hah, race hate, just stay away from even thinking I'm heading in that direction... have you seen the video? It's funny, why do you think we're laughing? If I saw a video about eskimo's and teasing... hey wait, I already have, so you can shush about that now. Kinda like the devil is a DJ thread, everybody's poisoning that one too...
America will always turn to popular culture, there's a reason for it as well. Not widely accepted, but most new concepts are thrown into the wash a few times before it becomes acceptable for the nation to wear it.... Just like the whole slavery deal, most people were outraged when it first started to happen, than they got used to it, than the slaves got pissed off, and they tried to fight that as well, now it's all good again... except for a few die hard retards, it will happen for centuries... now it's a good thing that the wigga nation is upon us.
Hip hop is one of the most influential styles of music since it hits youth at a young age. The excited rhythm of the music beats out the dronings laughter of monotany which is cubicle life. The next generation of employers will take on a google like mindset, there won't be any more mindless drivel, people wioll create work templates and use scanners and comparative descriptors to do all the manual typing which is done today... It's just a matter of time before hip hop and rap become the mainstream style of music with a few twists in it to conform to the elders who don't like profanity as much as youth should.
Oh yeah, n Jaycamx23lolbigdogpdiddywugangsta, stop hating on your bro. Your not in it for a competition, unless your going to be teaching HIM something by stealing his girl, be a man, and stay a true friend. Don't stab him in the back to get with one chick.