[Discussion] Is Masturbation gay?


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Feb 22, 2008
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Hi all,first of all I just want to say I've been a long time reader and fan...this sight has changed my life (for the better).I've read 100hundreds of threads here,memorized the rules,and I feel like I personaly know a lot of people here and the advice i have gotten here is priceless.And I finally feel like I am ready to post here.I recently moved to a new city with my family and got a new computer,my own bedroom,a new college and in short...im ready to rock and roll and become a DJ at last :cheer:

MY first order of business is a question that has been troubling me lately and im sure most of you as lovers of women have wondered it as well as me.Is Masturbation gay in any way?Look Im as straight as the next guy, and i aboslutely LOVE women of all varietys,but lately I can't help but ask myself if there is a gay aspect to Masturbation,and this is troubling to me as I am a Christian (my father is a minister).

First of all,I know Masturbation is 'a sin'..After all,I am Christian and the bible says that it is a sin but I (and my father) consider ourselves progressive Christians.My father told me himself that he would rather have me Masturbating then impregnating girls out of wedlock (being married).In fact he told me on prom nightwhen I didnt have a date ande felt bad but i didnt Masturbate because it was a little weird having my dad talk about Masturbating.

Anyways I am not a frequent Masturbator,I still think its a sinful in a way but I am O.K. with doing it once or twice every three days.The thing that bothers me is the details.I usually Masturbate standing up in my bathroom and most times I close my eyes and try to think about sex thoughts.However,when my eyes are closed and I begin to M.B. and get aroused it is because my hand is around my penus and this thought is prominent in my head.Having my penus in my hand is really what arouses me and feeling it get hard well it really makes me excited.lol Im sorry if this is too many details...anyways as I continue my Masturbation I (of course) think about girls I have approached or initiated with in the last week or so and have basically normal fantasies in my head, BUT the thing that turns me on the most is having my penus in my hand and feeling it rock hard.I've even takin to Masturbating in front the mirror in the bathroom with my eyes open and I look at myself,especially my penus.This has really started to bother me so I have not M.B. for over a week, and I feel like crap now!! :cry:

In short,I am OK with M.B.ing,I think its natural and my dad agrees,BUT!! how can I make it 'not gay'..I don't want to have to stop.What do you guys do?I could really use some help here [blush] :eek:
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Feb 19, 2008
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Im not even going to go into the whole religion thing, thats a whole other issue in itself, but im going to say that it is not a sin. also, as long as your fantasizing about girls then i would say your not gay. every guy love to grab his wang (and then shove it into a vaj) so i mean....as long as your not thinking about sucking a dude off or whatever i would say your not gay. sexuality is natural man.

dont you think it kind of sucks that your religion makes you ashamed of that?

(more of a rhetorical question)


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Feb 22, 2008
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First off, masturbation being a sin is as equivocal as sex with a condom; the point being that semen being ejaculated isn't entering the female with intent of procreation. Any healthy person (that isn't getting laid whenever they want to) is going to masturbate, it increases the heart rate, releases endorphins, all that good stuff.

I don't want to sound like a ****, especially on my first post, but it seems like you have some repressed sexual issues stemming from your Christian upbringing. I would prob. try to get some professional help to get to the route of it all.


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Feb 22, 2008
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Hey guys!!Thanks for the speedy replies I really appreciate them!!

Infamous J:
The Bible addresses M.B. multiple times.Yes it is considered a sin.

Its not so much the M.B. that my faith frowns upon,its the homosexuality.But yeah,there a some things about Christianity that I do not agree with and I have been looking into other religions (like Buddhism and Scientology but thats a whole nother thread in a different forum i will save for a rainy day :p )
My point is they gay side of M.B - being alone and being aroused by the feeling of your own penus.

Thanks for your reply but no I dont have issues stemming from the way I was raised.I think homoesexuality is wrong PERIOD,its nothing religious.I'm just scared that I may have to give up masturbating because being aroused by the feeling of a penus in my hand (my own or otherwise) is GAY, no matter how you look at it....:|

The Inside Man

Master Don Juan
Sep 27, 2007
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Actually it does mention it in the bible Infamous J... "It is better for your seed to fall in the belly of a *****"... But anyway, no masturbation is not sinful. Most guys are not banging a girl every night unless they are in a relationship or on a really hot streak, so yes masturbation is a normal part of sexuality. You need to be comfortable with yourself. Look what happens in cultures that repress sexuality and preach that it is wrong to masturbate: the males get all the pent up primal rage and the only way they let it out is through violence. (many middle eastern cultures)

But with that said, don't cut down on masturbating because it's sinful, it's not, even though it says that in the bible, and I believe there is great truth in the bible, some of it is related to cultures that are 1000s of years old so it may not be entirely relevant to today, and it was written by fallible man, if divinely inspired.

Cut down on masturbation because you don;t want to get used to giving yourself a release every day, you want a woman to do that for you, and it is more motivating to go out and meet women if you aren't "artificially" keeping yourself satisfied. It's a personal thing most people work out on their own, but I will say that masturbating more than once or twice a week is detrimental to the sexual drive and the urge to get out there and make something happen, IMO. As long as you aren't jerking off to porn 5 times a day then it is a normal part of sexuality.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 31, 2004
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In order for it to be a homosexual act, there would have to be another man with you, by definition. Or at least some gay porn. If there are neither, then it sure isn't gay.


