disclose the $$$$$ (yes or no?)


New Member
Sep 3, 2010
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OK I'm tired of not getting attractive women. Right now I have no problem getting average girls interested, but for even a HB 8 I would have to work super hard and still get rejected often.

I don't go around telling women (and anyone) about my money, but should i use it to attract them?

about the MONEY i got
I'm a self made millionaire (net worth just exceeding 5 million USD).
I make well into the 7 figures per year.
I own plenty of real estate.
I drive a 90000 dollar car.

not to sound too ****y but I think what I've accomplished for my age (23) is quite impressive. but if you look at me, you would not be able to tell any of the above since my business is primarily over the internet.

as for LOOKS I'm above average in height and looks. I'm lean with a six pack. I got decent fashion sense and expensive designer stuff.

and of course the PROBLEM AREAS: I am an introvert with only a few close friends. Don't have much social proof. Don't have a great sense of humor. Not a great talker. Though I'm confident.

I heard women dig rich guys. (Don't know how true this is) Is it time to start using money to my advantage? Do I go tell women I meet that I'm a millionaire, how much money I make or any of that stuff?


Master Don Juan
Oct 29, 2008
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props to you for achieving what you have done.

I am no expert on the matter, but as a layman, I would not disclose the amount money you make. I would think just the fact that you are happy and confident should be enough. If you let her know right away how much money you make, it will not turn into the relationship that you want.


Master Don Juan
Dec 8, 2009
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In the damn boonies...of Michigan
Fly me over and I'll be your friend slash wing man :) and no I wouldn't say **** about how much I made. With all that damn money I'm sure you have done a lot of traveling and have some great stories to tell. Bring the charm of having a a comfortable life and being able to do well pretty much whatever you want most of the time. Even though you're rich you should still involve yourself in the community some how, volunteering here or there. This is a great way to meet people and potentially meet some quality women,


Senior Don Juan
Oct 14, 2005
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I think the point you need to think about is what do you want to achieve?

You want to get some quality girls or you just looking for some hook ups?
Flashing your money around, everything else being equal in the way you behave, will just make you look interesting to gold diggers and more or less shallow materialistic ppl, you´ll just get into their radar.

Even though you achieved a lot in in the wealth area dont stop improving all the other areas in your life, hell, having money just means you have more resources available, the rest is pretty much the same, we all need to feel good about ourselves. So take a really good look at your inner game, at whats stoping you from living the life you really wanna live.


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2007
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If you disclose how you're rich you will

A: will be banging women like if you are a world class PUA in no time.
B: women will be coming out of the woodwork trying to get at you so you can get them pregnant so they can either trap you into marrying them or trap you with child support.

You should definitely make profiles in dating sites and just tell about your life and your success. You will have women lined up to go out with you in no time.

Just make sure you always use good quality condoms and don't go for any single momas who would love nothing more than to find a man to take care of them and their bastard.

Just be mindful that women will be out there to trap you and not necessarily give a damn about you. Go out there with the mentality of wanting to bang lots of hot women rather than find a good woman because you likely won't. Just hit em and quit em.


Master Don Juan
Feb 20, 2009
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Go download Real Social Dynamic's "The Blueprint Decoded". It will answer your question in great detail and I feel that it will benefit you a lot.

Summarised, if you disclose your wealth to women like you mention, it's coming from a "I'm telling you this to try to impress you" point of view which comes across as needy and weak. Yes, if you do this some women will fvck you, but the dynamics of the relationship are going to be FAR from ideal.


Jan 31, 2005
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From New Orleans, Louisiana to Atlanta, Georgia!!!
Post 1313!!! I usually don't do this for this type of number.

Judge Nismo knows that disclosing the fact that you have money will allow you to bang multiple women who wouldn't give you the time of day otherwise, and some women would try to trap you by getting knocked up or married. Win the mega millions or powerball jackpot and watch how quick women will go after you, even if they rejected you in the past.

Most rich guys stay low key, I know I'll do the same when I get rich. Be careful bro. You can also make the girls run on a treadmill by giving them false hope of money. I saw this on an episode of Married with children where the girls had a high school reunion and they (Kelly and her friends) previously dissed a guy. Come to find out he's worth 10 million dollars. Those girls suddenly caught feelings for a guy who was otherwise a loser.

What you should do is get these women to like you for you if you want a relationship and remember that if you flash the cash, you'll have golddiggers coming out from behind the grave trying to get with you. Watch out for traps! That's my ruling.

Case closed. Congratulations on your success.


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2010
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i_stay_ballin said:
OK I'm tired of not getting attractive women. Right now I have no problem getting average girls interested, but for even a HB 8 I would have to work super hard and still get rejected often.

