school>"? But yeah I felt good about this convo. I eventually told her I needed to take a dip in the pool and then later came back to her and asked 'by the way, what's your name?' Her: <name>. I'm <name>.

Last convo ... heh ... this one was sour but glad I did it anyway. While at Walgreens, I saw an HB7 stocking stuff. I came up to her and said hey. Told her she looked familiar ... do you go to <school>? She said no, I just graduated from high school. Talked about where she wanted to go ... what she wanted to major in ... and then told her I figured I would talk to her because she looked bored. She laughed and just kinda stopped stocking. I introduced myself and she said her name too. Then asked her if they make her work a lot and whether they make her work really late all the time and she said NOOOOO. Throughout some of the convo, her tone of voice seemed kinda *****y but oh well I just used her for practice. I didn't bother to talk to her for more than maybe 2-3 minutes before I just bailed out. I said bye and then turned around and said real quick "oh yeah ... hope you don't get too bored!". She laughed a little and then I left.

So yeah making progress but still trying to catch up from not doing anything for 2 days. Also said hi to numerous people again. Definitely becoming second nature there. Best thing though is that whenever I have an obviously great opportunity, I notice myself not getting as nervous and worked up about it. I still do but not as much anymore.

Total Hi's: Over 50
Convos: 5


Don Juan
May 7, 2005
Reaction score
week2 day6

Went to a bookshop where I reviewed Nietzche's book, then talked to a HB7 who works at the counter. Asked her about some publication, she was very helpful but not too flirty. Also asked her about directions and stuff, after which I said c ya and she answered very formally.

On my way to the city park, I stopped by a fine art gallery, where I initiated a convo with a milf6 who was boring as hell, she answered to all my questions about pieces of art, I even said I was gonna buy some of them, then she gave me contacts of artists...

Went to the park but it was kinda deserted, so I sat next to an old man who seemed like pain in the ass so I never initiated a convo.

Just when I thought I was doomed, I sit on a chair@bus stop, tried to read the newspaper, when a man kinda whaco in his forties approached me saying how gov't is taking all our money thru taxes...I tried to maintain the convo with him saying how he's right and how we all work our asses off for those guys in admin. It had an effect of spilling gas to put out a fire so the guy went berserk and started telling me his theories about civil war that supposedly is about to errupt and I'm like yeah, sure, but I hope it won't. Then he's like "I hope it will!" and off he goes without saying bye :crazy: . At the same moment a lady in her 50s who overheard the whole convo started complaining to me about this other woman who has just approached her and was telling her about some people chasing her and trying to kill her (obviously symptoms of a mannic depression). So I'm like "yeah!" and try to maintain a convo with this lady, and it goes fine untill she realizes I was actually looking forward to a convo with a stranger. So I kinda push the convo up but she prolly figures I'm one of those indecent people who talk to people on the street so she turns away from me (and runs fr her life).:confused:

The last two convos I will count as one because I was being approached and not vice versa. I pushed myself to keep the convos flowing though.

I gotta say this week hasn't been remotely as fun as week1. What do y'all think so far?

Convo count: 7


Don Juan
Jun 16, 2005
Reaction score
Day 6,

The gym was packed and I started a small conversation with one guy there but it wasn't two minutes...

After the gym I made a trip to Borders bookstore to scope out the place and made contact with a guy and a conversations followed. Now, I didn't really want to get into a convo with him but it happened. We talked about a work and stuff like that.

Besides the convo with that guy, the chicks just weren't there tonight...


Senior Don Juan
Jan 13, 2005
Reaction score
Charlotte, North Carolina
While getting trained for my new job, the trainer was this HB8. Probably married though seeing as how she had a ring on her ring finger. Talked to her a bit after the training session. Maybe 5 minutes or so. It was good. Just talked a lot about the workplace and also asked about her previous work experience at the company. Then shook her hand before leaving said thanks and then cya. I actually did the girl handshake thing this time. I was just trying to make that handshake a habit.

