Royal Elite
Everything dat happenz iz 'Divine Will' or scripted by God, there4 da bezt way 2 b happy iz 2 go along with 'Da Flow'. Fighting 'what iz' iz futile-thuz da saying 'it iz what it iz' iz all written by ur decizionz b4 Hiz will..thuz whoever fightz what iz r doz getting punizhed..doz who go with 'Da Flow' R doz who r learning da lesson dat life offerz through simply living..Everything iz a tezt and a lezzon az long az u open Ur eyez 2 look 4 da tezt and da lezzon..wisdom sayz she openz her mouth in da street..thiz meanz that 1 who iz blezzed 2 C can C wisdom any and everywhere..King Solomon learned by watching antz, and animalz, and foolz, and wize men..everything iz a lezzon becuz everything iz a iz all 'Divine Will'..It doeznt matter if U accept it or deny it,,'it iz what it iz and it will b what it will b'..nothing can be done outside of da script dat YHWH haz written...we r all playing a part in diz movie called 'life'..some of uz have been chozen 2 play da fool, da wise man, da crack head, da drunk, da *****, da lozer, da winner, da homo ect..bazically 1 who iz blezzed or 1 who iz curzed..da blezzed r simply doz who chooze 2 go along with da script and play their pozition while da curzed r doz who try 2 deviate from da script and da part dat iz written 4 dem..but da bottom line iz 'U cant' 1 knowz when death iz coming there4 it iz clear life comez at u den u react...but da bottom line iz 'it cumz @ U' it iz all iz all written..we r juzt playerz in a cosmic chezz gamez of who will follow da Divine order (da blezzed) and who will try (and i write try becuz u really cant) 2 fight it (da wicked).
YHWH Blezz
Prinze Royal Elite
Da kingz in da building!
YHWH Blezz
Prinze Royal Elite
Da kingz in da building!