DJ Boot Camp - Course Description (class is now in session)

Master of the Universe

Senior Don Juan
Jan 17, 2002
Reaction score
Without a doubt, the knowledge contained within this board, and particularly within the DJ Bible is simply incredible. I know that personally, I have been able to acquire the necessary information to become a DJ... but as many here would to tend to agree, knowledge is only half the battle.

In fact, the more difficult (and more important) aspects to becoming a DJ is to actually go out into the real world and put into action all that we learned from the DJ Bible.

However, this is the step where many people falter. I know I did at one time or another... and from looking at numerous posts on this site, I know that I am not alone.

To help myself out, I decided to create an eight week crash-course based on the DJ Bible and a couple of other resources, that would force me to put into action what I had learned.

The results: after going through my program for four weeks, I was able to acquire appx. 50 phone number, go out on many dates, and am now dating two girls on a regular basis, and whom are head over feet about me.

Unfortunately, I became too sated with my results, and became lazy after the four week point.

At this point, I posted a thread on this site offering to share my eight-week program, and there were many interested members. As such, here is the course outline for the DJ Boot Camp... Eight Weeks That Will Change Your Life (what can I say, I'm a marketing guy... sometimes I can't help my headlines

DJ Boot Camp - Overview

The purpose of this intense eight-week program is to take a reforming average frustrated chump (RAFC) and turn him into a DJ.

Normally, this is a process that can take months or even years, so in order to compress this into a period of eight weeks, the participants must be willing to put their ego, fear, and habits aside, and be willing to go well beyond their normal comfort zones.

However, the possible rewards do outweigh the negatives. Imagine the wonderful feeling of no longer fearing approaching girls, knowing that you can start a conversation with her, get her number, and start dating her. No longer do you have to wonder why all your friends are getting all the girls, while you're just getting the short-end of the stick.

With that being said, however, I would like to give constructive notice that this is a live experiment. I can not guarantee any results... all I know is that if you go through this Boot Camp, you will experience a truly memorable experience... and a wonderful opportunity to grow... regardless of results.

Another point that I would like to mention is that the purpose of this Boot Camp is to turn you into a Don Juan, and not necessarily a Pick Up Artist.

In my mind, at least, there is a big difference between the two. A pickup artist, by definition, is someone who has become an expert in picking up women, often by memorizing lines and scripts, and can usually get a girl in bed within a couple of dates, or else moves on.

In itself, I think being a pickup artist is much more desirable than being an AFC. But to me, being a DJ is much more than this. A DJ is a state of mind where you learn to control and eliminate negative emotions which serve no purpose, such as fear and worry (in most cases).

A DJ should be in control of himself and whatever situation he finds himself in. A perfect example would be James Bond. You never see James Bond wasting all his time getting girls... He has a lot more important things in his life (like saving the world
) YET, he always gets the girl!

In essence, a DJ has a handle on all parts of his life, among which is women.

But since what most of us feel they need to work on is their abilities to get girls, that is what this Boot Camp will be geared towards. However, the focus will not be on memorizing scripts or lines, but rather to develop your innate DJ capabilities, so that no mater what life throws at you... whether it be girls, business, etc., you will confidently rise to the challenge.

A DJ should be able to have a complete life... the ideal career, hobbies, relationship with family, and finally women. But since most of us wish to better handle the women situation, that is what the DJ Boot Camp is based on.

DJ Boot Camp - Procedures

During each of these eight weeks, a new lesson will be posted once each Saturday or Sunday, to it's own separate thread (the first one will be posted this weekend).

Each lesson will have two parts. The first part will be reading. This will be mostly posts from the DJ Bible. In the first few weeks, there will be appx. 2-3 hours worth of reading material per week. Even if you have read the DJ Bible ten times, you must read the required reading material as posted in the lesson, as it must be fresh in your mind when you are going through these lessons. Later on, the reading material will be about one hour per week.

The second part of this Boot Camp, and where this Boot Camp really stands out, is in the field exercises. Each week there will be different exercises that you will perform... out there in the real world.

The mentality you want to acquire is that this is an experiment. The whole purpose is just to complete the exercises while having fun, results are irrelevant... with the exception that you need to keep track of your progress (maybe by carrying around a pen and a pocket notepad and jotting down results), and post them to the thread dealing with that week's lesson.

And while you are encouraged to post interesting results - positive or negative, as you go through the lesson, it is your commitment to post final results no later than Sunday of each week for the preceding week (e.g. If a lesson was posted on Sunday, the 7th, then you must complete it and post results no later than Sunday the 14th).

From there, all participants will be able to share constructive criticism based on the results we have achieved, and to give each other suggestions for better results in the future. And of course in cases where you might have done a fantastic job, it's nice to toot your own horn once in a while

DJ Boot Camp - Weekly Lessons

Okay, this is the part most of you have been waiting for... what the hell do we have to do during these lessons?