Then some guy approached me and asked for a ride home from training. I said where do ya live, etc. etc. He lived a minute away from the place so I said sure. We talked for a bit while driving him back and stuff. Not so sure if I'm going to consider this a convo. I did keep it flowing but I wasn't approached and plus it wasn't a girl. Probably not.

Might go out later tonight but only place I can think of is a club and I can't stand talking to people at those places. I've done it in the past at this one club and all I ended up doing was grinding with some chicks and girls just weren't approachable in general. They were with guys and smoking ... what a turn off. I'll figure something out though because I need to get in 4 or so convos before Friday.

Convo Count: 6


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2005
Reaction score
This morning (at around 9am) I was watering my mom's trees she planted in the yard near the sidewalk, and I spotted a cute (no supermodel, but cute) girl comin down the road. She gets about 5 feet away and, as if on cue, the screen door comes open and my little dog darts out of the house and into the street. Without hesitation, I turn to the girl and go "Damn... hold this for me!" and run off to catch the little **** (who I love dearly). I carry the dog back (little half chihauhua) and she starts to melt at how cute the little doggie is, and how good I treat it (I guess she didn't hear me muttering under my breath as I chased it, ha). So were talking and she's still holding the hose, when I look down to see the water carrying mud flowing right into her shoes. Ooops, I point it out, and she flips out! She was so stressed about her shoes, I just excused myself, told her it was nice meeting her, turned off the hose and carried my dog inside. Sheesh. They were only reeboks.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 13, 2005
Reaction score
Charlotte, North Carolina
Originally posted by BrotherAP
This morning (at around 9am) I was watering my mom's trees she planted in the yard near the sidewalk, and I spotted a cute (no supermodel, but cute) girl comin down the road. She gets about 5 feet away and, as if on cue, the screen door comes open and my little dog darts out of the house and into the street. Without hesitation, I turn to the girl and go "Damn... hold this for me!" and run off to catch the little **** (who I love dearly). I carry the dog back (little half chihauhua) and she starts to melt at how cute the little doggie is, and how good I treat it (I guess she didn't hear me muttering under my breath as I chased it, ha). So were talking and she's still holding the hose, when I look down to see the water carrying mud flowing right into her shoes. Ooops, I point it out, and she flips out! She was so stressed about her shoes, I just excused myself, told her it was nice meeting her, turned off the hose and carried my dog inside. Sheesh. They were only reeboks.
lol nice. Is she datable to you or not attractive enough looks and personality wise? Sucks about her shoe thing but maybe she'll laugh it off next time you see her and then you can number close. ;)


Master Don Juan
Jun 23, 2003
Reaction score
Haha reading all your BC war stories gets me even more motivated to do it myself!

But damn, that was like the 2 biggest stereotypes about girls (that obviously hold true lol) in just one encounter. First she sees you take care of your dog and she melts down like crazy, but then her shoes are about to get dirty and she goes nuts lol.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2005
Reaction score
Nah I'm not worried about her, I have a girl I'm gonna call tonight that I met last Saturday - I've got to watch myself, she's got serious one-itis potential. Oh, and so does the other girl I'm diggin. I guess it can't be one-itis if there's two of em :D

I've just got to turn some of these phone numbers I've been gettin into dates, and I'm set.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 13, 2005
Reaction score
Charlotte, North Carolina
Originally posted by BrotherAP
Nah I'm not worried about her, I have a girl I'm gonna call tonight that I met last Saturday - I've got to watch myself, she's got serious one-itis potential. Oh, and so does the other girl I'm diggin. I guess it can't be one-itis if there's two of em :D

I've just got to turn some of these phone numbers I've been gettin into dates, and I'm set.
I'm at the stage where I need to go for the number if the convo goes good enough. I'll try getting that one lifeguard's number later on while doing more convos of course.

Question for you guys ... I know of some places to practice during the day but what about the night? Only place I can think of is the club and I can't go to bars yet. Sometimes during the night I might try going to some random stores but it's hard to approach them at those places. At least for me.