We have the same problems in Australia. I found this on a news site's comments section disccusing pre nups...There should be an unwriten law that protects the individuals assets pre marriage ans stops this bs from happening.
"The law is a disgrace. Met wife 5 years ago - owned own home worth approx $350k, she had $800 in bank and 6 grand car loan. Now - separated, divorced, she walks off with 70% of house. Best financial move she could ever have made. Not bitter - just much wiser and of course will never be in same situation again. Advise all prospective partners with substantial assets to protect them any way you can."
"The law is a disgrace. Met wife 5 years ago - owned own home worth approx $350k, she had $800 in bank and 6 grand car loan. Now - separated, divorced, she walks off with 70% of house. Best financial move she could ever have made. Not bitter - just much wiser and of course will never be in same situation again. Advise all prospective partners with substantial assets to protect them any way you can."