Week #1 - Developing / Conveying Confidence


We all know that confidence is king when it comes to getting girls, and just about everything else in life... but how the heck do we become confident, and equally importantly, how do we convey confidence?

Well, besides some wonderful reading, exercises during this lesson include two, one-hour outings with the purpose of learning to establish and maintain eye contact (probably the #1 way to display confidence) plus saying a brief hello to 50 strangers (girls, guys, old, young... don't matter).

Expected time to complete reading and exercises: 5 - 10 Hours

Week #2 - Initiating Conversations With Strangers


In lesson #1, we learned how to convey confidence and approach strangers with a simple hi... Now we will practice small conversations (2-10 minutes) with ten strangers.

Expected time to complete reading and exercises: 3 - 7 Hours

Week #3 - Approaching and Initiating Conversations With Girls


OK, during lessons #1 and #2, we got practice approaching and initiating conversations with strangers. By now your attitude and confidence have most likely improved, and you are now ready to approach girls you would like to date. The goal here is not to get their number, but rather to maintain a friendly 2 - 10 minute conversation with ten girls whom are strangers to you.

Expected time to complete reading and exercises: 3 - 10 Hours

Week #4 - Handling Objections and Dealing With Rejections


Just like in certain martial art disciplines, where practitioners dig their hands through heated sand in order to build calluses and to kill off pain receptors on their hands, so too must we learn to build calluses against rejection and to stop rejections from causing us emotional pain.

As such, the purpose of this lesson is to go out, approach girls, and close for the phone numbers. But instead of the goal being to acquire the numbers, the goal is to actually collect a total of ten rejections.

After this lesson, you will have become immune to rejections, plus you will learn the difference between rejections and objections (and how to overcome objections).

This will be a long lesson, simply because, believe it or not, it is not easy to get rejected ten times, at least not without acquiring plenty of phone numbers in the process.

Expected time to complete reading and exercises: 10 - 20 Hours

Week #5 - Setting Up Initial Date / What To Do On First Date


So now we have a pool of phone numbers that we acquired in lesson #4, now we experiment with different approaches to closing them on the phone and setting up dates. Plus, we will discuss what to do and not do on the first date so that to maintain a DJ persona, and to increase the girls' interest levels in us.

Based on the number of phone numbers you have acquired in lesson #4, you'll probably end up going on a couple of dates at this point.

Also, if you have less than ten phone numbers that are in the woodwork (e.g., girls that you haven't Nexted for blowing you off, or you are not interested in), then you will work on acquiring phone numbers. From this point on, until you have finished this Boot Camp, you will work on maintaining a minimum of ten active phone numbers (not necessarily dating ten girls, which would be too stressful in my opinion, but rather have their numbers but have not ruled them out yet).

Expected time to complete reading and exercises: 5 - 15 Hours

Week #6 - Setting Up Subsequent Dates / Increasing Interest Level

At this point in the Boot Camp, you will have acquired phone numbers and went out on first dates. Now, you will learn to set up a subsequent dates, and learn what to do and not do on the second dates, plus ways to increase her interest level in you.

And if you have not done a kiss close in the first date, you will be doing it on this date. You'll also work on building up the kino from previous encounters, etc.

Expected time to complete reading and exercises: 5 - 15 Hours

Week #7 - Building Up Intimacy

I said intimacy, not romance. Romance is for relationships, intimacy is for building attraction.

At this point, you have already kiss closed the girls you are dating, and maybe even dropped one or two that you were not interested in. The fortunate remaining ones get to be rewarded with more kissing, and a move up on the intimate level.

Also, activities include trying out more date options, so as to help you determine where you enjoy going on dates. And if you happen to have dropped (or been dropped by) too many girls, you may need to go into the field and acquire more phone number, which by now is a much easier goal to achieve.

Expected time to complete reading and exercises: 5 - 20 Hours

Week #8 - Becoming the Alpha Male

Alright... You've come a long way baby! You got out of your cocoon, developed and conveyed confidence, learned to approach and talk to strangers... you've initiated conversations with girls, got their numbers, and went out on dates! Wow!!!

Now it's time for the real test of a DJ. In this final lesson, your goal will be to go into a social situation, such as a party, wedding, meeting, club, etc., and become the dominant male.

You no longer have a fear of rejection, you are at ease approaching people, so the final aspect now is to put it all together and dominate the place!

Update: Since the Boot Camp is already underway, just start out on the first week, and take it from there. You'll be behind one or more weeks, but there will always be more people coming in... so this thing will become a moving parade of sorts, with different people at different lessons.

DJ Boot Camp - Commitment

Well, now you know the basic outline for the DJ Boot Camp... the question is... are YOU ready to participate?

