Two times...
1. I can't really define when it happened. It was probably when my dad died in 2011. I always had this feeling that I am far better than the woman I married. She made good money, is fairly good overall, but highly manipulative, unattractive, and just not a good fit for me. She treated me terribly, and eventually I chose to walk away. I knew I am a man that deserves an attractive woman who isn't a manipulative cvnt.
2. The second occurred in my first relationship about 4 months post separation. The woman was a younger single mom, very attractive, good family, etc. However, I put her on a pedestal. I was like "crap, I haven't had a woman this hot in a long fvcking time". Long story short, I went beta, she got distant, so I started Googling for answers. I landed here, but it was about 4 months too late. I learned that basically everything I was doing was WRONG! Everything I had done with every woman prior to this was WRONG!
I used that knowledge to date about 30 women over the course of 6 months and land in my current LTR. It just sort of happened. She love bombs me daily, fvcks me like an animal 2-3 times a day, wants to see me all the time, and treats me like a king. Do I still make mistakes? Hell yes! But I have only been "in the know" for 13 months of my 35 year life. That is an immense amount of reconditioning that is needed....
Every man here should be constantly analyzing everything about their relations with women. You can always get better at everything; sex, money, power, control, emotional intelligence, the list goes on and on...