Diet tips for hard gainer


Master Don Juan
May 25, 2008
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Chickfight said:
Hopefully most of that will go to muscle, but I'm guessing it's normal to gain some fat as well? We'll see, if that does happen, I'll probably keep pushing through it and I can drop the fat later.
You're an ectomorph. It should be much easier for you to drop the fat than the rest of us.

Bastard. :rolleyes:

The regime that EFFORT posted is very solid and focused on muscular gains. You follow it regularly for the 8 weeks he mentioned and you will see gains. It's easier if you ease into something like that. Give yourself a week and slowly bring up your calories and exercise to that level. You're in this for the long term, so don't shock your body with sudden changes.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 29, 2010
Reaction score
Kerpal said:
That's not going to do anything. You're going to have to figure out a way to get access to a barbell and squat rack if you want to make any real progress.
EFFORT said:
Like Kerpal said that's not going to do anything.

Your body naturally wants to be 6'2 @ 153lbs. To change that you have to do something extremely "unnatural" in the eyes of your body. Doing squats with water bottles, some body weight dips, sprints, pull ups, chin ups and push ups isn't going to be enough stimulus to add 20lbs of muscle to your frame.

You'll most likely just end up a little heavier with a belly and very little muscle gain from that plan. If I was you I'd just enjoy my trip and not bother trying to pursue this goal until I have the proper equipment, time, mental focus and budget. You can still participate in fitness, I'd do fun stuff like play sports, sprint, hike, rock climb etc.

Don't mean to sound negative here, just seen a lot of guys waste time spinning there wheels and missing out on fun things in life for a goal that was doomed from the start. Your trip sounds really fun, make the most of that experience, don't ruin it chugging down milk and food.
Yeah, the thing is I'm going to be there for like 3 months. A small investment every morning won't be a huge deal to me. Also, I've been pretty successful at putting on a few pounds of muscle in the past by doing body weight exercises and eating more. The only problem was I couldn't keep up eating so much and also got lazy with exercising, plus if I'm adding over 30 lbs of weight in a backpack I'm thinking I'll only be able to do 5-6 reps of pullups which I think is pretty decent intensity. Pushups I'll probably be able to do about 10-15 with the added weight, but if its not intense enough I can try clapping pushups or diamond ones or something. Same goes for the other exercises. I think it will all be intense enough to put on muscle for the first month or so, but if it gets too easy, I'll go out and buy some heavy dumbbells. My goal is something like brad pitt in troy. It wouldn't feel right for me to be any bulkier than that, plus it would be hard to maintain since I'm naturally slim.

I'm going to give it a shot as I don't have much to lose, and I'll keep you guys updated with pics on how it goes. I'll be the first to admit you were right if I end up becoming a 200 pound fat boy with no muscle in a few months :)

Here's a couple of pics of my natural and current body shape. It's from a year ago, but I pretty much look the same now, maybe 5 pounds of fat and muscle heavier.