This sh!t's too easy
I don't know what it is about today but I feel great.
It didn't start off well, I was about to talk to this HB8 and she started doing something weird with her face. Stopped walking. And looked like she was about to explode lol. Maybe a sneeze? She put her face in her scarf. So this threw me off and I just asked if she was okay and kept it moving. I probably could've used that to my advantage and humored her a bit by telling her she looked like she was about to explode. Hindsight's 20/20. Oh well, if I see her again, I'll go in for the kill.
Saw a tall HB6.5 with a nice face, hesitated mainly because I wasn't in the mindset to talk to anyone. I was pissed that the professor decided to cancel his office hours before the exam and then said there were TA office hours at the time... but there weren't. Thanks, m8. So I walked past her instead of acting on my first instinct to just talk. Turned around to go back to do it and as soon as I got close enough she got on her bike. I laughed to myself, "Hesitation is just like masturbation. In the end, you're only screwing yourself." Rings true every time.
In the dining hall I saw this girl I see around sometimes. Earlier that day she looked mad so I didn't approach. Saw her in the dining hall (lmao, who knew you could scoop so many chicks in the dining hall) as I was on my way out. I almost hesitated my way out of it but went over, touched her on the elbow and chatted. I don't know if I was being seductive, but I certainly felt seductive and I could notice how it was affecting my body language and the way I talked to her. I was having fun. I turned meeting her into sort of a game at times having her guess where I'm from after I asked her, and doing this with some other things too. Got her number. Saw her just now on the way to class, actually. So I walked up and tapped her shoulder opposite the side I was on. She looked. Ha, got her. We walked for a good 10 mins, talking about fashion, aspirations, other random stuff. Both conversations we had she was asking me questions and wanting to know more, smiling all the while. Teased her, showed her I knew a bit about fashion, very light kino, hugged her before we parted.
Rewind a bit to after I met the first girl, I was omw to study. Saw a girl sitting down and just plopped next to her and started talking as if I already knew her (read that somewhere on here). She was a bit confused at first (as anyone would be if you just plop next to them and start talking). But I could tell she was feeding off my energy, I was having a good time just saying what I wanted. I think it's the fact that I've been listening to the Art of Seduction and
@LARaiders85 's comment about being your unfiltered self. Those things helped me to relax and truly realize that I am the prize today. We talked about a lot of random things but most notably, we were talking about how she didn't like pineapples on pizza because they're wet and she doesn't want wet stuff in her mouth so of course I capitalized on the opportunity to plant some sexual seeds in her mind. Got her number, I don't think she asked my name (or that I offered it) so I texted her as I was walking away; "Don't know if I mentioned it but the name's [my last name]. [My first name], [My last name]

". God damn who is this smooth motherfvcker - lmao I'm feeling myself. She texted back "Good to know. [my name]" which is hard to read but the fact that she responded to something that wasn't a quesiton is a good sign so I'll just take it as that.
I was leaving my study spot to go hit a lil workout. Saw this girl I held the door for the other day as I was walking down the stairs. I was a little nervous, but I went for it anyways. Talked to her a bit about where she's from, what she does, related a little bit. I had been thinking earlier that when I tell a girl I want her phone number I need to a better job. Usually I'll say "Lemme get your number, maybe we can blah blah blah sometime". That's weak. So I resolved to say "Lemme get your number, I'd like to get to know you better". I said that after we chatted for about 5 mins and she gave it to me and liked my text when I texted her name. Jamaican cutie, curly hair, hazel green eyes. Damn.