I don't go around telling women (and anyone) about my money, but should i use it to attract them?

about the MONEY i got
I'm a self made millionaire (net worth just exceeding 5 million USD).
I make well into the 7 figures per year.
I own plenty of real estate.
I drive a 90000 dollar car.

not to sound too ****y but I think what I've accomplished for my age (23) is quite impressive. but if you look at me, you would not be able to tell any of the above since my business is primarily over the internet.

as for LOOKS I'm above average in height and looks. I'm lean with a six pack. I got decent fashion sense and expensive designer stuff.

and of course the PROBLEM AREAS: I am an introvert with only a few close friends. Don't have much social proof. Don't have a great sense of humor. Not a great talker. Though I'm confident.

I heard women dig rich guys. (Don't know how true this is) Is it time to start using money to my advantage? Do I go tell women I meet that I'm a millionaire, how much money I make or any of that stuff?
I am in the same boat as you, except I am worth $35.7 million and 16 years of age. I drive a $155,000 car and I talk like a black dude in a rap video. My business is in my mind like yours. We are both way above these chumps. We are the New Businessmen. Send me a message and we can mind-meld. Nismo can join us since he is going to be rich like us one day.


Master Don Juan
Feb 12, 2010
Reaction score
England, baby!
This is THE PROBLEM (even said it in the OP!) .... you know deep down it has nothing to do with money

i_stay_ballin said:
and of course the PROBLEM AREAS: I am an introvert with only a few close friends. Don't have much social proof. Don't have a great sense of humor. Not a great talker. Though I'm confident.

I heard women dig rich guys.
money should be for yourself, being all flashy especially with your POOR socail skills will get you used an abused by goldiggers!

Captain said:
Go download Real Social Dynamic's "The Blueprint Decoded". It will answer your question in great detail and I feel that it will benefit you a lot.
he should pay properly for it, unlike most of us who are poor, he can afford to pay for it
he should also get all the DVD, flawless natural , jeffy show, foundations, transfomations too


Master Don Juan
Jun 30, 2008
Reaction score
i_stay_ballin said:
about the MONEY i got
I'm a self made millionaire (net worth just exceeding 5 million USD).
I make well into the 7 figures per year.
I own plenty of real estate.
I drive a 90000 dollar car.

not to sound too ****y but I think what I've accomplished for my age (23) is quite impressive. but if you look at me, you would not be able to tell any of the above since my business is primarily over the internet.
What is your business that made you your fortune? Is it poker, or online referrals/advertising


Master Don Juan
Jun 11, 2008
Reaction score
South Dakota
NOOOO,never mention wealth. I'd have women light up like a christmas tree when they find out I'm a Dentist,but if they weren't interested before.... I guess they are more interested in my money than they were me. I can spend my money just fine by myself


Don Juan
Sep 4, 2010
Reaction score
Whether people like it or not, financial status is a huge sign of high value in society. Girls are going to be attracted by wealth (status) just as you are attracted to their looks. You could justify both as being shallow but the reality is most people want to date someone who is high value (whether through looks, wealth, social status ie. celebrity).

That does not mean you tell people how much you make, but don't be subtle about showing it off either. Show it with your clothes by wearing nice suits, your attitude, the way you talk, how you carry yourself. People will notice and whisper about how rich you are.

Honestly the problem is not about whether you should tell people you're rich or not, the real issue is that you only hang with your social circle and I think you should start by reading 'Double Your Dating' by David Deangelo. You will be amazed at what you will learn in that book, and your hunger to learn more will grow.

But as people have asked already, I'm very curious as to what your business is. I'm 23 as well and I'm a business owner of a marketing firm, but I don't make anything near what you do...


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40
I don't go around telling women (and anyone) about my money...I drive a 90000 dollar car.

This post is complete horse sh!t. You're a 23 y/o millionaire who drives a $90,000 car and yet you come here and tell us that women don't notice that?


Don Juan
Sep 4, 2010
Reaction score
Bible_Belt said:
I don't go around telling women (and anyone) about my money...I drive a 90000 dollar car.

This post is complete horse sh!t. You're a 23 y/o millionaire who drives a $90,000 car and yet you come here and tell us that women don't notice that?

If you're an introvert that only hangs with your social circle, who is going to notice you? That's where I see his problem


Master Don Juan
Feb 20, 2009
Reaction score
....you come here and tell us that women don't notice that?
Think of all the middle aged businessmen who BLEND TOGETHER because they a). flash their cash around thinking it will make women want to ride them like a maniac, and b). buy the generic new grey/silver luxury car. Give a chump money and what do you get? A chump with money.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
Reaction score
Hey troll - nice post. What you need to do is drive SLOWLY on the curb and make eye contact with the women on the street while you are driving your $ 90 000 car. Don't drive too fast.

Poonani Maker

Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2007
Reaction score
Money is a Huge boost to your mating future. If you have it, flaunt it via the new car or the castle of a house, until then, SAVE your dough, and find new ways to make more.