If you are ready to take charge of your DJ life, then post your commitment today!

The only condition which I have is that once you commit, you must go through every lesson in this Boot Camp. You cannot skip any (including the reading material, even if you've already read the DJ Bible in the past).

Plus, you must post your results on a timely basis, so that we all may be on the same level and learn from each other.

Well guys, here is the program... Who's in?

Master of the Universe

P.S. This invitation is not only for newbies, but also for Master DJs... We need to have a control group for this experiment, so I'm hoping advanced DJs will also participate and offer input to the participants of this Boot Camp.

"Life's a joke... take it too seriously, and the joke's on you"

[This message has been edited by Master of the Universe (edited 04-26-2002).]

[This message has been edited by Master of the Universe (edited 04-29-2002).]

[This message has been edited by Master of the Universe (edited 05-06-2002).]

[This message has been edited by Master of the Universe (edited 05-29-2002).]


Master Don Juan
Apr 10, 2002
Reaction score
Lets do this shyt.



Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2002
Reaction score
I'm in, but I'm not sure about being able to post results every week. (mistyc says no more, thus remaining a challenge and a mystery! hahaha!

If you want to talk, talk to your friends. If you want a girl to like you, listen to her, ask questions, and act like you are on the edge of your seat.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.


Don Juan
Apr 5, 2002
Reaction score
Eastern USA
I'd like to, but I only have 5 weeks left here at college, then I'm goin' back home for the summer. If I start, I'll end up back at home "mid-camp" with a tottaly different group of girls and would hafta start all over.


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by Ytinifni:
I'd like to, but I only have 5 weeks left here at college, then I'm goin' back home for the summer. If I start, I'll end up back at home "mid-camp" with a tottaly different group of girls and would hafta start all over.
I don't see that as a prob. Think of it more like a whole new pond where to fish...
Which means you can be even bolder in the 5 weeks left cause after all you won't see them for a few months (if you come back)!


Master Don Juan
Apr 5, 2002
Reaction score
no doubt i'm HEADFIRST IN i can't wait till this weekend for week #1

Be safe g


Don Juan
Jan 8, 2002
Reaction score
Montreal, Qc, Canada
Count me in for the ride!

"Why not go out on a limb? Isn't that where the fruit is?"
-Frank Scully

Never try to read a woman's mind. It is a scary place. Ignore her confusing signals and mixed messages. Assume she is interested in you and act accordingly.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.


Don Juan
Jan 13, 2001
Reaction score
Staten Island
I'm in! this is deffinatly a great idea! it should have its own forum if it works out as planned, thats somethin the mods should look into.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 23, 2002
Reaction score
Michigan, USA
alright........ an actual program to stick to.....ok , i'm in . I'm gonna run up to the store soon adn pick up a notebook to log my results.

"You....You're so ******* money and you don't even know it.
-Trent from "Swingers

Don't always be the one putting yourself out for her. Don't always be the one putting all the effort and work into the relationship. Let her, and expect her, to treat you as well as you treat her, and to improve the quality of your life.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.

Don-Wan Kenobi

Senior Don Juan
Jan 30, 2001
Reaction score
hey, this sounds pretty intense. I would love to participate.

My greatest concern is that I will be graduating from college in four weeks. After that, who knows where I will be or what I will be doing to support myself?

I will have a computer and I will probably be around women; however, this is a major transitioning point in my life and so I will most likely have to drop out and begin again later... I'm glad I can cut and paste this to my comp.

With that being said, I will look into this for at least the first four weeks.

Here's a suggestion: to keep things simple, we should probably keep boot camp running through TWO weekend posts. One with instructions for the following week and the other to keep track of our progress. What do y'all think?

I'm already excited about this! Thanks MotU

Don Robert

Master the Game or Master the Bate


Senior Don Juan
Mar 19, 2002
Reaction score
Oak Forest, IL U.S.A.
well when the earth shakes and the lightning flashes and the heavens rip from the sky you know what old Jack Burton says....ol' Jack Burton says "what the h*ll"

Got a drum life?

"No little perv bull**** is gonna work with this one, you gotta play it smooth, be Don Juan de la Nootch"- Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back.


Don Juan
Oct 5, 2001
Reaction score
bump...sounds intense......however it sounds good...i agree w/ the other kid if this works out should have its on forum or w/e u call it...sounds time consuming...alot of people got stuff to do, those of us already in the field......ummm.....IM IN!

Peace and Quiet

If you currently have too many women chasing you, calling you, harassing you, knocking on your door at 2 o'clock in the morning... then I have the simple solution for you.

Just read my free ebook 22 Rules for Massive Success With Women and do the opposite of what I recommend.

This will quickly drive all women away from you.

And you will be able to relax and to live your life in peace and quiet.
