PlayHer Man said:
Alpha males do NOT submit to women in relationships. They reward women for good behavior. No good behavior means no affection, gifts, or respect. A woman's place is ALWAYS below a man. Women who refuse to take lower status in relationships with men should only be used for sex, then discarded like trash.
While generally true, I believe the way you've worded it is a big misleading, and can easily lead to "pretend" alpha behavior, which can easily be misconstrued as misogynistic.
Most "alpha" behavior is subconscious and automatic, and stems from extreme, real world based, self confidence in one's general abilities to create wealth and sexual relationships.
So when you say that men "reward" women, I believe a better way to describe it would be, "men pay attention to women when women are behaving in a way men find naturally attractive, and lose interest when women stop behaving"
Note that this "becoming interested" and "losing interest" is automatic and subconscious, not a conscious system of rewards and punishments.
Kind of like a wealthy man in a restaurant tasting the wine. If it's not up to speed, he merely sends it back. He doesn't "punish" the wine if it's bad, or "reward" the wine if it's good.
He doesn't play "no contact" games with the wine in hopes it will "turn good" he doesn't complain about the "state of wine" to his buddies.
He merely sends it back and asks for a better bottle. If he finds out a certain restaurant doesn't have wine to his liking, he simply chooses another restaurant.
He doesn't lobby congress to pass laws forcing restaurants to have a minimum standard of wines.
In an ideal world (where we are far from) a woman would learn, ON HER OWN, which behaviors generate positive attention, and which behaviors generate dismissal.
But as you say, once the tide turns and the Alpha's of today are the Beta's of yesteryear, the game is forever changed.
Just like few people will regularly wake up at 4 AM unless there are negative incentives for not doing so, woman will cease to self-correct when there are no longer negative incentives for not doing so.