Did you ever took a break from dating?



After a series of extremely frustating dates since getting back on the market this spring, I'm about to throw in the towel.

I am moving in the fall; was hoping to have a 1-2 nice romantic summer flings of semi serious short term relationships. And yes, I do tell most of them I plan on moving and that I don't like want one night stands or super casual stuff (which is true) - maybe that's the issue, but if they had a problem with it you'd think they wouldn't agree to a date in the first place.

The girls ghost me after the date regardless of whether we have sex, how good it is, or how good the dates and how on top of my A-game I am. A few case examples:

One 21 yo tiny blonde Christian girl turned into a complete b!tch because I "didn't hold the door open for her" (which I didn't even argue about) meanwhile she's on her damn phone during the date several times which I express my annoyance with; she tries to claim cold behavior was because I let the door "slam in her face" (obv exagerration). Obvious next.

I went on a date with an Asian girl who I thought was a 7/10 but in person was more like a 5/10 (overweight and scar/birth mark on a good portion of her face) and she cuts the date short and ghosts me for absolutely no reason. Had a similar experience with a different girl that same week.

I recently also had dates with some other attractive 21-23 year olds- we have ****tails at a nice bar, date goes super well and they're very clearly into me. Later, I have them over and try to cook dinner, but they refuse to eat anything. I go for a slow and smooth escalation which generally works very well. Of them, 2 put up massive LMR and then lose interest and I never see them again. The 3rd girl I did bang, and we spent a lot of time cuddling after and she stayed over until 3am (I didn't even kick her out). Then I try to have another date, she shows up late, ruining our plans, generally acts distant, and refuses to come into my apartment despite already having sex, and of course I next her.

Most recently, an older girl (28) came straight to my house for our first meet, we ****ed all night, some of the best sex I've had since last year, and she was obsesssed with me. Then in the span of 1-2 days she completely turns cold for literally no reason. Basically, after she leaves, we did some dirty texting, I'd love to show a screenshot, literally already talking about the things we'd do next, begging me to do all sorts of things to her. Then apparently, because I stopped texting her for a whopping 24 hrs, she suddenly starts acting cold when I try to make plans and taking forever to respond. Nexted as well, obviously.

Oh here's another too. Another young girl who I never met comes straight to my home for the first meet. Beforehand, tell her what to wear, she's trying to qualify herself, etc. She comes over, I throw on a movie and offer her a beer that she specifically said she likes (she refuses to drink it). After 30 minutes, she straight up leaves. I figured I'd make a move after about 45-60 minutes, I would have sooner but she wasn't very attractive so I was trying to get a buzz going and flirt a bit first. But she apparently didn't like that I didn't just fvck her immediately and left then ghosted me. She was literally a 5/10 at best. Appalling.

I cannot fvcking deal with this. I try being slow and "comfort" based and not be a complete ****, and it doesn't work. I try being a complete **** and going fast, and it doesn't work either. I am CONSTANTLY trying to adjust my game and trying to read each girl differently. I work hard at it and watch/read a lot of content to understand female psyche. I know substantially more now than ever. I'm also fairly attractive too, maybe Chad-lite. A couple girls last year basically said I have "lowkey fvckboy vibes". One said "you act like you're a dime when you're a 9". Still, try to tone it down for girls who may have LTR potential, I'm not c0cky or arrogant at all and I have a good heart.

I'm done with it. Such a waste of fvcking time.
Welcome back to the game, brotha. It’s normal, develop thick skin and roll with the punches. Hope you don’t turn into many members on here that are bitter with online dating

The chick you banged and didn’t text for 24 hours needed validation for sleeping with you on the first meet. She could have been a decent FB, but you still need to satisfy her emotional needs.

Women do not want to feel like they are fvcktoys.
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Master Don Juan
Jun 10, 2020
Reaction score
Welcome back to the game, brotha. It’s normal, develop thick skin and roll with the punches. Hope you don’t turn into many members on here that are bitter with online dating

The chick you banged and didn’t text for 24 hours needed validation for sleeping with you on the first meet. She could have been a decent FB, but you still need to satisfy her emotional needs.

Women do not want to feel like they are fvcktoys.
Here are the texts - note the timestamps. Did I not give her enough attention? Like wtf man, I even told her prior to meeting that I hate using my phone and texting and she agreed! And she's the one literally talking about sex the whole time! I would've been fine to just ask her how her day is etc.

Btw, I already knew it was a lost cause when she responded with "ooooo" as it was some passive aggressive BS because she was clearly butthurt about my longer response time and shorter texts so she thought she'd get some "payback". She mentioned living with 2 lesbian women and i GUARANTEE they gave her worthless advice and sabotaged it like most bitter women do.


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Here are the texts - note the timestamps. Did I not give her enough attention? Like wtf man, I even told her prior to meeting that I hate using my phone and texting and she agreed! And she's the one literally talking about sex the whole time! I would've been fine to just ask her how her day is etc.

Btw, I already knew it was a lost cause when she responded with "ooooo" as it was some passive aggressive BS because she was clearly butthurt about my longer response time and shorter texts so she thought she'd get some "payback". She mentioned living with 2 lesbian women and i GUARANTEE they gave her worthless advice and sabotaged it like most bitter women do.
I think your response is fine, women are just fickle. Just have to roll with the punches.

Good news, you have a maid outfit now ;) Coincidentally, from last night