Master Homer
Don Juan
AIM is generally discouraged as a DJ tool, but here is an example of how far you can get just using IM.
me: how did you do on chem test
me: I got 100% cause I'm a genus
her: a genus, huh? all on your own?
me: f*ck that i'm a f*cking prodigy
her: *she giggles to herself*
her: do you mean "genius"?
me: no
me: i meant the taxonomic classification
me: genius
her: just giving you guff
me: i don't want guff
me: i want duff
her: DAMN IT
me: mmm beer
her: take the guff!
me: make me
me: you can't stop this shyt
me: i'm unstoppable
her: I don't want to stop the shyt
her: I want to alter its course
me: it's impossible
her: fine, fine
her: You win
me: too fast for you
me: damn right
me: now take back your "GUFF"
her: give it to me rough, Daddy
me: in the ass?
her: no... no, that wouldn't work
her: guff is best given through the navel
me: so is my fat c*ck
her: uh... I wouldn't know
me: you sure?
her: fairly sure
her: I wasn't that drunk that night...
me: that would be interesting to see
her: why?
me: if you have to ask
me: you might never know
her: probably won't then, because I do have to ask
her: *she pokes you*
her: tell me
me: only if you become my slave for 24 hours
her: uh... i can't do that
me: sorry
her: i have prior obligations
her: please?
her: *she bites her lip* what does being your slave entail?
me: hot sex
her: I just know that I can't do hot sex
her: I'd melt
me: loly
me: what about warm sex
her: what does sex have to do with finding out why seeing me drunk would be interesting?
me: everything
her: lol... I think I no longer have to ask, then
me: lol
her: I'd make a bad slave anyway
her: you're not missing out
me: only I can be the judge of that
her: sorry, Sir
her: *she worships You out of boredom*
me: good slave girl
her: *she squirms with pelasure*
me: thats right, hold on to that pleasure
her: can do, Sir
me: cause if you become the least bit irratating to me
me: your would wish you were never born
her: :-|
her: yes, Sir
me: now bend over!
her: ...
me: i said hot sex
me: you think I was kidding?
her: quite frankly, yse
me: i think i will call you slave girl from now on
her: um... wow
her: that's pretty kinky (for me)
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