Master Don Juan
May 30, 2006
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The bible also advocates stoning your wife, and owning slaves, no?

Can we not come up with a way of life not based on some book written two thousand years ago?

The Inside Man

Master Don Juan
Sep 27, 2007
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Those who do not know history are bound to repeat it. The bible is a great book to base your life off of if you can "culturally adapt" it's lessons to this century. Some of the knowledge in there is timeless. But not everyone is Christian of course and I'm sure this will be flamed. But thats why I also believe in freedom of speech.


Master Don Juan
Feb 26, 2002
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How old are you?


Master Don Juan
Aug 20, 2005
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yes you are gay. for a variety of reasons....

1) you think about penuses when you mb
2) you are asking if you are gay (if you have to ask, then you probably are)
3) your dad talks to you about mb, which means hes probably gay and gave you the gay gene
4) you mb standing up, no straight man does that.
5) you mb with your eyes closed, only chics do this. men look at porn. but you obviously don't want to look at porn. because if you did you would have to confront the reality that pictures of naked women aren't want you seek. so instead you close your eyes and think about your penus.

you are 100% gay but you haven't come out of the bathroom with it yet.
Mar 18, 2006
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realsmoothie said:
The bible also advocates stoning your wife, and owning slaves, no?

Can we not come up with a way of life not based on some book written two thousand years ago?
Another darwin myth nonsense.

It is a biblical sin due to it's lustful nature in thinking of sexual fantasies with women in your mind. As a man thinketh so is he! Fornication of the mind -so to speak.


Don Juan
Nov 20, 2007
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joekerr31 said:
yes you are gay. for a variety of reasons....

1) you think about penuses when you mb
2) you are asking if you are gay (if you have to ask, then you probably are)
3) your dad talks to you about mb, which means hes probably gay and gave you the gay gene
4) you mb standing up, no straight man does that.
5) you mb with your eyes closed, only chics do this. men look at porn. but you obviously don't want to look at porn. because if you did you would have to confront the reality that pictures of naked women aren't want you seek. so instead you close your eyes and think about your penus.

you are 100% gay but you haven't come out of the bathroom with it yet.

4) I do it. I imagine nailing a chick in the shower or against a wall.
5) Sometimes I do that too. I remember how a girl smells, how soft her skin is or how her hair feels. Sometimes that really gets me off.

So according to JoeKerr, my Personal Gayness Level (PGL) is at 40%. Gosh, I wonder what panties I'm going to wear tonight?


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Feb 22, 2008
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MushroomGod said:
Darwin myth, lol, at least it was based off research, the bible is pure fiction.
Excuse me,but that's a pretty offensive and ignorant thing to say.The Bible is NOT pure fiction,it's Gods own gospel to the people of earth.Go to the Creation Museum in Petersburg Kentucky and you can see FACTUAL data that proves the origins and validitiy of the Bible and its word,and you can also see the lies that darwinists spit forth(like you just did).Peace :)


Master Don Juan
Feb 26, 2002
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rookiePUA117 said:
Excuse me,but that's a pretty offensive and ignorant thing to say.The Bible is NOT pure fiction,it's Gods own gospel to the people of earth.Go to the Creation Museum in Petersburg Kentucky and you can see FACTUAL data that proves the origins and validitiy of the Bible and its word,and you can also see the lies that darwinists spit forth(like you just did).Peace :)
You remind me of a kid i know...hes kinda an arrogant "all knowing" douche bag.


Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2007
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The Paradise City where the grass is green and the
See Ron White for clarification...

'Everybody's a little bit gay, it's just to what degree..."

"That's BS, I ain't no queer!"

"Oh yeah? You watch porn, don't you?"

"Well, yeah, who doesn't?"

"Well do you want the guy to have a tiny flaccid penis?"

"Hell no, I like big, hard throbbing...You know what, I did not know that about myself..." :crackup:


Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2007
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The Paradise City where the grass is green and the
rookiePUA117 said:
Excuse me,but that's a pretty offensive and ignorant thing to say.The Bible is NOT pure fiction,it's Gods own gospel to the people of earth.Go to the Creation Museum in Petersburg Kentucky and you can see FACTUAL data that proves the origins and validitiy of the Bible and its word,and you can also see the lies that darwinists spit forth(like you just did).Peace :)
You're a dumbass. Take a freaking biology class.

Ever wonder why bacteria become resistant to antibiotics? It's evolution, duuuuuuuuude.

And feel free to explain dinosaurs to us all. Especially the part in the bible about dinosaurs.


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Feb 22, 2008
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MooseGod said:
You're a dumbass. Take a freaking biology class.

Ever wonder why bacteria become resistant to antibiotics? It's evolution, duuuuuuuuude.

And feel free to explain dinosaurs to us all. Especially the part in the bible about dinosaurs.
Im a dumbass?Lol...right there bud.

Bacteria become resistant to antibiotics through PROCREATION.As bacterias procreate,their offspring contain DNA from both parents.This allows for a completely new organism to be created.You come from your mum and dad,don't you?But you're not the same,you are different because you have been procreated.This is the same for bacteria and also please notice you cant spell procreation without CREATION :yes:

You sound like one of those ignorant atheists who puts all their faith in that IDIOT charley darwin.I feel sorry for you.